Wes Wheeler/Tim Arendt-Twin Destroyers??

We all know Wes the bl**dy wheeler destroyed Marken. He needs to get fired with his friend Doaa and Ariette. No new sales since she arrived in 2010. 4 years and nothing !!! What a shame. She did the same with MDS and the company bankrupt. Look at her records……… Banks need to wake up fast as marken is deeply sinking…...

Sad and pathetic company Marken.

Wes Wheeler is a small minded an insecure man.

Doaa F sucks and is so far up Wes' ass she come out brown from the office every day.

Ariette should be fired. Sales have not taken off at all, despite what she tells the new Board. She spends most of her time reconciling 1000 different reports for the same information and figuring out how to make the numbers look good. Sales targets are either unrealistic or pulled out of nowhere so they can be shown to the Board.

MARKEN IS HEADED FOR A WINDFALL. Wes knows it, Ariette knows it. Its just a matter of time before their house of cards comes crumbling down and the board realizes that the revenue is not there.

The bloody Wes Weasel-er has a pretty good gig come to think of it.

Gets $3 Million Dollars PLUS for for a three year contract, plus whatever else he can get from APAX deal back to banks, drives the company to the ground, walks away this Spring after getting fired from the board with golden parachute, takes Doaa F with him to the next place he will go destroy and drive to the ground. Start process over.

At least the next company will have this board if they ever Google him or Doaa, so they can jump the ship quickly before it starts sinking.

Wait, I feel a song coming on!! Something about corporate pirates, sinking ships and Weasels.

Somebody stop me.

Wait, I feel a song coming on!! Something about corporate pirates, sinking ships and Weasels.

Somebody stop me.

Christmas isn't Christmas without a good old fashioned sing song.

Know any good sea shanties ? "Blow the man down" would be an apt choice, it was a big favourite in the galleys during the regular sausage fests......

No new Sales since 2010?

Where are you living? Spreading this kind of false information doesn't help anybody. What are you gaining other than others thinking of you as a poor loser!

Good Luck Sales Team and keep us busy.

Welcome to Mr. John Pattullo !

Save us please from WW the business breaker ASAP. We also need new sales……… Three years we get the same sh*t from Lady Two-Face

Well they aint comming from the NHS, naybe the board thought he could generate business through his old contacts, that wont happen.

too many chiefs and not enough Indians