What Steve and the board need to know——

Former employee here. Root of problem is that Steve is surrounded by a team that is not qualified in any way to lead their functional areas. He hired his buddies who now lie to him to keep their jobs by pretending everything going great. Internally all structures are broken and out of date because his pals have never worked elsewhere. They could’ve grown in knowledge enough to do their jobs but don’t care when $ rolling in. They talk to each other in continuous loop reinforcing their ineptitude. Only way you’ll get better there is cutting head off snake and bringing in someone with an axe to start over.

And this is why people are leaving and looking for new jobs despite an awesome product and awesome team. When a company sucks there is no where to look but up!

And this is why people are leaving and looking for new jobs despite an awesome product and awesome team. When a company sucks there is no where to look but up!

A few people are root of problem. Need to clean house and start fresh on some teams. Reading through these threads makes it clear where trouble is.

Perhaps you misunderstood--if you perform (i.e. WORK and bring revenue in) you will be rewarded with stock...

stock that you will never collect due to vesting schedule. Hope for 25% of what you actually got.

One of the most toxic cultures I have personally ever been a part of. Great products though.

Bro-dude, bro-chick, bro-dude who’s really a chick, all NMS. Need to do mental checks before promoting these assmonkeys. Good numbers doesn’t always translate to good managers. Most are a batch of folks who were bullied as children and finally got their chance to get revenge.

The marketing team may have a hard time pushing technological superiority of Panorama over counting methods now that the true methodology is exposed. In a recording from 2016 that you can access with this link below, Natera’s former R&D VP explains to a medical director and 20 genetic counselors (at 8:05) about the quantitative modeling method that is used which is “quite similar to the Ariosa sequencing method.”

Instant Meeting 2016-01-04 (1)-1 - Copy

Saw this posting and thought immediately of the culture here:

"Too many people feel that having a position of leadership and authority is their God-given right. They feel superior to those in their employ or at so-called lower levels in the organization. According to O'Reilly Media, Inc, I have often seen a certain level of arrogance and entitlement exhibited by people in leadership positions."

These words couldn't be more true.

To be fair this was a great product until there was competition that delivered better. Everyone was warned to fix problems when we were only ones playing. Now they’re screwed due to incompetent arrogant leaders who don’t know what they’re doing.

Saw this posting and thought immediately of the culture here:

"Too many people feel that having a position of leadership and authority is their God-given right. They feel superior to those in their employ or at so-called lower levels in the organization. According to O'Reilly Media, Inc, I have often seen a certain level of arrogance and entitlement exhibited by people in leadership positions."

These words couldn't be more true.

This is dead on. Leadership is being selfless and inspiring. Over my tenure I witness ego maniacs who have no idea how to lead. Hence the massive turnover in the past and what is soon to come. The biggest challenge with Natera is the culture. Great products. Such a shame.

This is dead on. Leadership is being selfless and inspiring. Over my tenure I witness ego maniacs who have no idea how to lead. Hence the massive turnover in the past and what is soon to come. The biggest challenge with Natera is the culture. Great products. Such a shame.

Elt is Pharma Bros2, the diagnostics sequel

This is dead on. Leadership is being selfless and inspiring. Over my tenure I witness ego maniacs who have no idea how to lead. Hence the massive turnover in the past and what is soon to come. The biggest challenge with Natera is the culture. Great products. Such a shame.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s shocking how some managers are still employed at Natera. Healthy competition is normal but when toxic behavior / unprofessionalism is rewarded it’s time for the company to check who they’re putting in charge of other. This is suppose to be a professional space. Truly a shame.