Go Nycomed!!! What's gonna happen with the softball team? Many key players are no longer with the company. What're we gonna do?!!!
Go Nycomed!!! What's gonna happen with the softball team? Many key players are no longer with the company. What're we gonna do?!!!
I'm at about a 50% agreement rate with the comments here.
So what don't you agree with? I'd say the last 2 or 3 posts have been pretty acurate, right down to RL's sweet-sixteen DJ vest.
Riddle me this:
How do people get behind management they barely see, and/or don't trust?
How do you deal with disgruntled haters? Not all of them are as obvious about it as others.
How do you get rid of consultants when hiring freezes and head count restiction get handed down every other month from another continent?
How do you reduce CAPA's when nobody has the balls to say "it isn't a CAPA" for fear of their own ass?
I agree with what you write 100%, but you provide the ends without any means.
"Even the most well orchestrated plans have flaws and require change on the fly."
Require change on the fly...where are we in the hood in south LA? *Well structured companies shouldn't require "change on the fly". These plans should be well thought out and executed because they are proven to drive results and succeed. It's not like someone out there said let's drop a motor and some pieces of metal under the hood of the car and hope the car runs once you turn the ignition. We need talented people at the helm and if your theory is that we will require canges on the fly each time we have a crisis to avert then we are in some serious trouble with these incompetent people/attitudes running the show!*
"I've never worked anywhere that any one person, group or anyone had all the answers on how to get from A to B."
Perhaps if management listened a bit and stepped off the soap box more often they would realize that there are some valuable voices to be heard. *Problem is there are more leaders than followers. The key here is to lead by example, something many members of management could use a lesson on.
"One of the things that keeps companies alive is the never ending need for improvement."
Problem here is that when a company's never ending need to improve involves every aspect of the business that's a problem. It's like the big elephant in the room that management chooses to throw a sheet over and think no one will notice.*
If you want improvement in the business clean up the management ladder and replace them with managers who actually work! * *
You know things are screwed when us the employee have to spell things out for management. Who ever wrote the post you quoted needs to leave their cushy office in NJ and actually come to Melville once in a while.
"There is some good management there. They are visible, they listen and take some action."
Hopefully upper management realizes that people have two sides -the side they show to people above them and the side they to show people below them.
I'm new to the postings here, but I have read them all. I see the same theme again and again....It's all managements fault. They do bear the most responsibility, but at least place some blame where it's due. Legacy employees who are so far out of their league it's not even funny. They wouldn't survive in a cupcake factory. Hell, they're not even good enough to work in the Chicago Meat Packing District of the early 20th century. Anyone who has worked in pharma for any length of time should get the reference.
And yes, you can blame management for that...PREVIOUS MANAGEMENT.
Some of the dead wood is now gone, but every day, bar none, we find more legacy practices and procedures that current management doesn't even know about. Do you know why? Because the idiots who have been there for twenty plus years aren't smart enough to recognize that what they're doing is wrong. Current management is so involved full time in trying to change things that they cant (and shouldn't have to) babysit the incompetents who somehow made it up to supervisor, manager and above. If you spent even a minute in the factory the last ten years you would know this to be true.
Point is, responsibility lies on all levels. Keep rotating management in and out and then only the idiots will be there to lock the doors on the way out.
You're right, there is some bad management. And I'm right, there are some really bad employees.
All I know is I'm glad I got out when I did. I still speak with many current employees and they are miserable. Not all of them, but many. Even if the place survives, and I hope it does, from a singular employee's perspective, it's not worth the trip to get there.
You all sound so miserable and if that's the case then its time to start looking to venture out and find another place to work. This is not the only pharmaceutical company to work for. If you're not part of the problem and you can't contribute to the solution then its time to re-evaluate.
Youre right ,some of the dead wood is gone but some also got promoted.And yes, you can blame management for that...PREVIOUS MANAGEMENT.
Some of the dead wood is now gone, but every day, bar none, we find more legacy practices and procedures that current management doesn't even know about. Do you know why? Because the idiots who have been there for twenty plus years aren't smart enough to recognize that what they're doing is wrong. Current management is so involved full time in trying to change things that they cant (and shouldn't have to) babysit the incompetents who somehow made it up to supervisor, manager and above. If you spent even a minute in the factory the last ten years you would know this to be true.
Youre right ,some of the dead wood is gone but some also got promoted.
Many of us "IDIOTs" spoke up about bad practices and procedures and were told to shut up or given the hand. If Upper management chooses not to act on problems, are we still the incompentents? Most everyday folks are worn out from the beat downs over the last few years and long long hours to even fight the fight anymore. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Perhaps you were told to shut up or were given the hand. And that is unfortunate. But that was then! This is now! What are you doing? You all have had a voice and a chance to step up for quite some time. For the last several years there have been people who have made themselves available to you and offered assistance and had the ears of key people. What are you waiting for? Be a part of the solution!!!
No more pointing fingers. Us, them, new old, whatever. If you have the know how to get things changed, speak up as loud as you can. Take a hard look at the guys in charge in the home office. The want to know. They want to succeed. Fix what's broken and move on to greater success. Be a part of it!!! Maybe we will fail, but if you're still there, why not try?