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Can anyone specifically tell me what the role of an Area Market Development Specialist would be? There is an opening for this position, but there are few details. Thank you.

My guess is its nothing more that a glorified "marketing" position.. The job will be to go out and drum up biz via events and such.. Not unlike Covidiens TDS position that basically is a position that works for specific Drs to drum up more procedures... It's Pharma crap 101

get to Boston Scientific as soon as possible. I doubt you will even learn about Ohm's Law at MDT. You should sell what is clinically the best in the world, that is Boston Scientific. I left MDT a long time ago. Why do you think they push MRI safe? Because they can't compete on therapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get to Boston Scientific as soon as possible. I doubt you will even learn about Ohm's Law at MDT. You should sell what is clinically the best in the world, that is Boston Scientific. I left MDT a long time ago. Why do you think they push MRI safe? Because they can't compete on therapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Says the guy relying on Medtronic's clinical studies to bring his similar conventional stimulation to market. Pain is dynamic and Medtronic is the only company with an adaptive solution. Our RestoreSensor device delivers better pain relief compared to your conventional, static, solutions.

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Medt neuro is going thru a very ugly reorg. Commissions cut, leaders are clueless and they have lost touch with customers. Very toxic....lots of paper on the street....so if you like to get your head kicked in, there will be a lot of opportunities

Medt neuro is going thru a very ugly reorg. Commissions cut, leaders are clueless and they have lost touch with customers. Very toxic....lots of paper on the street....so if you like to get your head kicked in, there will be a lot of opportunities

please specify which neuro division? Neuromodulaton? If so Pain or DBS or both?
Or the other neuro divisions

please specify which neuro division? Neuromodulaton? If so Pain or DBS or both?
Or the other neuro divisions

This division is experiencing a shit storm now and the winds are getting stronger. Wear eye protection when applying for a position here especially if corn was served in the cafeteria the day before

If you apply for a position in the florida region for pain mgmt, clin spec position, the clinical manager of that region is the most unprofessional self absorbed person I have ever met in my life. She won't answer your questions regarding the position and she'll go on and on about what other clin specs in her region have done for her instead of discussing the position. Don't bother. It's a waste of time as it appears she isn't really looking to fill the position.