What will you miss?

What about national meetings where we get to see all the Southern reps. I want to be next to these girls if the titanic is going down because they all have big floatation devices. Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

What about national meetings where we get to see all the Southern reps. I want to be next to these girls if the titanic is going down because they all have big floatation devices. Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

I was amazed that my manager kept saying she "knew all the tricks" I wondered if it wasn't because she was a goof off as a rep? Anyway I will miss laughing at her - she's a 45 yr old hanging on to a youth that long ago disappeared. More mascara please.

I left a long time ago but I do remember the nights of roundtables. Take my family out to a nice dinner and then get a huge gift card and say there were multiple docs there.

Getting high and driving around the country side to put miles on the car. This job was king, to get paid big bucks, get high and nobody knew if you were working or not. Loved it.

Some of the following I will miss, and some I will not;

Dine and dash
Being able to buy dinner for a spouse of a physician
Drop everything and sell.
The freebies, jackets, watches, luggage, shirts, etc.
The motivational speakers they trotted out in front of us at meetings. Les Brown, the lady with constipation that Zelnorm helped. Joe Montana. It was so over the top, and we wonder why we're in the position we are in

The cool cirque De Soliel - body knot people

The over the top spending at the National meetings in the past. The cool awards banquets, where we could drink and get hammered.

The fact that Novartis used to allow us to expense 100.00 for entertainment.

The gas card.

I will miss the "talent" at the meetings, better than looking at my district team members, all of which remind me of sleastacks.

I will not miss the micro management, trackers, being told I don't know how to sell, and the women that felt entitled to the sexual harassment money.

I will not miss my counterpart
I will not miss sharing a room at a meeting.

I will miss the useless "Role Playing"

Diaglog Coach

Glossy useless sales materials

DM's who never sold Hem/Onc but try to coach you how too

Fixed menu at national mtgs when dining out with region

Useless RD's who don't know their ass from their elbows

Breakouts with brand mgrs who just got off the boat from Europe and can't understand them

Naps in the back of meetings

Numerous cups of coffee just to stay upright at mtgs

More marketing crap my UPS guy has to lug to my front door and then I have to bust a nut putting in in the trash the next day.

Fake sales calls to office with hot receptionists just because their hot!

Lunches that most account don't like due to NVS cost savings ideas.

Call reporting and tracking my every move by GPS on new phone

NVS kiss-asses at mtgs who have their heads so far up mgrs asses they need a miners helmet to get out

And last geting up everyday and looking in the mirror in discust that I work for these Nazis!!!!!!!

POD mates that missed out on being a manager(because they really suck) and they try to manage everyone else, and they think they are big shit, but everyone smiles in thier face and talks about them behind thier back on how annoying they really are. POD mates like this are the worse.... and typically their numbers go along with them....they suck!!!! Oh soooo.... smart but you have been at the same level for 20 fucking years get a life douche bag!!!! I will miss this person being the butt of all jokes!!!!