What Steve and the board need to know——

Same! Everything I was told at hire turned out to be a lie.
How about I was hired for a territory that has now been rearranged 3x and the last was done behind my back can't trust these shady fucks! Management too easily influenced by work politics and leads to horrible decisions. Sincerely, burnt out

How about I was hired for a territory that has now been rearranged 3x and the last was done behind my back can't trust these shady fucks! Management too easily influenced bywork politics and leads to horrible decisions. Sincerely, burnt out
My advise, every new quarter check QS and see if accounts are missing. Find out who the new acct owner is. Email your RD asking if a switch was made and if it can be moved back (important to do BEGINNING of quarter so goaled appropriately). I learned the hard way, but your manager should take accountability if a LIMS is moved BOTH reps should be on the email and notified. They can't move things under other reps willy nilly hoping you won't notice until mid-quarter. Just my two sense. Reps have left due to lack of transparency. Trust in the workplace is a key component at companies with healthy culture. Treat employees fair and with respect and they will work with integrity. There are always bad apples but for the most part these fundamentals have always shown true in my experience. As Natera grows, people must be held accountable for the right changes to occur. It starts with leadership. You shouldn't be afraid to speak up as issues arise (I know Natera doesn't always make this easy)

Steve needs to know there are managers unequipped to oversee people and despite having decent products, the company is only as good as its god-awful higher ups who encourage toxicity. Integrity and ethics go a long way. People who are still here because they got the "buddy pass" should be fired. And in what professional setting does a manager openly talk about "smashing that pussy" in a Women's Health space...grow the fuck up