Wes Wheeler/Tim Arendt-Twin Destroyers??

you seem like quite the song writer, it would seem like you have strong writing influences from the famous Van Morrison....More like, you drive your Van to Morrisons.

Waitrose D'warling! You must be management.....frightfully common!

Just cos Audrey's Transit's unwritten he's getting ideas above his station this morning.
Spose it's less conspicuous when he's 'Shopping' in Morrisons or Tescos or Aldi's car park of an evening.

Bet it's the only van on the fleet that's whiter on the inside than the out.

In the past we have had WhistleBlowers such, Mark Felt, Daniel Ellsberg, Linda Tripp and Mark Whitacre, and in more recent times Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, and now we have a MKN whistleblower. except do we? i find it quite implausible that, firstly all these emails have magically been obtained and we have other current employees "confirming" they "true" on what grounds? and secondly, i find it quite odd how they have all been written in uppercase, prehaps one or two but come on! any human being in 2013 with an ounce of email etiquette would have the ability to construct an internal email using both upper and lower cases. my sympathy lies with the ones of you on here that believe such clear bogus emails, but perhaps that's is why you are where you are, you are to simple to construct you're own opinion and view so instead you believe what you read, but a lot of people in life are the sheep, just follow others! there are winners and looser's in life and my fear is a lot of current/ex mkn employees on this site are the bitter looser's in life. I'll tell you what i will call you're bluff, i would love to see more of these "genuine" emails by tomorrow. game on!

surprise surprise, 5 days after this post was added and none of these emails we have been eagerly awaiting , if after reading this, you believe one thing written on this godforsaken website, then you are just a sheep in life, follow whatever someone else says. so so sad...

surprise surprise, 5 days after this post was added and none of these emails we have been eagerly awaiting , if after reading this, you believe one thing written on this godforsaken website, then you are just a sheep in life, follow whatever someone else says. so so sad...

If you don't like it Cilla then get the flock out of here. You've been warned about sheep worrying before.

Marken employee here. I have read this thread back to the beginning and am curious as to how many people here have actual knowledge of the company, it's focus, its history, its profitability and its future. As I see it, there are plenty of changes happening but they are not necessarily a bad thing. I'm not a Wes Wheeler defender, but many here seem to have a personal vendetta against him. The depot expansion project, the new finance structure, the changes in top leadership are a positive if you ask me. Glad Willy Fifer is gone. He doesn't need the money and should have retired a long time ago. Tugatt and Riach are good people, sad to see them go. Dan Bell is excellent and has been rightly appointed as VP. We have a pretty good team in place going forward. All companies have issues and things that could be better. If any of you have such personal rancor and jealousy against Wes and his success, I suggest you have a self check as to your motives, for many people are happy with his leadership at Marken.

To poster above,

Well, that is not unique to Marken or any other company. Any CEO that comes in and takes leadership of a company creates his/her own culture, forms their Senior team with the people they most respect and trust..and perhaps *ghasp* like. What is different about what Wes is doing than what any other CEO does?

Obviously you have access to internal emails since that email went out today. I received as well. If anybody is unhappy, I suggest looking for another place to invest their talents. The world is full of companies that can use qualified people.

Marken is not for everyone. But to slam Wes for his leadership is quite unfair.

I assume Marken will be bought out in the next few years. They already tried to sell themselves last year before being taken back by banks from APAX. As new business grows, they will be in a great position for a larger player to come in and swoop them up.

No harm in that. Wes will have successfully grown the company, made some money and consider himself a success. And all the haters will be on this board hating on him still.

I'd rather be in his shoes (or mine) than yours.

Why should Connolly keep his job he's hardly set the world on fire in his current job, just lied and stitched his way by. That is what is wrong with Marken not jealous people but those sick of watching the ones with the connection climb the ladder. When other far more experienced get nothing In any other company he would have been out the door by now[/QUOTE]

Lets not confuse promotion or 'claiming the ladder' with moving of incapable manager to another department. This is just 'band aid' treatment to cover up the obvious shortcomings in managerial sector. Not long ago another manager in LON was 'promoted' to Regulatory Support ...and that also did not last long. Watch this space.

To poster above,

Well, that is not unique to Marken or any other company. Any CEO that comes in and takes leadership of a company creates his/her own culture, forms their Senior team with the people they most respect and trust..and perhaps *ghasp* like. What is different about what Wes is doing than what any other CEO does?

Obviously you have access to internal emails since that email went out today. I received as well. If anybody is unhappy, I suggest looking for another place to invest their talents. The world is full of companies that can use qualified people.

Marken is not for everyone. But to slam Wes for his leadership is quite unfair.

I assume Marken will be bought out in the next few years. They already tried to sell themselves last year before being taken back by banks from APAX. As new business grows, they will be in a great position for a larger player to come in and swoop them up.

No harm in that. Wes will have successfully grown the company, made some money and consider himself a success. And all the haters will be on this board hating on him still.

I'd rather be in his shoes (or mine) than yours.

When Wes came to Marken we were over valued due to the greed of APAX and their flawed belief in the never ending bubble. Our true value was in our reputation, our people and the quality of equipment methods and service we provided. Wes failed to understand this so he began a race to the bottom by stripping quality from our inventory and depth from our head count in order to make us appear more financially viable so as to find a buyer. He failed; all that happened was he wasted a year in time and many years of staff experience before finally recognising the inevitable.

We were forcibly re-valued and then, unsurprisingly, found re-financing. So please don't present him as markens panacea or healer of all ills.

I am delighted to hear of the new contracts secured today but what people seem to forget is that Marken had and were capable of securing strong contracts long before Wes and his ace team arrived and it would have been far better to have been building from where we were before Wes saved us than from where we find our selves now.

Believe me you are welcome to occupy yours or Wes's shoes, personally I value the contents of my pants.

I feel a song coming on!!

The Winner takes it all, the looser arse will fall
Audrey or Diddly, it's all the same to me
Wes will roll the dice, his heart as cold as ice
Some one in old Blighty, will get a shafting mighty

I wonder who they'll blame, for their fall from fame
Dishonesty and shame, it was their only game
Wes will then move on, his work well and truly done
Millions in his bank, another company totally shanked

The Wesser takes it all, The Wesser takes it all, The Wesser takes it allllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!..................The Wesser appearing at a company near you soon xx

Wes has rolled the dice, Now diddly's counting ice
Is his situation dire, fear not he's on project Sapphire
I wonder who'll be next, to take his roll so vexed
My monies on 'the coker', Sh!t I better call my Broker

Sell! Sell! for god sake Sell!

Wes has rolled the dice, Now diddly's counting ice
Is his situation dire, fear not he's on project Sapphire
I wonder who'll be next, to take his roll so vexed
My monies on 'the coker', Sh!t I better call my Broker

Sell! Sell! for god sake Sell!

Aaah the lone voice still fighting his corner huh? Getting quieter....

To The Poster Above

You have failed to address the two major points made in the previous post

Wes took us through a completely pointless period of devaluation during which time many quality staff with many years of in-valuable experience left Mkn demoralised; and have gone on to join our competitors adding significantly to their portfolios.

Our previous reputation made the above contracts obtainable, and would have been achieved with or without the current regime and, in actual fact, probably in spite of it.

The other issue you fail to address is the managerial vacuum left by the loss of many of our finest managers during Wes's Dark Ages. This has now resulted in untrained bullies being sucked upwards by this vacuum into posts that they have neither the training, ability nor character to hold; all they have is a need for power or control and or the correct relative.

This is now having the cascading effect of demoralising the staff below them. One by one the best of them are leaving or reducing their commitment and that truly saddens me. One such person told me that their new company was great as they felt truly engaged with the management and that they were engaged with them. That kindred link between staff at all levels is what Wes has taken from Mkn.

So enjoy your celebration, and your bonus'. I celebrate Mkn's achievement too. Mkn has survived many regimes; we'll get through this one.

And these people Have joined the companies that did not win the contracts