Wes Wheeler/Tim Arendt-Twin Destroyers??

15-20 years ago we bought Kenmore washer / dryer , dishwasher, and refridgerator ! Highly rated and lasted long time, in past 16 months all went out.........we asked around and checked consumer reports.......things changed a lot.....since Sears bought KMart, most things went downhill........checked 9 stores and internet, plus repairmen ! We placed everything with Fridgidaire.

Wow i must say well played DGU! You caused the US logistics to increase in cost by making bone headed decisions.
Then blamed the world that no one else is doing their job to cut cost. Get the position as director of cost cutting!
When i hrow up, i need to be you. Screw up and then get a chance to fix it without anyone knowing it was your fault.

Well played

Wes and his buddy Mark continue firing very qualified people from the NY office to replace them with low pay unqualified ones that will only ultimately bring the company down.
Wes' brainstorming idea of the depots continue draining money at the expense of other departments that are all understaffed.
Depots=white elephants.

Marken is becoming the joke that everybody predicted when Wes was hired. It is all about him and his unmeasurable ego and his cronies are way up there with him.
All the bs about balancing the budget only applies to a few offices because they are hiring managers with ridiculous long titles and for sure high salaries while decimating the staffs that really make it happen.

Y'all have been at these men for ages.....they are still around. Your posts are impotent. They can do what they want because their manager tells them what to do. That is why they are still around Sparky. Find out their manager and hit on him for a change.

What a joke! They keep their drunk pill popping high ranking Canadian around who makes spectacles of herself at industry shows but fire people who actually contributed. To those who are gone, Good for you, to those who are still there, God help you.