what is the Gallup?

FYI Gallop test bomber. I scored an average LSAT score but achieved an A on the Gallop Sales and Managers test. Later, after becoming a Stryker Manager I tried to hire a Yale University graduate with a Biomedical Engineering degree. He also was a recipient of a Yale academic scholarship. He achieved a sales gallop score of "C". Consequently, Stryker wouldn't hire him either. Don't feel bad about not scoring well on that crazy test. You are in some pretty strong company.

Gallup is easy. Answer it like you're applying for a sales job and you will be fine. No reason to stress. It isn't some odd sacred formula. It is a personality test that is looking for people who are sales oriented, relationship based, and willing to approach problems head on. If you don't pass the Gallup it's pretty sad.

I will sell you the Gallup questions and answers for a $1,000. Small price to pay for a sweet gig like Stryker. Just need it mailed in cash to my PO Box. Let me know if you’re interested.

Think of the Gallup as a velvet rope at a trendy night club filled with hot chicks and cool ass jacked up dude bros. If you pass, you can come on in and join the cool kids. If you don't, well, good luck at Zimmer with all the other pikers.

These were some of the questions I was asked...hope this helps...

- Have you ever had your commissions cut and territory split?
- Are you used to working for Sales Managers that are tools?
- Do you prefer "bro" or "brah"?
- Please explain a time when you were flexing for OR nurses and how they reacted to your meathead biceps?
- When is your leg day? (if you answer "Sat or Sun", you will be disqualified).
- Can you open boxes? What was the biggest box you ever opened?
- Do you ever wear OR scrubs outside of the OR? (I answered yes, at airports and Starbucks...they loved that answer).
- Have you ever been to a strip club? Had a lap dance?
- Do you prefer high-fiving or fist-bumping?
- Have you ever held another meathead sales rep in a warm, affectionate embrace?

These were some of the questions I was asked...hope this helps...

- Have you ever had your commissions cut and territory split?
- Are you used to working for Sales Managers that are tools?
- Do you prefer "bro" or "brah"?
- Please explain a time when you were flexing for OR nurses and how they reacted to your meathead biceps?
- When is your leg day? (if you answer "Sat or Sun", you will be disqualified).
- Can you open boxes? What was the biggest box you ever opened?
- Do you ever wear OR scrubs outside of the OR? (I answered yes, at airports and Starbucks...they loved that answer).
- Have you ever been to a strip club? Had a lap dance?
- Do you prefer high-fiving or fist-bumping?
- Have you ever held another meathead sales rep in a warm, affectionate embrace?

Any docking questions?

Hi, I take the Galleup interview on Tuesday 2/20. I was wondering if you could fax me the interview question also. Thank you so much in advance!

To: StrykerInterview!