Wes Wilhite

Bottom line, people on here called out Wes for being a jerk, a bad manager who doesn’t talk to people the right way, and he proceeded with his nasty posts here to prove their point

Wes keep up with your nasty posts

Just further proves how nasty you are

Keep making excuses, that it’s just few of your ex reps calling you out when in fact the comments reflect a consensus on how you conduct yourself

You don’t treat people right and that makes you a crappy manager and a bad human being

Sad you don’t try to improve yourself at all

Sad you don’t put yourself on an improvement plan

And you’re right yes everyone should quit instead of working with you

And no one should apply to work here with you

You’re right

Wes keep up with your nasty posts

Just further proves how nasty you are

Keep making excuses, that it’s just few of your ex reps calling you out when in fact the comments reflect a consensus on how you conduct yourself

You don’t treat people right and that makes you a crappy manager and a bad human being

Sad you don’t try to improve yourself at all

Sad you don’t put yourself on an improvement plan

And you’re right yes everyone should quit instead of working with you

And no one should apply to work here with you

You’re right
Is that why Preston left?

Wes keep up with your nasty posts

Just further proves how nasty you are

Keep making excuses, that it’s just few of your ex reps calling you out when in fact the comments reflect a consensus on how you conduct yourself

You don’t treat people right and that makes you a crappy manager and a bad human being

Sad you don’t try to improve yourself at all

Sad you don’t put yourself on an improvement plan

And you’re right yes everyone should quit instead of working with you

And no one should apply to work here with you

You’re right
Wes knows he can get away with continuing on behind a bad manager and bad human cause he kisses Derek’s ass hard

So he’s protected. His boss thinks he’s okay and buys all Wes’ bs excuses why he has problems with others

Truth is everyone who works with him regardless how well they are doing, thinks he doesn’t act right

Just nuts how he gets away with this

Wes knows he can get away with continuing on behind a bad manager and bad human cause he kisses Derek’s ass hard

So he’s protected. His boss thinks he’s okay and buys all Wes’ bs excuses why he has problems with others

Truth is everyone who works with him regardless how well they are doing, thinks he doesn’t act right

Just nuts how he gets away with this
OMG you are so lying. You don’t know Sh%^#T. lol

Hey, we all know (those that actually work) that he’s a good guy who coaches hard yet fair, and strives for excellence both personally and with his team. Some people aren’t cut out for this job, and that’s what makes a managerial role difficult at times. It takes a dedicated individual such as Wes to support but not coddle each individual, and direct each one to their own promised land, that may or may not be with the company or industry. I’m proud to be aligned with this mindset, but I’m one of the haves vs have-nots.