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What is Eli Lilly company culture like?

Prior to the arrival of the current CEO Sidney Taruel and the management he brought along with him, Lilly WAS a very good company.
Now it is a grade "C" company at best. Go look some where else. Lilly has no future for dedicated and honest people. Those that were there have mostly left and the rest are fleeing rapidly.

Hard core sales, focused around the patient. We have one of the best sales organizations in the industry. Very tough to get hired, but if you make it in the door you will be rewarded. Respect for people is one of our mission statements and Lilly lives it.

Thanks Mr/MS DM for weighing in with your load of bullshit!

Lilly culture is shit! Plain and simple. They are all about "how" to do stuff and not actually doing anything. It is all about who you know and how far up there azz you can get your nose. Heck even 40% of your bonus is how hard you can blow your boss! Could give two shits about the reps or patients. If this sounds like the "culture" you are looking for by all means come here and work! You will LOVE it!

Hard core sales, focused around the patient. We have one of the best sales organizations in the industry. Very tough to get hired, but if you make it in the door you will be rewarded. Respect for people is one of our mission statements and Lilly lives it.

If you are a smart and talented white male, the culture at Lilly will drive you insane. No kidding, really insane. If you are a smart and talented white male, do yourself a favor and stay away from Lilly.

If you are a smart and talented white male, the culture at Lilly will drive you insane. No kidding, really insane. If you are a smart and talented white male, do yourself a favor and stay away from Lilly.

Hell, if you're a smart and talented anything you will be frustrated here, suck up reps, a-hole DM's, unfair quoates, horrible formulary coverage, 30yr old RSD's who have no clue what they're doing and that behavior bonus, give me a break!! There is no creativity anymore, emotionless drones following outdated call plans with scripted "messages", few last more than 1-2 yrs and the few and I mean few that have stayed, well, sad creatures that hate their jobs but are too old or lazy to leave..move on or better yet don't even bother to stop to take a look

We work with Novaquest..... we can't sell our products soley, our marketshare SUFFERS because they are in the field 2 days a week.....

Hmmmm. Let's think about that one. Novaquest has electronic signature capture computers and Lilly has paper. I wonder who's more likely to work 2 days a week vs. 5 days a week? Maybe your market share SUFFERS because you aren't working and you have no sales skills. Don't blame it on your NQ overlap, loser.

Hmmmm. Let's think about that one. Novaquest has electronic signature capture computers and Lilly has paper. I wonder who's more likely to work 2 days a week vs. 5 days a week? Maybe your market share SUFFERS because you aren't working and you have no sales skills. Don't blame it on your NQ overlap, loser.

Loser, who are you shitting. The Novaquest reps with whom I copromoted out sold the idiot robots from Lilly in every metric that you could apply. The Lilly reps were a joke in the offices, had let their ridiculous reach and frequency crap make them horribly dishonest and the inept junior-high-like managers used intimidation to make them miserable.

Paper signature forms were a gift to the Lilly rep I was most closely watched. She has a resale shop for kids clothes and I guarantee that she is there right now!

Lilly is the biggest joke in the pharmaceutical industry!

Hmmmm. Let's think about that one. Novaquest has electronic signature capture computers and Lilly has paper. I wonder who's more likely to work 2 days a week vs. 5 days a week? Maybe your market share SUFFERS because you aren't working and you have no sales skills. Don't blame it on your NQ overlap, loser.

Anyone who blames their Novaquest counterpart for their poor market share IS a loser and doesn't deserve a job with any pharma company. Learn how to sell and quit blaming others for your ineptitude!

If you are a pc rep it is very big brother, specialty sales reps have more freedom and are treated much better. I have done both here. There are much better companies out there to work for and one more thing.....they always look for ways to cheat you on your bonus.

I used to work for the company and would love to go back. As far as, the culture they try to do whats best for the employees, we have to face the reality that in this industry layoffs/realocations will happen no matter where you go. Very ethical. Good support.

Hell, if you're a smart and talented anything you will be frustrated here, suck up reps, a-hole DM's, unfair quoates, horrible formulary coverage, 30yr old RSD's who have no clue what they're doing and that behavior bonus, give me a break!! There is no creativity anymore, emotionless drones following outdated call plans with scripted "messages", few last more than 1-2 yrs and the few and I mean few that have stayed, well, sad creatures that hate their jobs but are too old or lazy to leave..move on or better yet don't even bother to stop to take a look

....well said and so true

Lilly is a contradiction when one looks at their corporate mission...integrity, excellence, taking care of people...no pharma company does the complete opposite of what they have on paper more than Lilly.
HR does absolutely nothing for reps...pure evil lies within the big red machine.