What Steve and the board need to know——

Think house of cards. Launch commissions cut by Q2, messing with car program to save a dime, expanding sales with underperforming territories. Pharma typ leaders making the decisions as sales are unhappy.

saless grows duing a freakin pandemic while nobody is spending company money but worried about car plan. Ok dumb asses let’s kill culture over five dollars

Not sure if this is how this works or not, but I don’t hide behind anonymous tags. Since initials are used instead of full names, I’ll stick to the format. CL, this is the uncouth, sawed-off fairy, JH. Nobody is happy to learn of your displaced anger but please, if you need to talk, give me a ring. Natera isn’t perfect and I’ve never worked anywhere that is. Personally, like anybody, I have had some issues with how Natera does, well, Natera, but I’ve learned to embrace the things that add value to my professional development and ignore the things that don’t. As I eluded, no organization is perfect. Natera has a well-educated (well, except for that one guy) group of very ambitious, talented, driven and DIVERSE people. Our products are, as has been proven, the absolute best in the space they serve. It is an exciting place to be and most of us are grateful to be a part of it.

So, I guess if you found that Natera isn’t a comfortable place for you to be, whether it’s because of the fairies in the west or that one guy in the east, then it’s smart for everyone that you’re gone.

Not sure if this is how this works or not, but I don’t hide behind anonymous tags. Since initials are used instead of full names, I’ll stick to the format. CL, this is the uncouth, sawed-off fairy, JH. Nobody is happy to learn of your displaced anger but please, if you need to talk, give me a ring. Natera isn’t perfect and I’ve never worked anywhere that is. Personally, like anybody, I have had some issues with how Natera does, well, Natera, but I’ve learned to embrace the things that add value to my professional development and ignore the things that don’t. As I eluded, no organization is perfect. Natera has a well-educated (well, except for that one guy) group of very ambitious, talented, driven and DIVERSE people. Our products are, as has been proven, the absolute best in the space they serve. It is an exciting place to be and most of us are grateful to be a part of it.

So, I guess if you found that Natera isn’t a comfortable place for you to be, whether it’s because of the fairies in the west or that one guy in the east, then it’s smart for everyone that you’re gone.

nice work JH.

maybe earn some respect because just about everyone snickers at you.

recipe for DISASTER, turnover is hard to recover from, and good/great sales people are hard to find

GH market cap 11b Natera 5b. GH 600 employees Natera 1000 and adding 100 more sales reps. GH Stock 102 Natera 61. Company with double potential and half the employees and way more profit.

This is why little girls shouldn’t play with the big boys. fundamentals are shit. Don’t know how to run an oncology lab. turnaround is over a month. can’t wait for you launch panels and will enjoy your 12th to market me too failure. a pc pharma team sales model for a tissue based test. We cant wait. Enlightening idea I bet no one ever tried that a decade ago.

Stick to gender reveal tests ladies. You’re laughingstock of cancer care

GH market cap 11b Natera 5b. GH 600 employees Natera 1000 and adding 100 more sales reps. GH Stock 102 Natera 61. Company with double potential and half the employees and way more profit.

This is why little girls shouldn’t play with the big boys. fundamentals are shit. Don’t know how to run an oncology lab. turnaround is over a month. can’t wait for you launch panels and will enjoy your 12th to market me too failure. a pc pharma team sales model for a tissue based test. We cant wait. Enlightening idea I bet no one ever tried that a decade ago.

Stick to gender reveal tests ladies. You’re laughingstock of cancer care

You have some points but get real if little girls were running the company things would be in better shape you sexist assmonkey.

You have some points but get real if little girls were running the company things would be in better shape you sexist assmonkey.

They hired a female vp a while ago transplant still a mess so I guess problem might be bigger then whole lack of diversity thing. The root of problem is unqualified executives and their ass kissers.

GH market cap 11b Natera 5b. GH 600 employees Natera 1000 and adding 100 more sales reps. GH Stock 102 Natera 61. Company with double potential and half the employees and way more profit.

This is why little girls shouldn’t play with the big boys. fundamentals are shit. Don’t know how to run an oncology lab. turnaround is over a month. can’t wait for you launch panels and will enjoy your 12th to market me too failure. a pc pharma team sales model for a tissue based test. We cant wait. Enlightening idea I bet no one ever tried that a decade ago.

Stick to gender reveal tests ladies. You’re laughingstock of cancer care

Former employee here. Root of problem is that Steve is surrounded by a team that is not qualified in any way to lead their functional areas. He hired his buddies who now lie to him to keep their jobs by pretending everything going great. Internally all structures are broken and out of date because his pals have never worked elsewhere. They could’ve grown in knowledge enough to do their jobs but don’t care when $ rolling in. They talk to each other in continuous loop reinforcing their ineptitude. Only way you’ll get better there is cutting head off snake and bringing in someone with an axe to start over.

Former employee here. Root of problem is that Steve is surrounded by a team that is not qualified in any way to lead their functional areas. He hired his buddies who now lie to him to keep their jobs by pretending everything going great. Internally all structures are broken and out of date because his pals have never worked elsewhere. They could’ve grown in knowledge enough to do their jobs but don’t care when $ rolling in. They talk to each other in continuous loop reinforcing their ineptitude. Only way you’ll get better there is cutting head off snake and bringing in someone with an axe to start over.

With each useless initiative that rolls down from top like a boulder It becomes clearer that no one knows what the hell they’re doing. That idiot Erik C in charge of billing and portal and customer service is joke he has zero idea what he is doing. His boss should just ask him on a date rather than giving him more departments to screw up.

With each useless initiative that rolls down from top like a boulder It becomes clearer that no one knows what the hell they’re doing. That idiot Erik C in charge of billing and portal and customer service is joke he has zero idea what he is doing. His boss should just ask him on a date rather than giving him more departments to screw up.

who is his boss?

It is amazing to read most of these posts that highlight the fact that your company is so f'd up, but yet on the outside your revenue's are way up and your stock price has gone through the roof since March. Did none of you get stock options when you were hired?

It is amazing to read most of these posts that highlight the fact that your company is so f'd up, but yet on the outside your revenue's are way up and your stock price has gone through the roof since March. Did none of you get stock options when you were hired?

Reps don’t get them. It’s a joke. Was told at hiring we did during the review process which we know isn’t true now. Another load of horse shit.