WHC reorganization is here!


SAMs are not the magic bullet. they may be helpful over time, but I have not seen any direct impact to results.

You need local reps to pull everything through.

we are salespeople! Let us Sell, sell, sell. The PDR is Complete BS at this time.

It’s going to be hard to focus on selling when I don’t feel this company has my back.

Chelsea and Nelson are big fat liers! They know!!!

Ive heard this song and dance before. realignments = downsizing. Reps are less important with covid. its a great way to cut costs under to allusion of a realignment. we are selling a 20 year old commodity based product that no doctors really care about. its all about cost and service reps don't really matter. why would they pay all of us 150 to 250K a year to service a commodity based product. honestly no job is safe in whc. the future is finerenone

My SAM calls me any time they need to see someone in my territory. If they lay me off who is the SAM going to call to get them in front of my customer? KAM rhymes with SAM for a reason. Both are unneeded.

How many calls did we have to tell us about the future of WHC? Pipeline, pipeline, pipeline.... now all of a sudden here comes the reorganization. We need you, until we don't need you any longer. But hey thats OK, get out there and make your Q4 numbers.

Disappointing the words Chelsea used. We have to do what is "best" for the company. Yes, that is probably true. But, please be sensitive in the words you chose to use. "Best for the company" does not sit well with many of people. The re-structure (downsizing) effects peoples lives.

Chelsea and Nelson!!!! Before you jump into a pricing increase please please reach out to some field personnel. There are ideas about how we can continue to grow this franchise and meet out number in this current pandemic. Raising $$$$ is such the wrong timing. HCO are completely overwhelmed with just trying to navigate the challenges of this pandemic. Please don’t add to that. People are out, then back in the office because they too are navigating hard things. Businesses have been disrupted. Why would we add fuel to a fire that we didn’t start. Let’s talk solutions. REach out to your teams. We can do something else. We are leaders. Cowards rely on price increases to make numbers

SG, NA and CE.....please offer early retirement packages like so many other companies. Let some people choose to go and make room for others that want to stay !!
Offering packages would be a huge win win! Let those ready to retire make the required introductions that are vital. TALK TO YOUR REPS!!!!! That call was a disaster.

Thinking that Bayer would approach reps about taking packages is fantasy. Anybody that has been through the prior lay offs know that they will offer severance packages after they have decided whom they want to keep. They will also encourage you to apply for any other openings within the Bayer job site. Don't hold your breath for that life line. Very few are able to get more than courtesy interviews. There is a stigma that if you have been laid off then you are usually damaged goods.. Also,, HR doesn't care that you have been here 20-25 years. Best advice is to update your resume and brag book now while you have access to your numbers. Also have a plan ready to go and already be looking at other opportunities. You don't have to leave if you don't want to, but it is usually easier to find a job while you already have one. Start exploring now, and if Bayer offers you a territory and you are happy, then stay. If not, you have already began the process of leaving a company that doesn't really value you.

Thinking that Bayer would approach reps about taking packages is fantasy. Anybody that has been through the prior lay offs know that they will offer severance packages after they have decided whom they want to keep. They will also encourage you to apply for any other openings within the Bayer job site. Don't hold your breath for that life line. Very few are able to get more than courtesy interviews. There is a stigma that if you have been laid off then you are usually damaged goods.. Also,, HR doesn't care that you have been here 20-25 years. Best advice is to update your resume and brag book now while you have access to your numbers. Also have a plan ready to go and already be looking at other opportunities. You don't have to leave if you don't want to, but it is usually easier to find a job while you already have one. Start exploring now, and if Bayer offers you a territory and you are happy, then stay. If not, you have already began the process of leaving a company that doesn't really value you.

everything you said here is true. All of us that have dodged the multiple bullets know that each reorg was run differently, some better then others. This time, the circumstances are unique in that access will be hard to establish with Reps who receive new territories. If this is taken into consideration (I know it’s a long shot), Reps who are willing to take a package , would happily transition counterparts into their new areas. That, is worth more then they seem to realize. Half my team would take a package. It would be a win win and a tiny price to pay. Huge culture boost as well. If culture means anything. It took a hit this week. I believe it was unintended and a mistake. I hope they fix it.