Were buying Alexion for $40 BILLION - enjoy your layoff


40 BILLION dollars, yet the company lays off hundreds that will save at most $50-75 million.

You are all worthless, Merry Christmas

I hope another company comes in with a hight offer. The purchase lines the pockets of the rich at the expense of 500 families that lost their livelihood. All during a pandemic with a tight job market and right before Christmas.

I hope another company comes in with a hight offer. The purchase lines the pockets of the rich at the expense of 500 families that lost their livelihood. All during a pandemic with a tight job market and right before Christmas.

Nothing personal just business. None owes you anything. You sound entitled.

I hope another company comes in with a hight offer. The purchase lines the pockets of the rich at the expense of 500 families that lost their livelihood. All during a pandemic with a tight job market and right before Christmas.

Being laid off builds character. Struggling without requesting a Handout or Help will make you more appealing in interviews. People love an overcoming the odds story. It’s what makes America great.

I hope another company comes in with a hight offer. The purchase lines the pockets of the rich at the expense of 500 families that lost their livelihood. All during a pandemic with a tight job market and right before Christmas.
Hey I definitely feel your pain, been through many a lay-off, merger, and complete shut down. Alexion has been up for sale for quite sometime, it seems both companies board of directors have signed off and given their blessing, barring any last minute heroics, it seems this deal is going through. Sorry and good luck.

What’s wrong with Personal Responsibility and “Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps”? Or is that something only reserved for certain people. Please. Fuck You
See it’s ass-wipes like you that need the living shit beat out of them!!! Compassion, understanding, and humanity definitely isn’t in your DNA, so pricks like you only understand one thing......getting your ass kicked!! So who is going to do it, you might say...........ME!!! Just meet me, I’ll come to YOU.

I hope another company comes in with a hight offer. The purchase lines the pockets of the rich at the expense of 500 families that lost their livelihood. All during a pandemic with a tight job market and right before Christmas.

Purchasing this company has nothing to do with the layoffs. If you weren't anticipating this layoff you must have had your head up your ass in the sand. When are you going to get it? Pharma sales as we see it is dying. Most sales reps are not worth the salary and benefits and expenses keeping them in the field. The longest running and biggest thread on here for god sakes is "the all day lie." Everyone knows the majority of calls are fake. Everyone knows the "real" calls are the ten second variety. How often does real selling happen? Not very often. Your drug not on formulary. Doctors are sick and tired of prior auths and write what they can. Covid accelerated the layoffs no doubt. Virtual calls are worthless. Most hospitals are closed to reps. More than 50% of doctors don't see reps. Medical schools teach their students not to see drug reps. All the company cares about is meaningless metrics taken from a model developed in the 1950's. I feel sorry for the 500 gone however I thought the layoff would be much much bigger than it was. You think you are entitled to corporate welfare. Sorry you're not. If you weren't planning on this shame on you. I have news for you. This is the start. More layoffs are coming. Those that are prepared will do fine those that have their head in the sand and hope they will be retained are in serious trouble. I'm not an AZ supporter perhaps they wanted to lay off more but held the layoffs to 500? I don't know. The first major company that has a massive layoffs others will follow. Yeah I know the pipeline is rich and more products are coming. So what. If reps aren't influencing prescribing more will be gone.

See it’s ass-wipes like you that need the living shit beat out of them!!! Compassion, understanding, and humanity definitely isn’t in your DNA, so pricks like you only understand one thing......getting your ass kicked!! So who is going to do it, you might say...........ME!!! Just meet me, I’ll come to YOU.

Says the guy who is MAGA as frick.

Purchasing this company has nothing to do with the layoffs. If you weren't anticipating this layoff you must have had your head up your ass in the sand. When are you going to get it? Pharma sales as we see it is dying. Most sales reps are not worth the salary and benefits and expenses keeping them in the field. The longest running and biggest thread on here for god sakes is "the all day lie." Everyone knows the majority of calls are fake. Everyone knows the "real" calls are the ten second variety. How often does real selling happen? Not very often. Your drug not on formulary. Doctors are sick and tired of prior auths and write what they can. Covid accelerated the layoffs no doubt. Virtual calls are worthless. Most hospitals are closed to reps. More than 50% of doctors don't see reps. Medical schools teach their students not to see drug reps. All the company cares about is meaningless metrics taken from a model developed in the 1950's. I feel sorry for the 500 gone however I thought the layoff would be much much bigger than it was. You think you are entitled to corporate welfare. Sorry you're not. If you weren't planning on this shame on you. I have news for you. This is the start. More layoffs are coming. Those that are prepared will do fine those that have their head in the sand and hope they will be retained are in serious trouble. I'm not an AZ supporter perhaps they wanted to lay off more but held the layoffs to 500? I don't know. The first major company that has a massive layoffs others will follow. Yeah I know the pipeline is rich and more products are coming. So what. If reps aren't influencing prescribing more will be gone.

100% spot on. I’m prepared and bummed I didn’t get the package.

Purchasing this company has nothing to do with the layoffs. If you weren't anticipating this layoff you must have had your head up your ass in the sand. When are you going to get it? Pharma sales as we see it is dying. Most sales reps are not worth the salary and benefits and expenses keeping them in the field. The longest running and biggest thread on here for god sakes is "the all day lie." Everyone knows the majority of calls are fake. Everyone knows the "real" calls are the ten second variety. How often does real selling happen? Not very often. Your drug not on formulary. Doctors are sick and tired of prior auths and write what they can. Covid accelerated the layoffs no doubt. Virtual calls are worthless. Most hospitals are closed to reps. More than 50% of doctors don't see reps. Medical schools teach their students not to see drug reps. All the company cares about is meaningless metrics taken from a model developed in the 1950's. I feel sorry for the 500 gone however I thought the layoff would be much much bigger than it was. You think you are entitled to corporate welfare. Sorry you're not. If you weren't planning on this shame on you. I have news for you. This is the start. More layoffs are coming. Those that are prepared will do fine those that have their head in the sand and hope they will be retained are in serious trouble. I'm not an AZ supporter perhaps they wanted to lay off more but held the layoffs to 500? I don't know. The first major company that has a massive layoffs others will follow. Yeah I know the pipeline is rich and more products are coming. So what. If reps aren't influencing prescribing more will be gone.
You answered your own question; YOU DONT KNOW!!!! They aren’t going to get rid of reps totally you dumb-ass, diabetes and respiratory had to many so they trimmed down, plus if you knew anything you were talking about the earnings report for Q-3 those franchises had single digit growth, the focus for AZ are oncology, oncology and oncology!!! Why because that is were the $$$$$ are Einstein. If you look at the pipeline and where are the R&D dollars are going its in oncology, oncology and oncology!!! Obviously you aren’t in ONCOLOGY, expansion is full speed ahead, positions are being filled and new positions are being created. Are you telling me the company doesn’t know this, hell ya they do, Merck, BMS, AZ, Novartis, Bayer, and other oncology rich companies haven’t laid off ONE person due to Covid!!! Those mentioned companies with the exception of AZ have reps falling over each other, the great thing about mid to upper management here at AZ have resisted and refused to expand currently because they came from those other companies and learned from their mistakes. How do I know, I work in oncology for AZ and have had countless interactions with management. So please take your negative ass somewhere else. I know you have tried to come over to the oncology side, but just didn’t have the expertise and talent like WE have. Sorry.............:) Peace and Love.

Hey you don’t have to be prick, just ease up and stop messing with people..........damn

AZ is full of pricks most notable being Soriot and Dobber! Lining their pockets at the expense of others. I've heard of two reps let go that were dealing with cancer. If AZ really needed the money they could have offered early retirement, furloughs, or temporary salary cuts. It's not like AZ is going bankrupt from Covid, in fact, it's just the opposite they went shopping! I hope everyone that was impacted quickly lands on their feet. There are better companies!

money saved from layoffs is from operational costs bucket which is separate from M&A funds. The reps were laid off to consolidate the field since Alexion has 3000 employees and enough reps to cover their product sales. Those laid off should have been saving and investing their compensation - anyone can lose their jobs at any time. Don’t blame a business for making business decisions. Blame yourself for not planning better.

money saved from layoffs is from operational costs bucket which is separate from M&A funds. The reps were laid off to consolidate the field since Alexion has 3000 employees and enough reps to cover their product sales. Those laid off should have been saving and investing their compensation - anyone can lose their jobs at any time. Don’t blame a business for making business decisions. Blame yourself for not planning better.

Maybe people did plan. It's still a kick in the nuts. Appreciate your empathy, now GFY.

AZ is full of pricks most notable being Soriot and Dobber! Lining their pockets at the expense of others. I've heard of two reps let go that were dealing with cancer. If AZ really needed the money they could have offered early retirement, furloughs, or temporary salary cuts. It's not like AZ is going bankrupt from Covid, in fact, it's just the opposite they went shopping! I hope everyone that was impacted quickly lands on their feet. There are better companies!

‘The love of money is the root of all evil”, says the Good Book. Letting the reps go that have cancer is just a good business move from their point of view. AZ doesn’t need the money either. Soriot has no connection with the sales force. It’s just about profit and future profit, nothing more. I can assure you he sleeps well every night!

AZ is full of pricks most notable being Soriot and Dobber! Lining their pockets at the expense of others. I've heard of two reps let go that were dealing with cancer. If AZ really needed the money they could have offered early retirement, furloughs, or temporary salary cuts. It's not like AZ is going bankrupt from Covid, in fact, it's just the opposite they went shopping! I hope everyone that was impacted quickly lands on their feet. There are better companies!
You are so right! We need to form a union to prevent management from screwing us over and over and over!