What will you miss?

Role playing at meetings - I'll miss that a-lot.
Saying hi to people to whom I have no idea who they are at meetings
Stacking tons of literature boxes in my garage
Throwing tons of literature boxes out for the garbage man.
Ordering business cards because something changed on mine.
Field Alerts
Destruction notices
Bi monthly teleconferences with RM
Brand teleconferences
Cleaning my car up for my RM
Reading my literature, brochures before my RM works with me
Feeding cafeteria lines of the physician's staff just to talk to bored MDs
Asking favors from physicians to see me when RM rides along - just to fake out RM that I do see all these MDs on a weekly basis.
Entering fake calls
Prescriber reports
DAM lists
Driving around for endless hours
Entertaining interest in RM's discussions
Looking interested in partners business plan
Looking interested and alert at meetings
Pretending to know whom it is I'm talking to at meetings
but most of all....that free gas card.

Oh, yeah forgot

Remembering RN and other useless staff at offices
Holding discussions with staff that could care less because all I'm doing is interfering with their gossip time at lunch
Holding meaningful discussions with MDs that really do know more about what my product treats than I'll ever comprehend
Ordering food every day for an office
The Help Desk
The computer
The iPad
The Blackberry
Expense Reports
Physician Lists
The Printer
Checking voice mail
Wearing polished shoes, a suit and tie
Getting a shave and haircut
Forgetting to get sample signatures
Forgetting to be home for sample deliveries
Organizing my trunk's contents for RM
uh, and I'll miss that free gas card.

Casualty of the last downsizing. Don't worry, your customers will contact you. It is much more fun being able to have dinner with an ex-customer, or have a drink at a party without the baggage of sales coloring your relationships

Relationships? Having a drink with these doctors? Are you outta your mind? These docs dont give a rats arse about you or your family. If they do, it might be less than 1%.

When the checks stopped coming in for the docs, they stopped writing, they stopped having time for you and your dull conversations on meds or your family.

These docs wouldnt help you unless there is something in it for them!

Relationships? Having a drink with these doctors? Are you outta your mind? These docs dont give a rats arse about you or your family. If they do, it might be less than 1%.

When the checks stopped coming in for the docs, they stopped writing, they stopped having time for you and your dull conversations on meds or your family.

These docs wouldnt help you unless there is something in it for them!

BS had great lunch today. Laughed my ass off. MD paid. Havent called on him for little over a year. But people like you, they kept.

I will miss how wonderful it feels the day after my flm rides with me.

I will miss pretending I'm in the opposite side of my territory when my counterpart asks me for some help.

I will miss spitting in all the sandwiches I bring to lunches at offices I don't like.

I will miss sleeping in my car behind the nearest convenience store.

I will miss removing the battery from my phone during teleconferences and saying my phone stopped working.

I will miss reading all the newspapers and magazines in the waiting rooms while waiting to see no body.

After I loose my job and I start my severence pay, I will go back to many of my doctor's office and finally tell them what I think of them. I can't wait for this.

I will miss driving my company car to the other side of the tracks for a "rub & tug" at the asian massage parlor. Then peeling out while cranking some "Guns N Roses" on my crappy stereo. Those were the days.

I will miss "buzz word bingo" at meetings. I can hear the words now, "High Level, Trust Me, It's a Beautiful Thing, Let me tell you guys and gals because I know" and who can forget, "We have the industries leading pipeline."

"You're the right people here at the right time" rah, rah, rah....blah, blah, blah!

Relationships? Having a drink with these doctors? Are you outta your mind? These docs dont give a rats arse about you or your family. If they do, it might be less than 1%.

When the checks stopped coming in for the docs, they stopped writing, they stopped having time for you and your dull conversations on meds or your family.

These docs wouldnt help you unless there is something in it for them!

There are a lot of doctors out there who do care and I'm sure a lot who do not. It's also the f'd up office staff that could care less. I was let go last year and, despite me giving my lunch calendar to my manager, I had some offices call me about their lunch for that day. When I told these particular offices that I was laid off, they had NO sympathy and could hang up the phone quick enough so they could call the next rep for lunch. I was totally shocked. I don't know why, but I was.

I will miss the meetings in Vegas. I had a great time collecting cards from the guys on the sidewalk and deciding which one of those babes to call. It was a tough decision but I made it and was glad I did. Thanks Novartis.

Yep will miss the after hour outrageous times in New Orleans, Orlando, Nashville and Vegas.

I will miss driving my company car to the other side of the tracks for a "rub & tug" at the asian massage parlor. Then peeling out while cranking some "Guns N Roses" on my crappy stereo. Those were the days.

Ya, I will miss going to the strip joints n getting a quick lap dance n lunch with a a big booby hottie n being told Im wonderful. Hell, that was more constructive than going out n sellin nothing. In the day we could expense n take docs out. Well, we still do it n just expense it as tolls. Boy what allot of toll expenses.

I KNOW you. And you'd have to expense them as trolls! That's all you could ever get.

I'd love to see all the shit Reps put down as expenses that weren't - I bet there some really great stories in those expense reports.

The thing I'll miss are catching up on my favorite websites during teleconferences and telling my RM what that what she just said was really important.