What's going on a MicroPort?

Two executives have left in the past 3 weeks.
Wonder if either were regrettable losses? Getting awfully cold out here in the field with no executive support, a lack of inventory, brand recognition, and product innovation. People can put down TD's efforts but he was a much better leader and supporter of the distributors and reps than JM and Aurelio.

So the latest “What’s going on at MicroPort” blurb is that the chinks are reducing the Short Term Disability” benefit to 60% of one’s base salary. And the chicken-shit HR Department didn’t have the balls to “communicate” this change. No wonder “they” no longer participate in the “Great Places To Work” surveys. Just put an end to the misery & close the place down, for God’s Sake. We all know the end-game goal is to have Shanghai do all the work & close the Arlington facility.

And speaking of the chicken-shit HR Department, what the god-damned fuck have they ever done for the rank-and-file employees? The HR Pieces-Of-Shit are just that: PIECES OF SHIT.

But they keep telling us were doing great.......

PRIME CUP - more issues everyday and complete failure.....just ask the design team
REVO - a total cluster fuck, and pain in the ass to use

can't wait to see what we release next