What value does management provide


The reps are asked to do two zooms per day. That’s fine. Customer engagement Is what moves business. What level of customer engagement do the RBDs and DMs do? (Other than sitting in on a rep generated zoom)? We have too much management for this current situation. If all hands aren’t attempting to do 2, 3, 4 zooms a day, where is the value that they bring. This is a serious question. How many customer interactions (Other than with reps)are required from middle and lower-level management? If the answer is none then where is their value? What are these employees bringing to the company.


The reps are asked to do two zooms per day. That’s fine. Customer engagement Is what moves business. What level of customer engagement do the RBDs and DMs do? (Other than sitting in on a rep generated zoom)? We have too much management for this current situation. If all hands aren’t attempting to do 2, 3, 4 zooms a day, where is the value that they bring. This is a serious question. How many customer interactions (Other than with reps)are required from middle and lower-level management? If the answer is none then where is their value? What are these employees bringing to the company.


Have middle and lower management do something ! They never initiating customer interaction !

Worthless. They bring nothing.

But, isn’t this the position you want to be “ promoted “ to ?


Have middle and lower management do something ! They never initiating customer interaction !

Worthless. They bring nothing.

But, isn’t this the position you want to be “ promoted “ to ?

When you go into an office and they "don't allow managers" back to see the doctor does it make a difference? I mean , isn't the call going to go better without them? So value add is?

The middle and low-level managers (great term, btw) just send out direction with NO working knowledge of the logistics of having a breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner delivered to an office. In some cases, the offices are running out to pick up the lunches/food and while they appreciate the free food (that’s ALL they want anyway), they don’t always have time for that.
This requirement may prompt some to break the rules and run to Starbucks or a local yogurt shop and do the delivery themselves.
I bet a DM or “low-level” management wouldn’t last a week trying to figure out how to navigate all that’s required to successfully execute multiple zoom, with food delivered, per day. I imagine after chasing down itemized and credit card slips and sign-in sheets and sitting in front of a zoom screen counting your freckles for hours only to be stood up would be enough for them to throw in the towel.

If two or more customer zooms per day was possible, that’s what I would be doing. I am in sales for a reason.
The question regarding any level of management and their customer engagements should be questioned and mandated. I’ve never seen an NBRX jump out of the computer screen from the latest greatest analytics tool or BS happy hour conference call. Management-do something or stay out of the way.

The reps are asked to do two zooms per day. That’s fine. Customer engagement Is what moves business. What level of customer engagement do the RBDs and DMs do? (Other than sitting in on a rep generated zoom)? We have too much management for this current situation. If all hands aren’t attempting to do 2, 3, 4 zooms a day, where is the value that they bring. This is a serious question. How many customer interactions (Other than with reps)are required from middle and lower-level management? If the answer is none then where is their value? What are these employees bringing to the company.
What management obviously brings, right now. Implement policies, document that company directives are being followed, guarantee metrics and goals are met, and hire and fire employees. Management is there to make sure reps deliver as directed.

What management obviously brings, right now. Implement policies, document that company directives are being followed, guarantee metrics and goals are met, and hire and fire employees. Management is there to make sure reps deliver as directed.

“ Management is there to make sure reps deliver as directed.” Really?

Way too many layers of management making sure reps deliver as directed!

Interesting you mention the reps. deliver! Management deliver ?

Seems like the value is giving non-compliant directives to the specialists. Got the word today about some non-compliant speaker program delivery. What other non-compliant direction is middle and lower management directing reps to do? DMs please stop and let the people who know how to sell, sell. You all need to crunch your numbers and metrics for your personal finances that may soon be gone.

In this virtual world, no need for this many managers. Even when we do go back in the field, offices are not going to allow managers in the office. Thin the herd. Please start with my manager, she's a bitch.

Reality check - 2 Zoom calls a day is ridiculous. We aren’t the only company trying to do this and in my territory- no food policies by IDNs. Plus the last thing I would ever want is my dumbass manager calling on my docs!

In this virtual world, no need for this many managers. Even when we do go back in the field, offices are not going to allow managers in the office. Thin the herd. Please start with my manager, she's a bitch.
Take my manager AND the RBD too. Neither provides value during this time. I understand the need for management and a good manager is a valued partner. Mine is a taskmaster who waits in the wings for you to say or do something displeasing to him. The retaliation awaits.

Take my manager AND the RBD too. Neither provides value during this time. I understand the need for management and a good manager is a valued partner. Mine is a taskmaster who waits in the wings for you to say or do something displeasing to him. The retaliation awaits.

So you have a really immature manager. Probably been in pharma his/ her whole life.

In this virtual world, no need for this many managers. Even when we do go back in the field, offices are not going to allow managers in the office. Thin the herd. Please start with my manager, she's a bitch.

Managers know they are most at risk. Therefore, they will apply the most pressure to reps to make sure you hit your 2 zoom calls per day or they know they will be out of a job. The downsizing of the industry will be a painful process as people will start to behave desperately before they are displaced.

Seems like the value is giving non-compliant directives to the specialists. Got the word today about some non-compliant speaker program delivery. What other non-compliant direction is middle and lower management directing reps to do? DMs please stop and let the people who know how to sell, sell. You all need to crunch your numbers and metrics for your personal finances that may soon be gone.
Dome is for one reason only thats why the company mandates programs ..... Pay off our “KOL’s” simple - these programs are a joke-they speak for every company and spit out company talking point while laughing all the way to the bank with thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars - we have to pay them off to hopefully keep them as much on our team as possible

What management obviously brings, right now. Implement policies, document that company directives are being followed, guarantee metrics and goals are met, and hire and fire employees. Management is there to make sure reps deliver as directed.
So they are over paid secretaries-What a Joke they bring Zero Value Zero-Most have no franchise experience and do not even understand the day to day of the business unit they manage-Forward emails , deadline reminders,CPA reminders, call entry reminders, Field calls from Ass Kissing reps brown nosing , sending out BS success stories , ask planted questions on Conference Calls , be a mouth piece for all the horrible management decisions rammed down our throats - you know all the stuff they bitched about when they did the rep job - what a shit show

CVM-the info in this thread is right on. Maybe the middle or lower-level managers, or better yet, KAMs are being slotted into the Vascular rep job. That would be hilarious.

Jansen has a micromanaging culture and values ass kissing over true success and impact while always managing perception which fosters paranoia. Consequently, Reps in this company are notorious for throwing their counterparts under the bus without merit or provocation. The goal is to elevate themselves in this toxic culture - hoping to secure their high paying worthless job. Go to a district or regional meeting and you want to puke in your mouth sitting next to a bunch of liars who
are self serving and full of crap. Having to participate in success stories fundamentally stupid and so juvenile. I do not understand how upper management places value on this senseless bs activity.