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What do you like best about working at JBI?


Not a troll. Just another rep looking for reasons to stay. I actually love doing spreadsheets, and I don't mind the contract rep partnerships. The more people seeing our customers, the more we can deliver the message that our products are the best. I also love the whole teaming thing, because when you have great territory teaming you all win as one.

The things I don't like. There aren't any! Great pay. Awesome managers. Especially the DMs. I want to stay here forever!

More administrative work, please!


Do you think the company would allow us a few more volunteer days to go march side by side with the peaceful protestors in Ferguson? I think it would be a great way to promote our diversity initiatives. Just a thought, maybe someone can bring it up on a conference call or town hall meeting.

I love the start and end when you want; the acting at meetings and the entire charade. I feel like an actress on stage every day and my debut is the meetings. I love the gossip and how everyone talks about management and how everyone gets together to take tests they actually think people are taking individually (as well as managers). Sometimes the managers have a science degree'd rep take it for them. I like the entire deal.

I love the start and end when you want; the acting at meetings and the entire charade. I feel like an actress on stage every day and my debut is the meetings. I love the gossip and how everyone talks about management and how everyone gets together to take tests they actually think people are taking individually (as well as managers). Sometimes the managers have a science degree'd rep take it for them. I like the entire deal.

It's so funny how the managers have everyone cheat on these tests so openly, and then claim that everything else is being done honestly. Like calibration. Sales numbers reporting.

It's so funny how the managers have everyone cheat on these tests so openly, and then claim that everything else is being done honestly. Like calibration. Sales numbers reporting.

It's all an act and everybody is in on it except Marti. The NSDs and RDs and ABMs know everybody works MAYBE 2 days a week. And when they do work, it's mainly about putting miles on the car and running up a few expenses to make it look like there is activity. There isn't anything new to say. Remicade is old. Simponi Sucks. Stelara can't figure out what to do. Everybody is about looking busy but accomplishing nothing.

It's all an act and everybody is in on it except Marti. The NSDs and RDs and ABMs know everybody works MAYBE 2 days a week. And when they do work, it's mainly about putting miles on the car and running up a few expenses to make it look like there is activity. There isn't anything new to say. Remicade is old. Simponi Sucks. Stelara can't figure out what to do. Everybody is about looking busy but accomplishing nothing.

It really is. And some of us have been masters of it for a long time. I have some iam team members who have grown very portly just meeting other reps frequently for "company business meetings." These lunches usually take about three hours. The rep leaves his house around ten, maybe makes one call, then meets his territory partner or partners around 11:30. They take a nice leisurely lunch until about 2 or 2:30, then either head home or maybe make another call. One of my territory partners has made an entire career out of this strategy. I think he made P club once many years ago when almost everyone in the region went on the trip. Other than that he throws together some spreadsheets and does some useless number analysis for the clueless DM. On the calls he does make he spends most of the time chatting with office staff. Any clinical messaging comes from a ride with an MSL once in a while. The guy is as happy as a pig in a poke, because he is a master of this game. He's taught me and others his secrets: ALways have at least a couple of lunches, breakfasts, snacks on the expense report to make the manager think you're working. The other funny thing is that most of the docs in his territory are no see, or have minimal access. But before he rides with a manager or anyone he goes in with some nice goodies prior to make sure the staff and doc remember him the next week he comes in.
Marti in the meantime has no clue, and the rep loves to call other reps on the phone and make fun of her cluelessness. I'm thinking of sending her and MY and his RBD an anonymous suggestion to ride with this rep for a few days in place of his manager. Give him minimal lead time, like a day, and then spend three days from 9 to 5 with him. Make sure you tell him you want to see a strong close and some solid clinical messaging from him, Marti. You'll be getting his name soon. The rest of us will be waiting to see what happens. If you don't ride with the guy, it means you're playing favorites or just targeting other reps. Or maybe he's a mole. We'll see.
Maybe we'll even post some strong hints and clues on here as to who we're talking about. Along with some of his teammates who use similar strategies. I know one rep on that team who has only two or three accounts in her territory that are accessible. Make a three day ride out of that one, Marti.
I can't wait to post more. That email is coming, senior management. And it will get copied on here as well.
Who you gonna call?


It really is. And some of us have been masters of it for a long time. I have some iam team members who have grown very portly just meeting other reps frequently for "company business meetings." These lunches usually take about three hours. The rep leaves his house around ten, maybe makes one call, then meets his territory partner or partners around 11:30. They take a nice leisurely lunch until about 2 or 2:30, then either head home or maybe make another call. One of my territory partners has made an entire career out of this strategy. I think he made P club once many years ago when almost everyone in the region went on the trip. Other than that he throws together some spreadsheets and does some useless number analysis for the clueless DM. On the calls he does make he spends most of the time chatting with office staff. Any clinical messaging comes from a ride with an MSL once in a while. The guy is as happy as a pig in a poke, because he is a master of this game. He's taught me and others his secrets: ALways have at least a couple of lunches, breakfasts, snacks on the expense report to make the manager think you're working. The other funny thing is that most of the docs in his territory are no see, or have minimal access. But before he rides with a manager or anyone he goes in with some nice goodies prior to make sure the staff and doc remember him the next week he comes in.
Marti in the meantime has no clue, and the rep loves to call other reps on the phone and make fun of her cluelessness. I'm thinking of sending her and MY and his RBD an anonymous suggestion to ride with this rep for a few days in place of his manager. Give him minimal lead time, like a day, and then spend three days from 9 to 5 with him. Make sure you tell him you want to see a strong close and some solid clinical messaging from him, Marti. You'll be getting his name soon. The rest of us will be waiting to see what happens. If you don't ride with the guy, it means you're playing favorites or just targeting other reps. Or maybe he's a mole. We'll see.
Maybe we'll even post some strong hints and clues on here as to who we're talking about. Along with some of his teammates who use similar strategies. I know one rep on that team who has only two or three accounts in her territory that are accessible. Make a three day ride out of that one, Marti.
I can't wait to post more. That email is coming, senior management. And it will get copied on here as well.
Who you gonna call?


I'll add this. You turn over ARIA to the GI team and you'll see some movement. Reps like this are the lazy legacy of a apathetic mediocre Rheumatology team. You need a manager who will stop being friends with these reps and start a fire under their wrinkled asses!

It's time to start calling people out. I'm tired of working hard here, selling clinically, closing, making true calls and doing my job right while these posers coast. We owe it to our company and our sales leaders to do an honest day's work for the huge bases we make. I'm tired of reps purposely tanking their numbers and taking the summer off or the quarter off while I'm out there working and carrying them. This is a warning to them: Get to work or see yourself called out here. When Marti deciphers who you are she's going to be doing some detective work. I'm not afraid for her to ride with me. Hell, she can ride with me a whole week and I'll show her how it's done.
Can you say that, Mr._________ or Mrs._________?
Think hard before you answer that. Because it's coming. You've got until Labor day and after that you better be working, or your identity is going to be made crystal clear. I own a lot of stock in this company and you work for me and the others who do.

That is pretty much the way most of the reps who survive here work. You act as a narc for your manager and throw whoever you can under the bus to hide the fact that you suck too much to ever win. Blob or slug, wrinkled aging hags who complain about their male managers behind their backs but kiss the guy's asses in front of everyone while telling the balding shorty-cakes how fit or handsome they are. How demeaning to yourself.

the culture is awful here. The group that gets ahead does nothing but steal credit from the reps that work. They become managers and get their favorites. The cycle repeats. They will also be the last left standing. You can have this joke. The real players left years ago when the getting was good. Note to management- if you want positive change try canning the loser managers. How about getting a truly honest independent anonymous survey on managers by their people. You will be surprised at what will come up. We all know the current system is anything but anonymous. TOXIC

the culture is awful here. The group that gets ahead does nothing but steal credit from the reps that work. They become managers and get their favorites. The cycle repeats. They will also be the last left standing. You can have this joke. The real players left years ago when the getting was good. Note to management- if you want positive change try canning the loser managers. How about getting a truly honest independent anonymous survey on managers by their people. You will be surprised at what will come up. We all know the current system is anything but anonymous. TOXIC

Exactly. Even the docs know that most of these reps are worthless.

What do I like best about JBI?
Well, I've met some real great people here, although a lot of them have left and the ones that are still here are looking to get out.
I also learned that there are a great many of people you cannot trust no matter how "honest" they present themselves. There are many insecure people here who will attack you out of envy and jealousy.
I've learned that many people take their marriage "vows" as "suggestions."
I've learned that many people stay in horrible or loveless marriages out of fear and insecurity. They would much rather live the "better than the joneses" life than a life of true happiness.
I've learned how NOT to manage people. Most of the good managers I've known have left. Take a look around the company and tell me how many truly good managers or RBDs there are.
I like the fact that many of the "bad" people who do terrible things to others have their karma in the fact that they actually live pretty miserable lives themselves.
I like seeing people who are really full of themselves get old and tired looking and fat and bald and wrinkled. Some people age gracefully, but misery ages a person terribly. Sorry, but even a little "help" doesn't mask it.
I also like how people who have left because of these other miserable people's actions have gone on to so much better and greater things. They are even happier now that they are away.
There are other things I really like but I also like relaxing and loving my life with few regrets on a Sunday afternoon. I love being so healthy because I have an attitude and outlook that was never broken by broken little people. I like the fact that I can look into the mirror and see a nice person looking back at me. That I did not have to lower myself and my self-esteem.
Time to go enjoy the fruits of my labors that are earned by my hard work here. Life is so good! Thanks JBI!

What do I like best about JBI?
Well, I've met some real great people here, although a lot of them have left and the ones that are still here are looking to get out.
I also learned that there are a great many of people you cannot trust no matter how "honest" they present themselves. There are many insecure people here who will attack you out of envy and jealousy.
I've learned that many people take their marriage "vows" as "suggestions."
I've learned that many people stay in horrible or loveless marriages out of fear and insecurity. They would much rather live the "better than the joneses" life than a life of true happiness.
I've learned how NOT to manage people. Most of the good managers I've known have left. Take a look around the company and tell me how many truly good managers or RBDs there are.
I like the fact that many of the "bad" people who do terrible things to others have their karma in the fact that they actually live pretty miserable lives themselves.
I like seeing people who are really full of themselves get old and tired looking and fat and bald and wrinkled. Some people age gracefully, but misery ages a person terribly. Sorry, but even a little "help" doesn't mask it.
I also like how people who have left because of these other miserable people's actions have gone on to so much better and greater things. They are even happier now that they are away.
There are other things I really like but I also like relaxing and loving my life with few regrets on a Sunday afternoon. I love being so healthy because I have an attitude and outlook that was never broken by broken little people. I like the fact that I can look into the mirror and see a nice person looking back at me. That I did not have to lower myself and my self-esteem.
Time to go enjoy the fruits of my labors that are earned by my hard work here. Life is so good! Thanks JBI!

Okay, this is all good. I get it. But why would YOU want to stay if you see everybody who has left doing so great? Are you another of those "I have to claw on until I make 55" people?

Okay, this is all good. I get it. But why would YOU want to stay if you see everybody who has left doing so great? Are you another of those "I have to claw on until I make 55" people?

No, I don't take the "broken people" seriously and so they don't bother me a bit. If anything, I psychologically manipulate many of them (especially the women, who are very insecure.) They hate it when younger, prettier, friendlier reps come on board and they see us alpha males paying attention to them. Many of these insecure reps have substandard husbands--overweight, balding, uninteresting--and it drives them crazy to be marginalized. So I have fun with it. After all, I've seen what they have done to hurt others and it's fun to watch them develop deeper wrinkles fretting over it.

No, I don't take the "broken people" seriously and so they don't bother me a bit. If anything, I psychologically manipulate many of them (especially the women, who are very insecure.) They hate it when younger, prettier, friendlier reps come on board and they see us alpha males paying attention to them. Many of these insecure reps have substandard husbands--overweight, balding, uninteresting--and it drives them crazy to be marginalized. So I have fun with it. After all, I've seen what they have done to hurt others and it's fun to watch them develop deeper wrinkles fretting over it.

I plan on staying here and banking a lot of money while having fun doing it. I do my job and I'm great at it and the company rewards me very nicely, thank you.
Next time I see one particularly neurotic, I'm going to ask her what happened to her forehead. It got…so smooth! Is that from Neutrogena products? You should use it around your eyes, too, where your crow's feet are. Oh, don't be embarrassed by it, people think it's a sign of maturity and wisdom.
Let her chew on that for a while. I bet she heads straight to the refrigerator to eat her anxiety away.