Role playing at meetings - I'll miss that a-lot.
Saying hi to people to whom I have no idea who they are at meetings
Stacking tons of literature boxes in my garage
Throwing tons of literature boxes out for the garbage man.
Ordering business cards because something changed on mine.
Field Alerts
Destruction notices
Bi monthly teleconferences with RM
Brand teleconferences
Cleaning my car up for my RM
Reading my literature, brochures before my RM works with me
Feeding cafeteria lines of the physician's staff just to talk to bored MDs
Asking favors from physicians to see me when RM rides along - just to fake out RM that I do see all these MDs on a weekly basis.
Entering fake calls
Prescriber reports
DAM lists
Driving around for endless hours
Entertaining interest in RM's discussions
Looking interested in partners business plan
Looking interested and alert at meetings
Pretending to know whom it is I'm talking to at meetings
but most of all....that free gas card.
Saying hi to people to whom I have no idea who they are at meetings
Stacking tons of literature boxes in my garage
Throwing tons of literature boxes out for the garbage man.
Ordering business cards because something changed on mine.
Field Alerts
Destruction notices
Bi monthly teleconferences with RM
Brand teleconferences
Cleaning my car up for my RM
Reading my literature, brochures before my RM works with me
Feeding cafeteria lines of the physician's staff just to talk to bored MDs
Asking favors from physicians to see me when RM rides along - just to fake out RM that I do see all these MDs on a weekly basis.
Entering fake calls
Prescriber reports
DAM lists
Driving around for endless hours
Entertaining interest in RM's discussions
Looking interested in partners business plan
Looking interested and alert at meetings
Pretending to know whom it is I'm talking to at meetings
but most of all....that free gas card.