Walking Eagle
Active Member
- Walking Eagle   Apr 12, 2011 at 10:53: PM
Walking Eagle
Active Member
Have tried hard to eliminate Gd from by vocabualry. Very difficult. Notice that people new to the US pick up on it quickly yet they would never say allah be damned, buddah damn it, etc. Fuck is an interesting word: nothing about it in the Bible as the had not been invented. Not truly a cruse word, more just crude. An unfortunately carss word to describe a very pleasurable experience. I try to use fuck more and the other stuff less. How about "Fuck damn it"? Comments?Yes, Catholic Church -- and as you stated it's very black or white, leaving little to no gray area, which is why I have a problem with it. Reading your post made a lot of sense. I've always wondered if my Dad went to hell when he died, because his last words had to have been, "GDmit, I'm having a f*cking heart attack!" and of course, taking the Lord's name in vain is a BIG sin.
T - I agree with the child endangerment, but do not condone what she did by any stretch. I personally think she had a really bad lawyer, and will win on appeal. But ultimately, she still lost.