what will you miss most about aah?

Poster 12, clearly you haven't had the pleasure of getting f'ed by her. That's because you are more than likely a pencil pushing piece of garbage at the office who never pushed back on one of her stupid ideas. She is a horrible leader who deserves to go down in flames. There are a ton of people who will be cheering when that happens!

Since AW is such a bad leader in your opinion. Why don't you have a MBA from Kellogg or promoted to head up another division, AMD?? Because you are a troll that just hates winners!! So I would like to say FU but I am more polite and just wish you future success based on a recommitment to superior performance.

I'll miss KS. He was such a joy to work with. No better feeling than when he called the day before for a field ride. I mean it. That was just pure joy. And when he would "discuss" call notes and metrics reports while I was driving and couldn't see the info he was referring to, ahhh...bliss.

Ha. Worst RM to ever grace AAH. Abbott do yourself a favor and DONT recycle this guy

Since AW is such a bad leader in your opinion. Why don't you have a MBA from Kellogg or promoted to head up another division, AMD?? Because you are a troll that just hates winners!! So I would like to say FU but I am more polite and just wish you future success based on a recommitment to superior performance.

Seriously?!??! What does AW having an MBA from Kellogg have anything to do with her being a good leader? It sure does not play a part in her character. I have to say I have learned through this whole situation what it takes to succeed and what it takes to "lead a division"...... Must be willing to lie and have little regard for other people. JC and AW have been telling their employees anything they have to to keep them calm and working ever since the dinner at Abbott House. I agree with you that AW did her job....she got the division sold for a profit but how many did she hurt in the process? Zoetis bought us for our ASSETS AND OUR TALENT....I believe those were her exact words numerous times. How many AAH employees have been hired by Zoetis??? If that is what it takes to head a division, I'm sorry but I will pass. I will continue to be "A little troll that hates winners" because at least I know I am a kind, truthful, and caring individual. I'm sure she will continue to succeed as a "leader" of another division....she sure has the character for it.

The Free CE. Hoping extended maintenance, whatever that means, not that semantics means anything to anyone, but well....me. Hoping he process of extended maintenance is a means to an end. Mutual, Respectful, Profitable...Ethical.

Seriously?!??! What does AW having an MBA from Kellogg have anything to do with her being a good leader? It sure does not play a part in her character. I have to say I have learned through this whole situation what it takes to succeed and what it takes to "lead a division"...... Must be willing to lie and have little regard for other people. JC and AW have been telling their employees anything they have to to keep them calm and working ever since the dinner at Abbott House. I agree with you that AW did her job....she got the division sold for a profit but how many did she hurt in the process? Zoetis bought us for our ASSETS AND OUR TALENT....I believe those were her exact words numerous times. How many AAH employees have been hired by Zoetis??? If that is what it takes to head a division, I'm sorry but I will pass. I will continue to be "A little troll that hates winners" because at least I know I am a kind, truthful, and caring individual. I'm sure she will continue to succeed as a "leader" of another division....she sure has the character for it.

Negative people hate. Positive people win. Hope you do well by turning to the positive side of life and business.

I'm going to miss those stupid, pathetic, meaningless Monday morning conference calls. And, the biggest thing I'm going to miss is pretending I care about a cat with diabetes. I've led a double life here. I pretend I care about cats but I don't really care about cats. I think the phrase "catitude" is fkn stupid. There, I said it.

Also, I could never get blood out of them furry little ears. I would goop up the ear with so much vaseline and the lancing device would just slide off the ear. Marginal ear vein my ass. I don't mean to offend all the cat lovers. I'm just being honest. Thanks for letting me come clean.

I'm going to miss those stupid, pathetic, meaningless Monday morning conference calls. And, the biggest thing I'm going to miss is pretending I care about a cat with diabetes. I've led a double life here. I pretend I care about cats but I don't really care about cats. I think the phrase "catitude" is fkn stupid. There, I said it.

Also, I could never get blood out of them furry little ears. I would goop up the ear with so much vaseline and the lancing device would just slide off the ear. Marginal ear vein my ass. I don't mean to offend all the cat lovers. I'm just being honest. Thanks for letting me come clean.

please..."those" furry little ears.
Vaseline? lancing device?
27 gauge needle, rub the ear, and you should probably wear glasses.
Some of us don't need to.

Negative people hate. Positive people win. Hope you do well by turning to the positive side of life and business.

Ok high and mighty. Thank you for proving my point with your comment. Keep giving the corporate stance instead of hearing what others have to say. I'm sure you will go far. Have fun at your next management position with Abbott.

Former employee here, thanks for all the entertainment in this thread. Sorry that AW seems to have screwed everybody. I'm not surprised. Can someone tell me whatever happened to Eric (VS)? He really screwed me over (figuratively, not literally like when he was at GSK) a couple of years ago and I wouldn't be too surprised if karma was catching up to him. Maybe Judy P saved him again?

Karma kid: I would bet your own actions are what screwed you over. Perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you are concerned about him. I would think a "former" employee would be checking in to wish former colleagues the best over this trying time. Sure seems like an odd post. I certainly wish all my former colleagues the best and I am sure your pro-active steps now will lead to a rewarding next step in your careers.

Karma kid: I would bet your own actions are what screwed you over. Perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you are concerned about him. I would think a "former" employee would be checking in to wish former colleagues the best over this trying time. Sure seems like an odd post. I certainly wish all my former colleagues the best and I am sure your pro-active steps now will lead to a rewarding next step in your careers.

Great post - - - finally a positive post!!

you are all missing the point- this had little to do with AW or anyone else- its all about the consultants- they were working with MW to see what it would take to make AAH a significant portion of the overall Abbott organization- when they learned how much $$ and people and time it would take, MW decided it wasn't worth it for the organization, - how convenient that the same consultant was working with Zoetis to reorganize to avoid the hostile takeover bid by Ackerman- the purchase of AAH was less an investment in Z's future than it was a defensive move by Zoetis. Reduced their cash on hand, increased the complexity of their organization, and makes it harder for Ackerman.

the industry's future? Look at Idexx- going direct - there will be less reliance by manufactures on distribution- they will sell the highly profitable marquee products (with DTC advertising- eg Rimadyl) direct to maintain control and margin, and leave all the 'me too' low margin products with human generic equivalents (like the entire AAH portfolio) to the distributors to deal with. The HS reps I talked to all lost 33% of their income with that deal- and now that all 3 major vet distributors are backed by 3 large human healthcare distributors, and product can be ordered via internet, the future looks pretty bleak for DSRs as well, I think.

All the inappropriate attacks and general meanness here are totally unnecessary and uncalled for. We are all just pawns in a very large chess game, and individually have little impact on the ultimate outcome. if that hurts your pride, I am sorry, but that is the truth- If I were Miles, I would probably have made the same decision.

Be thankful you were part of one of the best organizations in the world (yes, in spite of what you think about AAH, Abbott Labs is just that), and no one can take that off your resume- or what you learned about the industry while you were here.

you are all missing the point- this had little to do with AW or anyone else- its all about the consultants- they were working with MW to see what it would take to make AAH a significant portion of the overall Abbott organization- when they learned how much $$ and people and time it would take, MW decided it wasn't worth it for the organization, - how convenient that the same consultant was working with Zoetis to reorganize to avoid the hostile takeover bid by Ackerman- the purchase of AAH was less an investment in Z's future than it was a defensive move by Zoetis. Reduced their cash on hand, increased the complexity of their organization, and makes it harder for Ackerman.

the industry's future? Look at Idexx- going direct - there will be less reliance by manufactures on distribution- they will sell the highly profitable marquee products (with DTC advertising- eg Rimadyl) direct to maintain control and margin, and leave all the 'me too' low margin products with human generic equivalents (like the entire AAH portfolio) to the distributors to deal with. The HS reps I talked to all lost 33% of their income with that deal- and now that all 3 major vet distributors are backed by 3 large human healthcare distributors, and product can be ordered via internet, the future looks pretty bleak for DSRs as well, I think.

All the inappropriate attacks and general meanness here are totally unnecessary and uncalled for. We are all just pawns in a very large chess game, and individually have little impact on the ultimate outcome. if that hurts your pride, I am sorry, but that is the truth- If I were Miles, I would probably have made the same decision.

Be thankful you were part of one of the best organizations in the world (yes, in spite of what you think about AAH, Abbott Labs is just that), and no one can take that off your resume- or what you learned about the industry while you were here.


you are all missing the point... Okay but this is only one way to look at this.

1st - Not "all" are likeminded on this topic and it doesn't matter if you are talking about the "field" or the "home office".

2nd. - Hard to stomach when leadership has preached "fairness" and "transparency" and "accountability" for years and very seldom demonstrated this. There have been many opportunities missed... this is prime example.

3rd. - How many times were we "most AAH employees" told or promised one thing then it/whatever changed? Of course there was always an reason/excuse... never an admission of a mistake. Take your pick (Incompetence / Arrogance / Fear / CYA).

I will do my best to keep myself well positioned and see what happens but... perhaps a fresh start is for the best.

Ask yourself this - Have you ever met or heard of an ex-AAH employee that said they wish they could come back? Hmmmmmmmm...

I do feel sorry for anyone that had serious years invested and will be hard (if not impossible) to stay with Abbott.

Karma kid: I would bet your own actions are what screwed you over. Perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you are concerned about him. I would think a "former" employee would be checking in to wish former colleagues the best over this trying time. Sure seems like an odd post. I certainly wish all my former colleagues the best and I am sure your pro-active steps now will lead to a rewarding next step in your careers.

Poster #32 again. Not sure where in my post you see "concern" for EVS. A curiosity at best perhaps. Maybe you could reread the post and try again. No wonder AAH has sunk; not all the pencils are real sharp. To those of you who were passionate about helping those in the animal health field and worked that way, I wish you the best of luck. And yes, the world is full of incredible professional opportunities. Go find yours. (And someone please tell me if Eric is playing piano in Las Vegas somewhere . . . I'd like to buy him a drink and reminisce about his integrity. It will be a short conversation. Thanks).

Poster #32 again. Not sure where in my post you see "concern" for EVS. A curiosity at best perhaps. Maybe you could reread the post and try again. No wonder AAH has sunk; not all the pencils are real sharp. To those of you who were passionate about helping those in the animal health field and worked that way, I wish you the best of luck. And yes, the world is full of incredible professional opportunities. Go find yours. (And someone please tell me if Eric is playing piano in Las Vegas somewhere . . . I'd like to buy him a drink and reminisce about his integrity. It will be a short conversation. Thanks).

I hate cats!