Does anyone know why DM went off at FL mtg.?

Someone had a bit of a melt down. It will go unreported.

Managers get away with a lot at Janssen and rarely are there ever repercussions. Then I see the same idiot managers get promoted. Well, not all because the worst manager in our division has interviewed many times but he always gets shot down. Karma's a bitch, eh?

So how do you think that whole “Diversity hires first and women in leadership” thing has worked out? This place is now run by complete fools and they hire their clones. I’m selling my fucking stock in this shit hole and thank god I don’t rely on their shitty pension.

Need advice. What do you do when your DM is coming to work with you, and every office she wants to go to has told you never to bring her (HK) back again?
Take her back and ask that the staff who told you not to bring her again to kindly explain why, to her. Then refresh your resume and start networking pronto because you're gonna be walked out the door in no time flat.