Waiting on WARN period timeframe…June 18th

This still makes no sense. You can just pay people out for their 60 days, so the March people are irrelevant. Says so on the DOL site. They were all paid more than that. i don’t trust a damn thing that leadership says, and that excuse of waiting until June because of the March layoff just doesn’t add up.
laying people off in June is strictly the cheapest method. They plan on everyone either leaving or finding an internal job. Clearly the severance will not be as good as the one paid out in March. Not even getting a protested bonus.
Damn I hate this company!

WARN Act Does Not Prohibit Employers From Spacing Layoffs to Avoid Notice Requirements

Hopefully that is wrong. At this point, Biogen should be providing written notice to all employees now and relieving them of all their duties or they will really get themselves in legal trouble.

That is exactly what they are doing. They outright said it on a call.

Their wokeness is so disingenuous when they turn around and treat their people this way. Maybe if they hadn’t been so focused on all their pet woke issues, they wouldn’t have failed so miserably.

Biogen has no leader at the helm.

So you are saying Biogen is going to wait 60 days to lay us off in order to prevent from providing a 60 day notice before we are severed?

As much as I want grab Deb by her non-existing chin, that makes exactly no sense. While you are at it, go ahead and explain how the Ukraine is run by nazis and ANTIFA was really behind January 6th. I will get my popcorn

You don’t understand. If they have another layoff too soon, they have to go back to all the people previously laid off. And FYI, they extended the layoff date to April 1, thus the June 1 date. And BTW this waiting out the WARN Act was acknowledged on a call. They are not hiding it. No need to. There’s nothing in the law that says they cannot do that. It’s just kind of slimy.

You don’t understand. If they have another layoff too soon, they have to go back to all the people previously laid off. And FYI, they extended the layoff date to April 1, thus the June 1 date. And BTW this waiting out the WARN Act was acknowledged on a call. They are not hiding it. No need to. There’s nothing in the law that says they cannot do that. It’s just kind of slimy.

I don’t know who said it on your call, but that was not said on the Central call. When asked, Kevin said that it was maybe do to some labor law, but he had no idea. They were not told. Also, they layoffs in March are IRRELEVANT given that all employees were paid at least the minimum amount (60 days), Ugh. This dumb rumor that Glenn started and is being perpetuated on here is annoying AF.
Whatever their damn reasons, that is not it.


An employer who violates WARN is liable to each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the period of violation, up to 60 days. This liability may be reduced by any wages the employer pays over the notice period. WARN liability may also be reduced by any voluntary and unconditional payment not required by a legal obligation.
An employer who fails to provide notice as required to a unit of local govern- ment is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $500 for each day of violation. The penalty may be avoided if the employer satisfies its liability to each affected employee within three weeks after the closing. In any suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee as part of the costs

You don’t understand. If they have another layoff too soon, they have to go back to all the people previously laid off. And FYI, they extended the layoff date to April 1, thus the June 1 date. And BTW this waiting out the WARN Act was acknowledged on a call. They are not hiding it. No need to. There’s nothing in the law that says they cannot do that. It’s just kind of slimy.

The date was not extended to April 1. I know that for fact. My RSD laid off shared the whole plan and started his new job right after last day here. Could have stated sooner but refused to double dip. Plus, June 1 is 60 days from April 1 anyway, so if this whole issue of multiple layoffs within 90 days was an issue, then the last day wouldn’t be mid-June ad Deb stated.
I don’t know who referenced the 90 day portion of the act on your call, but it was stated on our DGM on the call that was unknown. He thought it might be some kind of labor law issue but said he really had no clue. The reasoning for it was not shared with the DGMs. Yes, there was undoubtedly some kind of slimy reason, but the multiple layoffs in 90 days isn’t it. See above post, Ad long as they paid people 60 days worth in any previous layoff, it’s irrelevant.