What's Up in MASS?


Reps in Mass continually pull the rabbit out of the hat every time the boss works with them. That one day of activity represents a legit months worth of work. The rest of the time consists of entering fake calls on cue , perfectly separated by time to look real.

The lying in this area is greater than average. If every rep in Mass was removed the numbers wouldn't budge !

This myth is propagated by replies one OP person who wants to make their perceptions others perceived reality. This person lost their job in new England with Pfizer and wants to spread their misery to others.

Get some counseling OP.

Most of New England is closed down...and I mean zero access. Only RI and CT are decent. Most companies have very few reps left. When cuts come, these area's are cut to the bone. Thankfully, the managers are afraid to tell their managers the truth.

The Paper Guy is a complete mystery - he must have pics of Mr. Chippy...

If he were a genius he would not have brought in someone from the outside that knows nothing about the industry, the company or the customers - not to mention has zero impact on people around him. He is lost - time to admit the mistake, close the expirament down and get him out of the way.

If he were a genius he would not have brought in someone from the outside that knows nothing about the industry, the company or the customers - not to mention has zero impact on people around him. He is lost - time to admit the mistake, close the expirament down and get him out of the way.

Even a genius can make a mistake....surprised it has lasted this long...FF is laughing.

Even a genius can make a mistake....surprised it has lasted this long...FF is laughing.

Seriuosly! What a complete joke...that guy brings zero to the table - he bascially has not spoken in 1 year - it is like a bad sitcom that just keeps running beacuse some exec likes it - time to wake up and show some managerial courage. Don't you think the FF sees how ridiculous this is? It does not take a genius to know how to solve a bad hire -

What's up? We rule. We are simply the best reps in the world. End of discussion.

Well that's good. Hopefully you won't have too much trouble finding another entry level rep job when Pfizer shuts down sales in Mass.

Have any of you people seen the "share of voice" data?....do yourself a favor and don't look at it.

Well that's good. Hopefully you won't have too much trouble finding another entry level rep job when Pfizer shuts down sales in Mass.

Have any of you people seen the "share of voice" data?....do yourself a favor and don't look at it.

Have you seen the "share your mom" data? Do yourself the same favor.

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