Not sure if this is how this works or not, but I don’t hide behind anonymous tags. Since initials are used instead of full names, I’ll stick to the format. CL, this is the uncouth, sawed-off fairy, JH. Nobody is happy to learn of your displaced anger but please, if you need to talk, give me a ring. Natera isn’t perfect and I’ve never worked anywhere that is. Personally, like anybody, I have had some issues with how Natera does, well, Natera, but I’ve learned to embrace the things that add value to my professional development and ignore the things that don’t. As I eluded, no organization is perfect. Natera has a well-educated (well, except for that one guy) group of very ambitious, talented, driven and DIVERSE people. Our products are, as has been proven, the absolute best in the space they serve. It is an exciting place to be and most of us are grateful to be a part of it.
So, I guess if you found that Natera isn’t a comfortable place for you to be, whether it’s because of the fairies in the west or that one guy in the east, then it’s smart for everyone that you’re gone.