What's going on a MicroPort?

The tent was for the Employee Appreciation Day, which was actually really nice, even though it rained. By the way, sales are up quite a bit from a year ago. Sorry to disappoint all you doomsdayers, the company is not doing that bad!

I really don't get the negative comments.....

US sales are up. Revenue is finally going up after many years. The shop floor is working overtime. New machines are coming in. Machinist jobs are posted online. Many talented people here on the MP team! What more do you want in a startup? Don't believe the gossip.

The financial facts are on Microports website for anyone to analyze.

Truly, your other Arlington option is highly malfunctional and extremely unprofitable. Likewise, their poor financial facts as well as their broken culture are also public information. High Net Sales aren't the only line that matters on an earnings report.

Agree. The other Arlington option is so dysfunctional these days, no one there is happy or content. Many would in fact return "home" given the first opportunity.
Interesting.....let's do the math.
How many have left Wright to go Microport?
How many have left Microport to go to Wright? or Arthrex? or "Insert company name here"?

Can't argue with your point. Just saying that the other Arlington option really isn't much of an option. Turnover rate over there is pretty high. And morale is low and getting lower.

I think the MP folks are a little bitter because they lost Jag.
Interesting.....let's do the math.
How many have left Wright to go Microport?
How many have left Microport to go to Wright? or Arthrex? or "Insert company name here"?

MP folks: Just remember any post on here could be written by a current or unhappy WMT employee, disgruntle ex employee, or a 14 year old kid halfway around the world. Don't believe everything you read here. If you have concerns and want real answers, go to your manager or director and have a serious conversation with them! We need great people and a great culture, not gossip, not mediocrity !!! We can still be awesome.

I know of a highly rated, profitable, 600+ employee company in Tennessee (Lampo group) who has a zero tolerance gossip policy. Gossip is defined as negativity and complaining to someone who has zero power to fix the particular problem you are ranting about. It is self policed. Every employee has the authority to issue the gossiping employee 1 warning. The 2nd time gossip occurs, the offender is out of there!! How is that for making a positive winning culture! They says it is harder to get in that company than Harvard.

Make MPO awesome and avoid the haters.

MP folks: Just remember any post on here could be written by a current or unhappy WMT employee, disgruntle ex employee, or a 14 year old kid halfway around the world. Don't believe everything you read here. If you have concerns and want real answers, go to your manager or director and have a serious conversation with them! We need great people and a great culture, not gossip, not mediocrity !!! We can still be awesome.
Oh god, another koolaid drinker. Hey pal, hope you choke to death on that poison you're slurping. Everyone knows MP is a sinking ship & getting worse by the day.

I know of a highly rated, profitable, 600+ employee company in Tennessee (Lampo group) who has a zero tolerance gossip policy. Gossip is defined as negativity and complaining to someone who has zero power to fix the particular problem you are ranting about. It is self policed. Every employee has the authority to issue the gossiping employee 1 warning. The 2nd time gossip occurs, the offender is out of there!! How is that for making a positive winning culture! They says it is harder to get in that company than Harvard.

Make MPO awesome and avoid the haters.

Do yourself a favor and don't go to your manager about this site or anything you see on here. If they catch you on here you are gone. There is no second chance. Many times we have been asked to look and see if a person on here has commenting on company time.

Oh god, another koolaid drinker. Hey pal, hope you choke to death on that poison you're slurping. Everyone knows MP is a sinking ship & getting worse by the day.

Everyone knows..???? Well, I work for MPO, and I don't know that! In fact, I think it's quite the opposite. Sales are up, necessary changes are happening we're doing better everyday. All we need to do is get rid of pessimism from people like you, and we'll be great! If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. So stop being a problem and go work somewhere else!

Everyone knows..???? Well, I work for MPO, and I don't know that! In fact, I think it's quite the opposite. Sales are up, necessary changes are happening we're doing better everyday. All we need to do is get rid of pessimism from people like you, and we'll be great! If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. So stop being a problem and go work somewhere else!

hahahahahahahahaha none of that is true. Moral is terrible. And waiting for you turn to be laid off is no fun either. How many 30 plus year employees have been let go, we barely have an IT department anymore. I would leave but I have been here so long I can't find anything else with out starting all over. So I sit here and live in fear of the next big layoff. This company of late has not given me a reason not to feel this way.