• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

what is the Gallup?

asking for these answers is like asking someone to take a personality test for you. the answers have to flow from you and quickly. they person giving the test will know if you have memorized an answer.

Thank god for all of the "question seekers" who get hired by Stryker. Because of you (eventually not making it with the company because you rely on others to do your work) I'm interviewing for an open position. I passed the Gallup; on my own, and look forward to taking your job.

First of all, everyone asking for the questions, STOP. It won't matter. I've worked for SYK for 6 years and have given those questions to every friend, family member, etc who thinks they want to work at SYK. Not one of them has passed it because you can't fake it. You either have it, or you don't.

Keep this in mind when you answer....

On a scale of 1-10, you're always a 10+
You eat what you kill
You hate to lose and always win
You don't need a manager
You are driven by money and they harder the work, the more you make
You adapt and overcome

These are not Gallup answers, but will help you understand the type of person they are looking for and your "typical" SYK rep:

You will sell your first born child to sell a single screw
You never hear the words "No, I'm not interested, Go away, I don't like you or your products"
You don't let a 30 day suspension from your account keep you from going back the next day
You bench press more than anyone else in the gym or you are fat and haven't been in the gym since your 6th period high school phys ed class
You cheat on your wife.....on a regular bases
You know all the dancers name at your local strip club
You lie to your customers and don't know jack about your products
You were a college athlete (even though you rode the pine on your D3 baseball team)
You were a former meathead marine
You wear a stripe shirt at the bar, 3 top buttons undone, and severely over gel your hair

If you can answer "yes" to all the above questions...don't sweat it, you are in!

I took the Gallup - and have an in person interview to be scheduled.
I'd like to know the results of the "test" - does Stryker ever share that?
If you are hired, do they use it for development direction?
How is the test scored?
Would they bring you in if you were marginal on that Gallup call?
Just trying to get the ay of the land ... thanks for any insight.

First of all, everyone asking for the questions, STOP. It won't matter. I've worked for SYK for 6 years and have given those questions to every friend, family member, etc who thinks they want to work at SYK. Not one of them has passed it because you can't fake it. You either have it, or you don't.

Keep this in mind when you answer....

On a scale of 1-10, you're always a 10+
You eat what you kill
You hate to lose and always win
You don't need a manager
You are driven by money and they harder the work, the more you make
You adapt and overcome

These are not Gallup answers, but will help you understand the type of person they are looking for and your "typical" SYK rep:

You will sell your first born child to sell a single screw
You never hear the words "No, I'm not interested, Go away, I don't like you or your products"
You don't let a 30 day suspension from your account keep you from going back the next day
You bench press more than anyone else in the gym or you are fat and haven't been in the gym since your 6th period high school phys ed class
You cheat on your wife.....on a regular bases
You know all the dancers name at your local strip club
You lie to your customers and don't know jack about your products
You were a college athlete (even though you rode the pine on your D3 baseball team)
You were a former meathead marine
You wear a stripe shirt at the bar, 3 top buttons undone, and severely over gel your hair

If you can answer "yes" to all the above questions...don't sweat it, you are in!

Grammar much? Next time be sure to spell properly before calling other people names.

I'm in the UK and took the interview last week.
Yes it's intense and as the person really helpfully quoted a couple of posts above they're looking for someone specific and it shouldn't be a crying shame if you don't fit the profile.

Having quite a few of the scenario questions prepared beforehand is definitely helpful and from the Stryker sales reps that I do know they are certainly looking for hardened, blood hunting sales people with nothing but top lines in mind. I don't think I quite gave that impression so I'm not too hopeful.

As everyone said to me before I took it, just be yourself and I even said at the end that it wasn't as bad (as in daunting or terrifying) as I'd thought it was and it was actually quite enjoyable. I also found that it depends on how you interpret the questions. So when answering the interviewer tell them how you interpret the question followed by your answer and if they'll let you fit it in, why you have answered it as so. If you hate being put on the spot and having to think quickly then you would most certainly die on this!

But if anyone would like a few of the questions mailed to them I'd be happy to help as other websites have had them taken down due to intellectual copyright.

Good luck!

The Gallup!?! That is an easy one. What will happen is this. An interviewer will ask you to stand facing a wall and move forward until the wall touch's your body. If your nipples or breast touch the wall before your nose does, YOU'RE HIRED!!! I passed with ease. Hope this helps!

So every division uses a diff gallup test, and it's different for every career level, associate, manager etc... Basically, what they do is ask you a series of situation and practical questions aimed at scoring your personality type and comparing it to those of strykers top performers. They tier the results, not exactly sure but if you're within 25% you are considered a good match. 50% you are worth talking to and i think less than 40% you are prob not a good fit. I'm sure there is more to it, but that would be the very basic way to view it...

so more importantly, this is what you need to know, all those ppl that complain about the gallup, are not bad reps, whiners maybe, but if they didn't pass, it doesn't mean they suck, just maybe not the kind of ppl for the corporate culture at stryker. Also, the people posting with ways to pass the gallup... it's bs. You need to take the test and answer honestly. Think of it this way, if you lie about who you are, throughout the interview process, you are going to have to change who you are, and pretend to be that person day to day, which will over time make you miserable, so just be honest!

during the test... they are looking for accuracy, and consistency. I can't stress enough here, brevity. The best advice someone can give if you're about to take the gallup, is don't over explain your answers, if they ask a question and they want you to reply with only a couple words, don't tell your life story. They will ask when they need clairification, or if they want you to reply with specific experience or details, otherwise keep quiet. Take a second to think before you answer, but don't stall, if you need a min, ask to repeat the question. Also, they are going to ask you similar questions, or the same question in different ways, if you say you are very productive and organized in one answer, then say you don't keep neat notes in another, than that would indicate a wrong answer. The test proctor will not clarify anything, will only repeat questions, and is not allowed to help you in any way, they also record the whole conversation, so don't say anything you don't want on record.

trick questions... there isn't really any trick questions, like I said stop and think before you answer and be honest. The one trickish question i was asked was about what time during the day i was most productive, my answer was I'm always productive, regardless of time of day.

in terms of knowing how you did, you won't know they aren't allowed to tell you exactly, but if the manager calls you back and is excited about talking to you more, you can guess you are in the 25%.

in all seriousness, if you piss and moan over gallup, you're not gonna last very long b/c this seriously is the easiest part of the job...

I had a job interview with Gallup a few weeks back and I have never seen anything so dull and unfocused. The interviewer was reading a text and felt like at one point was falling asleep. I have no idea how they choose their people because the interview gives only 5% chance to present yourself as a qualified candidate. How do they link answers to qualifications and the job applied for would be interesting to know, but I think that they choose the person based on his so called “personality.” If you present yourself like a cut-throat corporate capitalist they will hire you because it’s a corporation and the online and the interview questions are aimed at finding out how greedy and materialistic a candidate is.

The QUESTION is "Are you a dumbass?"

I would bet Prasun is indeed a dumb ass. Why would anyone want to post the questions on this message board? Many, if not all that took the Gallup and matched talents and strengths to the relevant position never had such a luxury. Besides, who the hell would think to record the lengthy Q/A session while concentrating on giving the best possible answers?