Jeez !!! Aubrey's let himself go, good to see him back in the galley though.
Which one is Aubrey
Big. Ego Small brain
Aubrey known as Will is the one who gets an A+ for moving up the ladder by licking the bosses butt 2 faces was about to say a man but unsure if that description is worthy!!!
He's reached the position of operations manager by stabbing so called friends in the back one of WW London puppets useless man manager poor business sense!!! but does have great experience of putting himself in close proximity to the bosses arse if there are brownie points in the offing!!!
Trust him with your shipments at your peril but if chaos and disaster recovery is your thing then he's the one for your organisation
Aubrey The puppy of Nigel Connolly!! the biggest management failure in markens history a man who can't tell fact from fiction A man who can't tell truth from lies!!! A man demoted to look after boxes....
No self awareness only interested in himself hanging in for his life!!!! Almost brought the house down with his lies!! Optimises how Marken works under the dictatorship of WW .. He's still got his job..
Then we have the big puppet... the big WW puppet Naresh put in place by WW himself overseeing a demoralised work force an eye for the girls originally running Marken London on a tourist visa!!!!
A real puppet a real sad sad addition to Marken London!!! An opportunity missed having put useless Nigel Connolly in charge of sorting out boxes... this was WW chance to put Marken London back together again!!
He brought in a yes man a man willing to cheat the visa system.. Would you trust him with your shipments..
I still work here!!! yes I know move on if I don't like it..
I will I'm trying after so many years I want to make sure I find the right place
it's getting close sitting here feeding the WW bullshit to unsuspecting clients makes me sick!! Audrey's big mouth the ever useless Mr bumble ever useless Martin who needs it....
Don't take my word for it ask other employees New York West Coast Europe and Asia what they think
it's a salary that is it.. no pride no energy no conviction just a mixed bag of the worst managers in the business trying to act the part but failing daily.. the best talent gone..
a sickening failure of a once great place to work run down by WW's cronies..
turning the corner my arse.. Hypocrite WW attending church every Sunday while running the rule over people's life lies on Friday praise The Lord on Sunday!!! Hypocrite