What are your thoughts?

Really, there is no comparison at all. A clump of six week old cells is NOT a living breathing boy or girl. I guess my believing in the death penalty means I should just take matters into my own hands next time I'm pissed off. WTF? You have some BIG issues to continue to bring this shit here. Go work for some PC organization rather than post here all fcking day. You are starting to make me sick and I used to think you were at least funny. Dude, seriously, you have a problem with this. Get some therapy as you are a control freak. Go work in government to actually CHANGE SOMETHING. Obviously, you are deeply troubled by abortion. So do something REAL!!!! You are not changing shit here. This is a flipping chat board for PHARMA REPS and it's supposed to be fun and have maybe an enlightening touch or personal quality. You contribute nothing to it. Nothing with this shit.

Why did you go back and edit? Stick with your original thoughts

(that's it!) Fuck you. My son is autistic and I spent 80 grand to make sure he was productive and happy. You are a real asshole buddy. I hope we never meet in person. You really are clueless and have never walked in shoes other than those of a self-centered arrogant prick. I like Hairy way better than you; he at least tries to have a reasonable thought process.

This isn't about your son. This is about a mother allowing her child to die for you folks argue is convenience. I argue that this is no different than a woman who kills her unborn baby for convenience and I merely used the same arguments the pro abortion crowd uses.

What is truly hilarious about this is that I am essentially agreeing with you about this woman.

For the record, you are bringing your child into this. I am not, for those who will go running off to the mods.

You and Vagisil thinj everything is about you. Stop being so narcissistic

Why did you go back and edit? Stick with your original thoughts

I decided to not drop twenty F-bombs in two posts. Why can't you ProLifers just let us ProChoice people live our lives and burn in Hell. . . since you are so positive we're headed there? I am prefectly happy to sit by the fire. Vag and I will light one up for old times sake and make out like dogs in heat with our shriveled parched bodies. Oh, wait, you're the guy with the fork up his ass.

You brought my kid into it when you oh so slyly brought up autism with abortion and it was directed at me. This, after our offensive arugment in the yanked thread. Don't play dumb.
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ILA...I think you are detouring here. This is about a mom who withheld medical treatment for a selfish gain. It involved a boy not an unborn fetus. Can we stay on topic?

Adopt? He had a dad. No one 'gave him up'. Someone let him die.

I know what the story is about, and I agree with you. I am just making the argument that it is no different than a woman who kills her unborn baby for the same selfish reasons.

Every argument I have heard to defend abortion could be applied to this case, which is why I make the argument that when you cheapen life at any stage you get on a slippery slope.

If you don't agree, that is fine. If you aren't smart enough to get the point that is another matter altogether

I decided to not drop twenty F-bombs in two posts. Why can't you ProLifers just let us ProChoice people live our lives and burn in Hell. . . since you are so positive we're headed there? I am prefectly happy to sit by the fire. Vag and I will light one up for old times sake and make out like dogs in heat with our shriveled parched bodies. Oh, wait, you're the guy with the fork up his ass.

You brought my kid into it when you oh so slyly brought up autism with abortion and it was directed at me. This, after our offensive arugment in the yanked thread. Don't play dumb.

I have never said you are going to burn in hell. Why do you and Vaginitis continue to misrepresent what I post?

Maybe the reason you guys get so pissed is because you aren't really comprehending what I am saying.

BTW, if we met in real life you would do absolutely nothing, but you can talk tough on the internet ;)

I decided to not drop twenty F-bombs in two posts. Why can't you ProLifers just let us ProChoice people live our lives and burn in Hell. . . since you are so positive we're headed there? I am prefectly happy to sit by the fire. Vag and I will light one up for old times sake and make out like dogs in heat with our shriveled parched bodies. Oh, wait, you're the guy with the fork up his ass.

You brought my kid into it when you oh so slyly brought up autism with abortion and it was directed at me. This, after our offensive arugment in the yanked thread. Don't play dumb.

The kid in the story had autism dumbass. Not everything is about you. So if I ever menton autism again, I am somehow slyly speaking of your kid?

How fucking self absorbed are you?

I have never said you are going to burn in hell. Why do you and Vaginitis continue to misrepresent what I post?

Maybe the reason you guys get so pissed is because you aren't really comprehending what I am saying.

BTW, if we met in real life you would do absolutely nothing, but you can talk tough on the internet ;)

Well, truth be told. I would NOT even speak to you because you are too damn upsetting and narrow minded and life is way too short to spend a LIVE minute arguing with the likes of you. I am pretty sure I'm done. You are like a troll here and I promised to not feed them anymore because it's just not fun or funny.

Well, truth be told. I would NOT even speak to you because you are too damn upsetting and narrow minded and life is way too short to spend a LIVE minute arguing with the likes of you. I am pretty sure I'm done. You are like a troll here and I promised to not feed them anymore because it's just not fun or funny.

I am sorry if you took offense. I was not trying to bring your family into this. If you believe otherwise that is on you

Here's a twist -- am I committing suicide if I'm diagnosed with cancer and decide to stop the meds which means I would die? I know that's not the case with this child - and for the record, I don't agree with what she did.

DD. No. At the end of life, you have a choice to NOT take your meds and let nature take its course. That is what Hospice does. We have choices here on Earth and there and everywhere. Some people here (on CP) want to decide WHAT you and I get to choose. . . rather than let us make up our minds on how to live and how to die. I should add Euthansia to my tagline as I am not just going to stop taking my meds but add a few for some extra sleepytime. You will know when it's time. Just be sure there truly is no hope and no QOL.

That's pretty much the way I feel about it, I'm just wondering what the other thoughts are. This is one of the problems I have with religion. According to the Church, suicide is a sin, and that means you're going to hell. If I decide to NOT take something that will extend my life, am I committing suicide? We're all doing to die.

Well, eventually at the end everyone starts to have trouble just drinking water let alone swallowing pills and eating food. As long as you have a DNR and are not hooked into a feeding tube, I would say you are good to go. You can refuse an IV. However, some hospitals and nursing homes, especially the Catholic ones, will force feed you and give you IVs anyway, and give you your meds right on time. It is best to be at home. JMTC after caring for three dying relatives and two friends. (What's funny is these Catholic facilities do what they do not because of some higher moral code even if that's what they say, but because of fear of being sued by some PO'd extended family member.)
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  • ~T~   Apr 12, 2011 at 10:09: PM
Heartless jurors..massholes! Can't believe she was convicted of attempted murder. Child endangerment yes, but murder..hardly. This won't fly. Side effects of chemo CAN kill and chemo can bring on other cancers. I believe her when she said she stopped giving the meds cause she couldn't bear to see how sick the side effects made him. Anyway, where was the oversight for this boy's care by the prescribing physician? Five months of treatment withheld by this Mom with no intervention? Lots of missing information.

T - very poorly managed patient home care for this to happen. Her care team should be held partly accountable. You are right, it does not add up. There are many medications including MJ to help with the pain, vomiting and headaches from chemo.

That's pretty much the way I feel about it, I'm just wondering what the other thoughts are. This is one of the problems I have with religion. According to the Church, suicide is a sin, and that means you're going to hell. If I decide to NOT take something that will extend my life, am I committing suicide? We're all doing to die.
Curious. You said "the Church". Is this a refernece to the Catholic Church? I was raised Baptist but change to a Bible Study church in the 80's. Catholocism teaching is pretty much black or white, right or wrong. Teachings in Bible study are about saved, not saved, then about Saved and 'in fellowship" with God or "out of fellowship". Saved=Heaven even if there are unresolved sins, including suicide. Everyone sins after being saved--gotta pray and ask for those sins to be forgiven. Doesn't mean you are going to Hell. Only way to be UN-saved is to renounce God and JC. Even the most serious sins can be forgiven by God---people are not even close at accepting the wrongs committed against them: they want ot send you to jail or sue you or see you punished in some way.

  • ~T~   Apr 12, 2011 at 10:22: PM
GG- do you remember how you felt when you were undergoing chemo? Like you wanted to die..right? The cure is OFTEN worse than the disease. I don't think the general public understands this.

T, my condition did not even have a treatment for more than a year. I was dying with no hope for anything better but I did not give up entirely or I would have died. It was not cancer and hope to God I never do know that one . . . So, no personal experience but I have several friends that have received treatment that lasted for years. (I went everywhere and this person should have too - we should do everything posible for our children and for anyone sick. Being an advocate is very hard work and takes a lot of research and support!) Chemo can be horrible but the doctors really blew this one. Many side-effects can be minimized. I think the entire case is a tragedy, perhaps directed at end-of-life care and our lack of it. There is a point where treatment is a waste of everyone's time, effort and money.
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Curious. You said "the Church". Is this a refernece to the Catholic Church?

Yes, Catholic Church -- and as you stated it's very black or white, leaving little to no gray area, which is why I have a problem with it. Reading your post made a lot of sense. I've always wondered if my Dad went to hell when he died, because his last words had to have been, "GDmit, I'm having a f*cking heart attack!" and of course, taking the Lord's name in vain is a BIG sin.

T - I agree with the child endangerment, but do not condone what she did by any stretch. I personally think she had a really bad lawyer, and will win on appeal. But ultimately, she still lost.
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