West Zone is imploding

You crossed the line. Separate your own personal issues as we all know that she as set up to fail. At least she had the guts to try.

Wrong. If she was a brave as you are suggesting, she should have the guts to say that it isn’t working. It’s all about her. Any leader who sees a mass exodous under them needs to look at what they are doing. She will never do that. She blames others. It’s such a shire trait

There is no line with Julie. All of it is smoke and mirrors. The condition, her kids... all set up to make some line. SHE crossed the line by being sneaky and forcing people out of the company. Many with their own conditions and families to think about.

Julie is a textbook sociopath and you being her little handmaiden won't change that.

I hope I get a chance to that BS “line” you’re talking about.
It is curious that all female leaders at Shire are trashed on CP. Could it be the old white males in the sales force are envious as well as bitter? It's 2018, misogynistic creeps!!

It is curious that all female leaders at Shire are trashed on CP. Could it be the old white males in the sales force are envious as well as bitter? It's 2018, misogynistic creeps!!

Nice crutch. There are many female leaders who are amazing. But this is Shire so most leadership sucks. This is also cafe pharma so you don’t hear about what’s good. Last time I checked mark Russ, perry, etc all identified as males. So take your “women get bashed just because their women” line and go somewhere else with it.

It is curious that all female leaders at Shire are trashed on CP. Could it be the old white males in the sales force are envious as well as bitter? It's 2018, misogynistic creeps!!

ah, the last tool for those with weak arguments finally comes out! It couldn’t be that Julie Mann is a terrible leader who has systematically hurt those below her while making poor decision after poor decision. No! It’s because *sniff* she is a woman *sniff* and we are full of jealousy *sniff* and ... MISOGYNY!!!!

How is criticizing and calling out one of the worst ZDs in the history of Shire misogyny? Have you considered for an moment that you’re simpering post implying that a woman’s effectiveness at her job shouldn’t be judged on the basis of that woman’s actions because it hurts feelings is actually deeply rooted in mysoganistic notions?

Have you considered while patting yourself on the back for protecting a poor whittle woman that YOU are a creepy mysogonist who doesn’t understand what the word even means? (Go pick up some fem theory books, I’ll wait)

Lastly, had to laugh that you bring race into anything given that Julie has benefited from her white privlage her entire life.

But yeah, stick up for the poor whittle white woman who everyone is just jealous of!

Nice crutch. There are many female leaders who are amazing. But this is Shire so most leadership sucks. This is also cafe pharma so you don’t hear about what’s good. Last time I checked mark Russ, perry, etc all identified as males. So take your “women get bashed just because their women” line and go somewhere else with it.

So true. Don’t forget she threw in “white” males too. Total bullshit. Continue playing the victim lady. You are great at it

It is curious that all female leaders at Shire are trashed on CP. Could it be the old white males in the sales force are envious as well as bitter? It's 2018, misogynistic creeps!!

Did MSNBC'S Rachel Maddow email Natalie and Julie what to write on CP in response to her poor leadership skills. This has to be a joke. Facts dont matter to these liberal idiots. Well over 80% of the comments made about Shire here are dealing with individuals who have no brains and are male. How do I know this? I am sitting by the pool putting in fake calls and had time to go back and look over the last 2 months of comments on here. So happy to be a pediatric rep. Not everything has to do with gender and race like you want to believe. There are plenty of white males that are complete idiots at Shire. There are some white females that have been promoted just because they were women but didn't deserve it. Clarissa who was African American was twice as smart as Kevin Cowles and didn't look and sound like a complete dufus on stage either. Your white male leadership that you and about 10% of others believe in got rid of her for some reason. Ask Perry and Mark Why?

it is just a way to derail and take the heat off of Julie and her YEARS of poor leadership. She is toxic garbage who thinks she's above her lowly reps. One day that'll come back to get you Julie.

I a female, I work in the west, and Julie Mann is the worst leader I have ever worked with. She gives women a bad name. Her actions and her actions alone. Are there misogynists out there? Absolutely. But there are many great male leaders who look at body of work, not just bodies. How Julie got to the position she’s in is beyond me. Her ineptitude is what’s hurting other future female leaders. Not the people calling her out for being terrible.

It is curious that all female leaders at Shire are trashed on CP. Could it be the old white males in the sales force are envious as well as bitter? It's 2018, misogynistic creeps!!

Since you are claiming men are bad, let me give you some fuel for your argument:

There’s a 95% chance the woman who wrote this is either ugly or overweight

I a female, I work in the west, and Julie Mann is the worst leader I have ever worked with. She gives women a bad name. Her actions and her actions alone. Are there misogynists out there? Absolutely. But there are many great male leaders who look at body of work, not just bodies. How Julie got to the position she’s in is beyond me. Her ineptitude is what’s hurting other future female leaders. Not the people calling her out for being terrible.
Nice try, little frat boy. Julie is well respected by 90%+ of the West! The problems at Shire are numerous but the treatment and lack of respect for female managers is appalling. Julie is trying to bring positive change to a region that was ruined by arrogant white male management.

Nice try, little frat boy. Julie is well respected by 90%+ of the West! The problems at Shire are numerous but the treatment and lack of respect for female managers is appalling. Julie is trying to bring positive change to a region that was ruined by arrogant white male management.

I like your trolling style, but it needs a little work to really get people going. You didn’t quite sell this as a real post. Maybe pull back a little and stick with one angle?

Nice try, little frat boy. Julie is well respected by 90%+ of the West! The problems at Shire are numerous but the treatment and lack of respect for female managers is appalling. Julie is trying to bring positive change to a region that was ruined by arrogant white male management.

90%... lol... hahahahaha that is hilarious

Nice try, little frat boy. Julie is well respected by 90%+ of the West! The problems at Shire are numerous but the treatment and lack of respect for female managers is appalling. Julie is trying to bring positive change to a region that was ruined by arrogant white male management.

Dear Julie. Be better. Your posts suck worse than your leadership