What can we all do to help the company survive?

And here we go generalizing again. There are bad seeds and there are good seeds. Seek out the trust of the good supervisors, managers, directors, etc... They are there, work hard and are willing to help. And they're in a lot of different departments. The weak performers will be found out and will soon fall.

Posting a complaint on a message board doesn't count as speaking up. Do it where it counts.

I happen to admire my manager. I don't always agree with his/her decisions, but I know that it's being made with the best of intentions. But at least now I know I won't be sold down the river for speaking up and challenging decisions I disagree with. We have discourse and look into things that are unclear. The way it should be!!! Things are changing for the better, but you have to be willing to look for them! It ain't over yet!!!

uninformed said:
we are speaking up now. read the posts on this board. there are managers here who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. perhaps management members need to take a closer look at what some the svp's, vp's, sr. directors and directors are doing on a daily basis at the home office. are they working or are they just showing up at work? i believe there is a difference would you not agree? anyone can wake up get dressed and drive to work. question is, when they get there what are they doing for 8 hours? accountability is key here in the success of this company's future and forward movement. if managers aren't being held accountable for themselves how can any of the employees follow the leader if the leader is absent or not leading by example. it's a free for all at these management levels; show up, not show up; do some work; not do some work. is that all it takes to earn a paycheck at this company if you work in the home office? dump all the work on the employees then run off and play golf or go entertain physician's on the company's dime. these circumstances aren't conducive to the attitude being portrayed in these videos being sent out to come together and unite as one team and be part of the resolve; being mindful and cautious with our spending and that layoffs were detrimental to the goals set in place for the future of the company, all the while entertaining costs are ludicrous and they all just keep on spending and expensing it all away. instead, why not cut back on the entertaining costs and spread that money around to the employees who work hard for you and compensate them instead of only rewarding the top sales folks with overgenerous trips and prizes. you ask us to speak up because times are different; that was then and this is now. if that's the case let us see if anyone is listening and if any steps will be taken to begin holding everyone accountable at all levels, not only the employees who sit and follow orders but primarily the managers with fancy titles who are the ones giving the orders.

A lot of your post (and half of these on here, so read carefully half of you) seems to be complaining...not happy with this, not happy with that. Why don't you just leave? WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE? Save us the trouble of RIFing you. How many people have to come on this board and cry like little babies? Snap out of it! Waaa Waaa Waaa. HERE'S THE DEAL: YOU CAN WASTE YOUR TIME W/YOUR PATHETIC POSTS OR YOU CAN USE THAT TIME TO FIND ANOTHER JOB. What's it going to be?

A lot of your post (and half of these on here, so read carefully half of you) seems to be complaining...not happy with this, not happy with that. Why don't you just leave? WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE? Save us the trouble of RIFing you. How many people have to come on this board and cry like little babies? Snap out of it! Waaa Waaa Waaa. HERE'S THE DEAL: YOU CAN WASTE YOUR TIME W/YOUR PATHETIC POSTS OR YOU CAN USE THAT TIME TO FIND ANOTHER JOB. What's it going to be?

I hope you keep a box of kleenex at your desk and some lysol. The shit stuck to the tip of your nose from being so far up management's asses is just incredible. Do us all a favor - get a life and stop worrying about us complainers. The purpose of the board is to SPEAK OUR MINDS. So if you don't like what you're reading GFUS (thanks to the other poster for this) and just stop signing on to CP!

I guess you a-wipes are going to spend more time complaining and wasting your life away. I'll come back in a few months and stir the pot again. What a bunch of losers. Yeah, very funny...GFUS....probably the most creative thing all of you moron's have done combined in your entire life. Ok, now think real hard and spew some more vile thoughts.....it's all you are good for, you know that don't you?

I guess you a-wipes are going to spend more time complaining and wasting your life away. I'll come back in a few months and stir the pot again. What a bunch of losers. Yeah, very funny...GFUS....probably the most creative thing all of you moron's have done combined in your entire life. Ok, now think real hard and spew some more vile thoughts.....it's all you are good for, you know that don't you?

You sound cranky...perhaps you should get to bed sooner and not stay up passed your bedtime posting on message boards. G-F-U-S!

Has the business began its turnaround ?

Things are improving, yes. Both PD and FG have exceeded sales targets for Q1. Ops issues still a challenge, but moving in the right direction. BD looking at a lot of things. Finance hasn't had a major surprise (like last year). Overall, yeah, the turn around has begun. For sure.

Great news about Q1 and no finance surprise's. Keep it going. Ops has been a train wreck for a number of years and still the same core group remain in key positions. Not sure if it can change without major overhaul.

Great news about Q1 and no finance surprise's. Keep it going. Ops has been a train wreck for a number of years and still the same core group remain in key positions. Not sure if it can change without major overhaul.

You're eight about the train wreck, but some changes have been made. If you're not in the factory you probably don't notice yet, but things are starting to move in the right direction. Let's hope that this time we stay the course, make better decisions and give the people the time, tools and resources they need to succeed.

I know I keep the faith!

The last 4 posts are a breathe of fresh air.

Call me a naysayer but If we sold fresh air it would be on BO or Hold from selling due to a LIR,KLE,INF,DDI. 3-6 month investigation eventually would determine that it had no batch impact . Unfortunately in that time the customer usually walks and purchase's Fresh Air from a competitor.Wouldn't you ? BD should look at many issues on the Ops side and shouldn't believe all the smoke being blown up their arse.I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

I guess you a-wipes are going to spend more time complaining and wasting your life away. I'll come back in a few months and stir the pot again. What a bunch of losers. Yeah, very funny...GFUS....probably the most creative thing all of you moron's have done combined in your entire life. Ok, now think real hard and spew some more vile thoughts.....it's all you are good for, you know that don't you?

Hey douchebag!!!! GFUS!!!!!!

p.s.- the credit goes to urbandictionary.com, not all of us morons.

Call me a naysayer but If we sold fresh air it would be on BO or Hold from selling due to a LIR,KLE,INF,DDI. 3-6 month investigation eventually would determine that it had no batch impact . Unfortunately in that time the customer usually walks and purchase's Fresh Air from a competitor.Wouldn't you ? BD should look at many issues on the Ops side and shouldn't believe all the smoke being blown up their arse.I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Mothers always take a beating in these posts

Is that so? Easy to say from an anonymous post, isn't it? Well, you know there is only one person who would reply to this, so man-up. You have something to say to me? Say it to my face.

This is hilarious! With all the nasty things said about RL, this is the comment he responds to? Two questions, 1) does RL really think he's fashionable, 2) is it really appropriate for a LC member to responds so obviously? Answers: 1) yes, he does, 2) no, it's not but it is funny

Is that so? Easy to say from an anonymous post, isn't it? Well, you know there is only one person who would reply to this, so man-up. You have something to say to me? Say it to my face.

i will have my assistant contact your assistant and meet you at the melville hotel once you're 'company' leaves the room.

wednesday evening? or would thursday be better?