What are your thoughts?

Yes, Catholic Church -- and as you stated it's very black or white, leaving little to no gray area, which is why I have a problem with it. Reading your post made a lot of sense. I've always wondered if my Dad went to hell when he died, because his last words had to have been, "GDmit, I'm having a f*cking heart attack!" and of course, taking the Lord's name in vain is a BIG sin.

T - I agree with the child endangerment, but do not condone what she did by any stretch. I personally think she had a really bad lawyer, and will win on appeal. But ultimately, she still lost.
Have tried hard to eliminate Gd from by vocabualry. Very difficult. Notice that people new to the US pick up on it quickly yet they would never say allah be damned, buddah damn it, etc. Fuck is an interesting word: nothing about it in the Bible as the had not been invented. Not truly a cruse word, more just crude. An unfortunately carss word to describe a very pleasurable experience. I try to use fuck more and the other stuff less. How about "Fuck damn it"? Comments?

Kill them before they're born? Did you ever masturbate, have the wifey jack or suck you off or or wear a rubber? There are good arguments for those too as far as birth control goes but that's like going to work before you get the job or driving the car before you buy it - killing someone before they're born is an oxymoron, dude!

No, you're a MORON which is why you say stuff like this which is at odds with BIOLOGICAL FACT.

Have tried hard to eliminate Gd from by vocabualry. Very difficult. Notice that people new to the US pick up on it quickly yet they would never say allah be damned, buddah damn it, etc. Fuck is an interesting word: nothing about it in the Bible as the had not been invented. Not truly a cruse word, more just crude. An unfortunately carss word to describe a very pleasurable experience. I try to use fuck more and the other stuff less. How about "Fuck damn it"? Comments?


I decided to not drop twenty F-bombs in two posts. Why can't you ProLifers just let us ProChoice people live our lives and burn in Hell. . . since you are so positive we're headed there? I am prefectly happy to sit by the fire. Vag and I will light one up for old times sake and make out like dogs in heat with our shriveled parched bodies. Oh, wait, you're the guy with the fork up his ass.

You brought my kid into it when you oh so slyly brought up autism with abortion and it was directed at me. This, after our offensive arugment in the yanked thread. Don't play dumb.

He did it to you, he did it to me, he did it on the poli board and got banned but whined enough to get back in, he even did it to W/E's kid.

It's hitting below the belt and he's an asshole.

He did it to you, he did it to me, he did it on the poli board and got banned but whined enough to get back in, he even did it to W/E's kid.

It's hitting below the belt and he's an asshole.

I feel badly that I made you come so unhinged. You are still making shit up.

You keep making me laugh.


I sense a return of Dick Tracy ;)

And where did you receive yours? Let me guess, you're going to tell us that Terry Schiavo was salvageable and had a working brain, right?


Dr. Frist made an obviously limited, but far more weighty assessment than YOUR'S. Where did you get your M.D.? Did you examine here personally? If not then you'd be better served to shut up!

There was at least one other physicians who examined her live and in person and reached the same conclusion as Dr. Frist. Wow! You get beat down again!

You aren't very good at this. If I were you, I'd quite while I was behind. Just what sort of a monster are you? Do you really want to support the dehydrating to death of another human being? That's one of the worst ways to go.

Fuckie, this is like those people who knock on your door on the weekend with little pamphlettes that show how 'some day', lions and tigers and doggies and kitties and people will all lay around together smiling and happy. Ring a ding, ding. :cool:

Fuckie, this is like those people who knock on your door on the weekend with little pamphlettes that show how 'some day', lions and tigers and doggies and kitties and people will all lay around together smiling and happy. Ring a ding, ding. :cool:

Funny how you come up with this piece of claptrap when you were just recently claiming that someone else couldn't mount an intellectual argument.

Congrats, you've made a hypocrite out of yourself again!

This "dehydrating" thing what are you thinking? I have had four people very close to me wish to die at home. How it worked was to quit eating for about three weeks. At that point, their sugar went so low the body shut down and they slipped into a coma. Now they needed no water or food and passed within days never waking up. I was there for two bedside and this is how they chose to go. It was fairly peaceful. They were on lots of medication for pain, kept clean and comfortable. Believe me the people that go of things like COPD, it is absolutely the worst most agonizing death I have ever heard or seen. See it and you'll never touch another cigarette. I know how I'm going if it's not in a car someday.
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Let me axe a serious question here:

If heaven is supposed to be 'glory' and 'life eternal' and the place we're all just here temporarily for because we're trying to get there - then wouldn't we want someone who is having a terrible life (T.Schiavo) or a fetus who would be at a disadvantage (abortion) to have the opportunity to go there? A fetus hasn't even had the chance to do something fun that would disqualify them - they just get to cruise on in free!

So if eternal life in heaven is 'where it's at' - what's the concern with the here and now? I think people talk 'eternal life' and talk 'heaven' but I don't think for a minute they have actually sat down, thought it out and believe it is better than life here on earth.

I mean why did Jesus rise up into ythe sky? Hell, he was home with dad, in the bast of places, the Romans were being assholes, why didn't he just stay there?

Vag: while I agree with you and actually have asked this question over and over and never really gotten a good answer, I think there is no "heaven". Not where we taste and feel, love and laugh, have adventures and plans. This is life. Whatever comes next is not anything like this world. I suppose there is a longshot that we really are inside something like "The Matrix" and then it would be whatever you want.

Vag: while I agree with you and actually have asked this question over and over and never really gotten a good answer, I think there is no "heaven". Not where we taste and feel, love and laugh, have adventures and plans. This is life. Whatever comes next is not anything like this world. I suppose there is a longshot that we really are inside something like "The Matrix" and then it would be whatever you want.

I tend to agree with you and for that reason, I think 'life' is much better than 'heave' (whatever that is). I think Christians actually feel this way too and that heaven is a fairy tale or a myth they haven't really thought. For that reason, I don't understand the fixation on heaven & hell but thought I'd ask.

"Do you really want to support the dehydrating to death of another human being? That's one of the worst ways to go."

I can think of a worst way to die, reading your silly posts. By the way, why do you hate abortion? Isn't your god able to take care of that fetus? Doesn't she have the parental skills to raise that child?

Thanks for confirming yet again what a shallow person you are.