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What has been the experience with programs in your territory?


Novartis knows why they do programs. Speakers treat a lot of patients. You can't just give them a wad of cash, so an honorarium is the next best thing. And maybe a few prescribers in attendance also write a few scripts. Ever wonder why some physicians become speakers even though their credentials are marginal?

Novartis knows why they do programs. Speakers treat a lot of patients. You can't just give them a wad of cash, so an honorarium is the next best thing. And maybe a few prescribers in attendance also write a few scripts. Ever wonder why some physicians become speakers even though their credentials are marginal?

I never understand why people complain about programs. Of course the above is correct- so why wouldn't you do programs so your speaker writes more? And its all compliant?

Stop complaining and being lazy. It works this way at EVERY pharmaceutical company. If you don't like the game- quit. We don't need you and can easily find someone to replace you.

I never understand why people complain about programs. Of course the above is correct- so why wouldn't you do programs so your speaker writes more? And its all compliant?

Stop complaining and being lazy. It works this way at EVERY pharmaceutical company. If you don't like the game- quit. We don't need you and can easily find someone to replace you.

Glad you admit these shams are thinly veiled bribes aka "the game" as you so eleoquently put it

I never understand why people complain about programs. Of course the above is correct- so why wouldn't you do programs so your speaker writes more? And its all compliant?

Stop complaining and being lazy. It works this way at EVERY pharmaceutical company. If you don't like the game- quit. We don't need you and can easily find someone to replace you.
Who's complaining? The thread simply asked for experiences with programs and those are being shared.
The MAs aren't prescribing. They aren't listening. They're having dinner and wine.

This is the oldest con in the history of pharma sales...let's make a physician with high potential a speaker. "Well, doctor if you are going to speak about our product, you have to have significant clinical experience..."

These days the only doctors that will even consider being speakers are the same old tired cons who speak for every company under the sun and who don't mind the taint of industry. And they speak to the same ol' pathetic wretches who want a free steak dinner and have nuthin' better to do. Or even worse, let's have them do a program at a lunch where everyone's too busy to even come back.

All this in the guise of "education". It's sickening and unethical. It's time for it to end.

This is the oldest con in the history of pharma sales...let's make a physician with high potential a speaker. "Well, doctor if you are going to speak about our product, you have to have significant clinical experience..."

These days the only doctors that will even consider being speakers are the same old tired cons who speak for every company under the sun and who don't mind the taint of industry. And they speak to the same ol' pathetic wretches who want a free steak dinner and have nuthin' better to do. Or even worse, let's have them do a program at a lunch where everyone's too busy to even come back.

All this in the guise of "education". It's sickening and unethical. It's time for it to end.

Wrong- pretty much every Dr. is up for speaking. Your Dr.'s probably don't like you. And it will never come to an end.

Now you're confusing bribing with working/skill. Make no mistake, they don't like you, they like the MONEY. Bribing a physician by making them a speaker is the epitome of laziness not to mention unethical. I hope you understand that.

I'm serious. You've just demonstrated all the skills necessary to become a manager at Novartis. The lawsuits and the CIAs will continue for the foreseeable future.

This is the oldest con in the history of pharma sales...let's make a physician with high potential a speaker. "Well, doctor if you are going to speak about our product, you have to have significant clinical experience..."

These days the only doctors that will even consider being speakers are the same old tired cons who speak for every company under the sun and who don't mind the taint of industry. And they speak to the same ol' pathetic wretches who want a free steak dinner and have nuthin' better to do. Or even worse, let's have them do a program at a lunch where everyone's too busy to even come back.

All this in the guise of "education". It's sickening and unethical. It's time for it to end.

So true.

Now you're confusing bribing with working/skill. Make no mistake, they don't like you, they like the MONEY. Bribing a physician by making them a speaker is the epitome of laziness not to mention unethical. I hope you understand that.

I'm serious. You've just demonstrated all the skills necessary to become a manager at Novartis. The lawsuits and the CIAs will continue for the foreseeable future.

You nailed this!

South Korea, Japan, China, Turkey, United States (to name a few) haven't seen these programs as 'educational' hence the nearly billion in fines to Novartis. That said if these programs are so 'noble' o_O start videotaping them so that these paramounts of medical knowledge can share their expertise in treating various disease states .

I mean with the millions of programs & billions of $$$$$$ paid by pharma to tens of thousands of "experts" there shouldn't be one non compliant patient or patient who's disease state isn't under control :rolleyes:

I for one look forward to the video taped events on youtube in fact REPS start taping these via your iPhone, laptops, GoPro's etc & please share with the world the miracles that paid pharma speakers impart to ....Uh.....Uh......Uh....:confused: