Wearing scubs on sales calls

I'm calling bullshit on your 250-300.

If it's true, scan it, black out any personal info, and attach it to this thread.

Otherwise, you are full of shit.

Call bullshit all you want. Biosurgery has and always will make more than you idiots selling the oldest, bunkest product in the world... Seprafilm. Now if you need me i'll be at home counting all my money. While i'm doing that go leave a success story about a great call you had with and office manager or a nurse.

Call bullshit all you want. Biosurgery has and always will make more than you idiots selling the oldest, bunkest product in the world... Seprafilm. Now if you need me i'll be at home counting all my money. While i'm doing that go leave a success story about a great call you had with and office manager or a nurse.

Do you really sit at home and count your money? That's kinda weird.

Eleven year device rep. Rarely do I have to make an "office" call. All the pharma-toads have not a clue what we do, nor in most cases could they do it. Why would anyone think (As the chick rep. with skanky clothes/cleavage and bare legs said.) that surgical reps. would need to make a sales call in an office? If by "office" the pharma-dorks are referring to the o.r., then yep, I am a "scrub-dork". The reason the pharma-dorks take shots at the device guys, is because they WANT ACCESS, and can't get it. Check out medreps.com sometime and look at what the recruiters have to say about pharma-dorks. (ie: Pharma-dorks, don't bother sending in your resume.) The few times I have worn scrubs into an office, has been because the surgeons office is in the hospital, and he has asked me to drop off something, or go check his schedule, or check with his office staff about something, grab his golf clubs etc., between cases. Surgeons, would prefer to use their office time for work. (ie: seeing patients. It's a numbers game for them as well.) Standing around eating a free (Like they can't afford to pay for their own lunch.) hunk of crap from Panera Bread and trying to stay awake while listening to some douche spew their corporate minutiae about the latest antibiotic is a colossal waste of their time. Hence the reason the pharma-toads have to buy their way into the office with lunch. Not too often do device reps buy an office lunch unless it is to say "thank you" for all the business over the years, rather than "WILL you do business with me".

As a device rep., and for about 7 years with a distributor. (For all you pharma-toads, that means STRAIGHT COMMISSION, NO BENEFITS, NO EXPENSES, NO CAR, NO INSURANCE ETC. ETC. HARD TO IMAGINE PAYING FOR YOUR OWN CELL PHONE, ISN'T IT? LOSERS.) I for one, got sick and tired of the issues created by pharma-dorks. On the rare occasion I actually did make office calls, (early in my career.) the office staff assumed I was one of those over-paid pharma-pukes with a corporate credit card and could buy lunch for eighty non-decision makers. Because of you pharma-pukes, it was expected. So, make fun of all of us that wear scrubs. I could give a "f". While you are at Olive Garden, Panara Bread etc., picking up lunch for your "customers", (Wrong: customers staff.) I have been face to face with decision makers since 6:30-7:00 am, and AM making a difference, AM making money, AM helping surgeons, AM helping patients. Keep wearing your skank clothes, showing off your bought and paid for boobs, nail jobs blah blah blah., and keep pretending that YOU are the ones making fun of US. LOLOLOL. Like before, we will keep doing our jobs while you sniveling cry babies continue to whine that you can't see anyone. Oh and by the way, make sure you check in with Reptrax when you are in the hospital, since we "full access" reps., now have to play that stupid game BECAUSE OF THE SHEER NUMBER OF PHARMA-DORKS CAUSING PROBLEMS IN OFFICES AND HOSPITALS.

Eleven year device rep. Rarely do I have to make an "office" call. All the pharma-toads have not a clue what we do, nor in most cases could they do it. Why would anyone think (As the chick rep. with skanky clothes/cleavage and bare legs said.) that surgical reps. would need to make a sales call in an office? If by "office" the pharma-dorks are referring to the o.r., then yep, I am a "scrub-dork". The reason the pharma-dorks take shots at the device guys, is because they WANT ACCESS, and can't get it. Check out medreps.com sometime and look at what the recruiters have to say about pharma-dorks. (ie: Pharma-dorks, don't bother sending in your resume.) The few times I have worn scrubs into an office, has been because the surgeons office is in the hospital, and he has asked me to drop off something, or go check his schedule, or check with his office staff about something, grab his golf clubs etc., between cases. Surgeons, would prefer to use their office time for work. (ie: seeing patients. It's a numbers game for them as well.) Standing around eating a free (Like they can't afford to pay for their own lunch.) hunk of crap from Panera Bread and trying to stay awake while listening to some douche spew their corporate minutiae about the latest antibiotic is a colossal waste of their time. Hence the reason the pharma-toads have to buy their way into the office with lunch. Not too often do device reps buy an office lunch unless it is to say "thank you" for all the business over the years, rather than "WILL you do business with me".

As a device rep., and for about 7 years with a distributor. (For all you pharma-toads, that means STRAIGHT COMMISSION, NO BENEFITS, NO EXPENSES, NO CAR, NO INSURANCE ETC. ETC. HARD TO IMAGINE PAYING FOR YOUR OWN CELL PHONE, ISN'T IT? LOSERS.) I for one, got sick and tired of the issues created by pharma-dorks. On the rare occasion I actually did make office calls, (early in my career.) the office staff assumed I was one of those over-paid pharma-pukes with a corporate credit card and could buy lunch for eighty non-decision makers. Because of you pharma-pukes, it was expected. So, make fun of all of us that wear scrubs. I could give a "f". While you are at Olive Garden, Panara Bread etc., picking up lunch for your "customers", (Wrong: customers staff.) I have been face to face with decision makers since 6:30-7:00 am, and AM making a difference, AM making money, AM helping surgeons, AM helping patients. Keep wearing your skank clothes, showing off your bought and paid for boobs, nail jobs blah blah blah., and keep pretending that YOU are the ones making fun of US. LOLOLOL. Like before, we will keep doing our jobs while you sniveling cry babies continue to whine that you can't see anyone. Oh and by the way, make sure you check in with Reptrax when you are in the hospital, since we "full access" reps., now have to play that stupid game BECAUSE OF THE SHEER NUMBER OF PHARMA-DORKS CAUSING PROBLEMS IN OFFICES AND HOSPITALS.

Uh, this isn't Pharma. This IS Device reps. Wearing scrubs in the OR isn't in question. Outside the OR , up for discussion.

Uh, this isn't Pharma. This IS Device reps. Wearing scrubs in the OR isn't in question. Outside the OR , up for discussion.

No kidding?

Read the last few pages of posts. Also, read what I posted. I have worn scrubs out of the hospital from time to time. Rarely for sure, but from time to time I have. Those who want to criticize me for doing so, make assumptions due to their lack of knowledge. I am not "pretending" to be a Doctor. Those of us working with surgeons, orthopedics in my case, know how the day can develop. In some situations, we have to react quickly. Either in the hospital we are in at the time, or due to a need at another facility close by. Changing back into my clothes, running out, coming back and changing again, is simply a waste of time. Never have I left the hospital, returned and not changed into fresh scrubs. Some do, I don't. These pharma pukes that want to poke fun at us, are either ignorant, jealous or both. Frankly, I could care less what they think, but am tired of my job being negatively impacted by their activities. The sheer number of pharma pukes making office calls has increased to the level of foolishness. (My own personal family practice physician's office has posted signs all over the place restricting "drug reps".) The office staff of the surgeons I work with frequently make negative comments about "drug reps" and are tired of the constant interruptions. The "no detail over-looked", short skirted, perfumed, big-boobed babes that are always streaming in and out of the offices grinds on the staff. I can't count the times I have walked into an office wearing a suit, approached the desk and asked to see a doctor or his nurse/pa, only to be told that they won't see "reps". When I explain I am a surgical rep and what it is I am selling, they will almost always grab my card and run it back to the doctor or his assistant. I get in at least 50% of the time. So I sit and read these boards and listen to the pharma pukes make fun of US? WTF?

No kidding?

Read the last few pages of posts. Also, read what I posted. I have worn scrubs out of the hospital from time to time. Rarely for sure, but from time to time I have. Those who want to criticize me for doing so, make assumptions due to their lack of knowledge. I am not "pretending" to be a Doctor. Those of us working with surgeons, orthopedics in my case, know how the day can develop. In some situations, we have to react quickly. Either in the hospital we are in at the time, or due to a need at another facility close by. Changing back into my clothes, running out, coming back and changing again, is simply a waste of time. Never have I left the hospital, returned and not changed into fresh scrubs. Some do, I don't. These pharma pukes that want to poke fun at us, are either ignorant, jealous or both. Frankly, I could care less what they think, but am tired of my job being negatively impacted by their activities. The sheer number of pharma pukes making office calls has increased to the level of foolishness. (My own personal family practice physician's office has posted signs all over the place restricting "drug reps".) The office staff of the surgeons I work with frequently make negative comments about "drug reps" and are tired of the constant interruptions. The "no detail over-looked", short skirted, perfumed, big-boobed babes that are always streaming in and out of the offices grinds on the staff. I can't count the times I have walked into an office wearing a suit, approached the desk and asked to see a doctor or his nurse/pa, only to be told that they won't see "reps". When I explain I am a surgical rep and what it is I am selling, they will almost always grab my card and run it back to the doctor or his assistant. I get in at least 50% of the time. So I sit and read these boards and listen to the pharma pukes make fun of US? WTF?
Dude, you really need to lighten up a bit. And just so you know I am an ortho rep, and the son of a surgeon, most Dr's dislike the us just as much as the pharma reps and find us all a necessary evil needed to do their jobs. Nobody gives two sh*ts about what we have on, just what we can do for them.

Dude, you really need to lighten up a bit. And just so you know I am an ortho rep, and the son of a surgeon, most Dr's dislike the us just as much as the pharma reps and find us all a necessary evil needed to do their jobs. Nobody gives two sh*ts about what we have on, just what we can do for them.

Perhaps they do. They do however, SEE US.

I do agree that what we wear isn't much of an issue. Reliability, thinking on our feet, knowing our products and competitors products, knowing the procedure front to back to front again, having back up plans, solving their problems/needs, dependability, resourcefulness, punctuality, straight shooting just to name a few of the things that surgeons look for in a rep. However, if you ARE those things, I disagree with you that they don't like us more than pharma pukes.