And here we go generalizing again. There are bad seeds and there are good seeds. Seek out the trust of the good supervisors, managers, directors, etc... They are there, work hard and are willing to help. And they're in a lot of different departments. The weak performers will be found out and will soon fall.
Posting a complaint on a message board doesn't count as speaking up. Do it where it counts.
I happen to admire my manager. I don't always agree with his/her decisions, but I know that it's being made with the best of intentions. But at least now I know I won't be sold down the river for speaking up and challenging decisions I disagree with. We have discourse and look into things that are unclear. The way it should be!!! Things are changing for the better, but you have to be willing to look for them! It ain't over yet!!!
Posting a complaint on a message board doesn't count as speaking up. Do it where it counts.
I happen to admire my manager. I don't always agree with his/her decisions, but I know that it's being made with the best of intentions. But at least now I know I won't be sold down the river for speaking up and challenging decisions I disagree with. We have discourse and look into things that are unclear. The way it should be!!! Things are changing for the better, but you have to be willing to look for them! It ain't over yet!!!