Wes Wheeler/Tim Arendt-Twin Destroyers??

I know them both, and worked in RTP when they were both there. Wes worked for TT as an Engineer. His claim to fame was building the RTP R&D Building "On Time & Under Budget." Not quite true, as sheetrock was placed without any of the electrical infrastructure in place. Johnson Controls was told to keep quiet and finish the job quietly after the celbrated opening. He followed TT to Commercial Operations, and rose to VP of Marketing for the GI/Anti-Infective department after Stan Hull was promoted. He was all about process, as you would expect of an engineer, with zero marketing or product knowledge. He was completely ineffective. When GW merged with SKB, and TT became President of Manufacturing, Wes followed him. His job was to identify the manufacturing plants to be closed. Does the name Cidra ring a bell? He missed it.
Tim at least had knowledge, and he could be seen as easy to work for, because he was constantly managing up. All he cared about was his next promotion, and he would do anything to get there.
Both worked for characters who demanded total loyalty. They were both toadies for TT & CB, and were spineless when ordered to act.
Any company is better off without them. They don't build, they tear down. I was there, and saw it first hand.

the Marken employee statement is ridiculous - in fact it is the opposite - the company is expanding, hiring and growing in a market which is struggling. It is always interesting how frustration changes reality

You guys have too much fun !!
Why don't you just leave the company if you are not happy ?
Maybe both of you can set up a show with Mr Bean.
Or just buy a brain at CVS !! They have sales for Xmas !!

the Marken employee statement is ridiculous - in fact it is the opposite - the company is expanding, hiring and growing in a market which is struggling. It is always interesting how frustration changes reality

To the idiot who wrote the above, do you still think Wes Wheeler is doing a good job? you need to read this article!
If the company was "expanding" and "growing" and "hiring" why is he laying off so many people? how can you be "growing" if you manage to eliminate a third of the company's value in less than a year?

Employed by Marken it was pleasing to see post (62) Mr Wheeler if only half the posts are correct (Post 50) and true it's enough to form a judgement? I dont know enough about marken in the US to comment but the comments about marken and it's management in the UK are more than accurate The UK manager is not fit to command such a high profile position the whole operation is a shambles a UK manager unable to manage his side kick without a clue and a dim wit transport manager this is marken UK operation in 2013.. The common factor between all 3 just like Mr wheeler and his cronies.. NO VISION NO ABILITY NO KNOWHOW and more faces between them than spitting image.. yes sir 3 bags full mr wheeler attitude while calling him what he is behind his back then falling over themself to kiss his ass when he visits! the game is called the boss and his side kicks have no BALLS all leading to an exodus of vastly experienced employees and clients to marken competitors.. how long can this once good company carry on with these idiots running the show. lucky for me im about to leave to

I am writing from Valeant pharmaceuticals, where Wes Wheeler and Tim Arendt are single-handedly destroying the company. We were just wondering what their reputations were at GSK, Any opinions?

I knew T.A from years ago at Glaxo. When he was a RSD - I thought he was an awesome dude. Very straight-shooter and people centered guy. I would not in any way think of him as a crack pot.

I've now left Marken Employment after many years, and the way the London office is run is laughable, everyone seems happy to sit in there nice office and sit on their hands. Nigel was and is the worst manager i have ever worked for, the guy dosen't have a clue and seems scared of makind any sort of decision. I am so glad i left, they can run it into the ground now, i don't need to worry about if i would still have a company to work for the next day.

My company recently employed an ex marken employee to help and advise our pharmaceutical logistics department, unfortunate for us they had already committed to an other company!! without question the individual had knowledge ability and an amazing work ethic. If these are the type of people marken feel they no longer need then I concur with the comments listed above, it is about time the owners take a long look at who is managing the company!! what a waste,

Re: Wes Wheeler Marken Destroyer

Oh boy listerning to some of your guys at a conf recently our friend Wes sure knows how to scew up a company.. well known for his screw ups We pity you guys.. well warned thou and we could see the train coming down the track soon as he got his ass in at marken!! thats's Wheeler just like he was at his previous companies .. Enjoy you guys