Vorapaxar group announces cuts today

I hope you know with your announcement that no work will be done until at least the first week of December. You think scripts will come in, eh? We shall see. If they do, it will be a trickle of business. Nobody is working! We'll use merck time to look for something else. And if we're cut in December-good. We can find another job with a much better company. That won't even be hard to do. If we stay, not much work will be done. You think we're all going to sit around while you play games and cut every 4 months? We might be gone as a salesforce in a year, but you will be gone as the director as well. Your ability to motivate your team is the worst I've ever seen.

Like the previous poster said-you'll leave no legacy

Ok have it your way Marc
You're the know it all
I know nothing
But you generate no business at the end if the day
You go figure it our mr money bags
You seem to know all the answers

Again, name calling and no answer to the simple question. Because you just want to complain, be a victim, and cry life's not fair.

You don't want solutions you want political correctness
And you're the director-why are you asking for this kind of help? Can't you figure it out for yourself? Isnt this why the company pays you the huge salary? This is why we're in the position we are today-knit-wits for executive management positions who have to rely on others to do their jobs

You don't want solutions you want political correctness
And you're the director-why are you asking for this kind of help? Can't you figure it out for yourself? Isnt this why the company pays you the huge salary? This is why we're in the position we are today-knit-wits for executive management positions who have to rely on others to do their jobs

Management did make a decision. They did not ask for your help. They are bringing expenses in line with need and revenue for a product line. The question was, if it was so horrible to do this, then what is a better solution. Instead, all you can do is whine about it, say its not fair, and that Marc and others are "destroying peoples lives". I have no desire to defend management. I believe Senior management leadership (or lack of) has contributed to the current issues affecting the company. But, in this case, they are making business decision based on staffing need for the product line. So again, should Merck just keep people in field in positions that are not needed? Provide corporate welfare? If bringing your expenses in line with revenues is wrong, then what is your solution? This was the question and you do not have a answer. Only name calling and victim mentality.

You can dwell or sell. Today I told no less than 5 docs that if they didn't write asap I would be fired. Nothing wrong with a sympathy tactic. Biotech sales reps do this all day long and this meeting will light a fire under our as#! Get some scripts quick and at least you will have a case to be kept come Dec. Every man and woman for themselves at this point. If you are lucky enough to be connected make some phone calls and move to another Merck division pronto. You determine your fate unless you like waiting for that wait by the phone placement call.

Pathetic. And some wonder why we are circling the drain? Nothing wrong with a sympathy tactic? OMG, I work for the same company, in the same industry with this person. I am embarrassed. For ALL of us.

Management did make a decision. They did not ask for your help. They are bringing expenses in line with need and revenue for a product line. The question was, if it was so horrible to do this, then what is a better solution. Instead, all you can do is whine about it, say its not fair, and that Marc and others are "destroying peoples lives". I have no desire to defend management. I believe Senior management leadership (or lack of) has contributed to the current issues affecting the company. But, in this case, they are making business decision based on staffing need for the product line. So again, should Merck just keep people in field in positions that are not needed? Provide corporate welfare? If bringing your expenses in line with revenues is wrong, then what is your solution? This was the question and you do not have a answer. Only name calling and victim mentality.

I'll answer your freaking question for you jerk-off. That's right-another name. First, you're ignorant if you think this had nothing to do with the fact that we only have less than 10 scripts on the books as of mid-September. That's your first error. The second item-what can management do about it?

Let's start with how to launch a drug. Why are we "surprised" it got here? Only ignoramuses could pull that one off. And then how about this novel method-give the sales force something that will help them sell the product instead of this legal shit that handcuffs everyone. Is there anything from past TCT meetings that we can use to help us? How about the latest TCT meeting? There was certainly things that were discussed. And don't give me any of that "but it's not approved...." bullshit. That's a major part of the problem. You give us these crap pieces that do nothing. Except talk about a 55% bleeding rate. How about this-is there a patient type where that risk could be mitigated to the point where physicians would feel comfortable using it? I can tell you there is, but the company won't let us talk about anything. How about this one? Is there any information that we could use that discusses the symptomatic effects on PAD? Oh, we can't do that! Yeah, then maybe you should look it up yourself, or maybe you can look at the PIR that addresses that question. Why are the MADS-who have no selling objective-permitted to talk about things that can actually help sell but we cant? Keep in mind that their territories are so large they don't see hardly anyone.

Lets talk pricing. Numb-nuts like you Dervishian-think you have to enter the market at just above the half-way price of competitive agents. We're the most expensive vs. the other anti-platelets. Has a doc ever said to you "if you guys cut the price in half I would use a lot more of your product?" I rest my case. Oh wait, you haven't been in the field so you wouldn't know about that.

How about the idea or preceptorships-with the local Merck reps. Oh no! That's a policy violation and we don't do those anymore. Yeah, right. And when we used to do it we launched drugs very successfully-a lot of them. And what about Dr.'s going to clinics with reps like other companies do-key thought drivers from the best universities. Biotech does it all the time. So do our diabetes competitors. And guess what? It works like a charm!

So don't act like there's nothing to do. I've just listed several, and there are more. The problem now is that we are too late to the game, are too bloated to make change(despite what the company says), and as a result will have our 4th or 5th drug launch failure. I answered your question. Now Marc-or the BUG-or whoever his mouthpiece is on this thread-what will you do about it? My guess is you'll now spell it all out for us-"The FDA doesn't allow.....company policy..." And that's the bullshit that's hindered us. Like it or not, that's the truth. And most of us on here already know that because we've been doing this for a while. What about you Riad? The BUG? Oh that's right, you've never carried the bag either! Is it any wonder what the hell has happened to us and why?

Eat me. There you -another name.

I'll answer your freaking question for you jerk-off. That's right-another name. First, you're ignorant if you think this had nothing to do with the fact that we only have less than 10 scripts on the books as of mid-September. That's your first error. The second item-what can management do about it?

Let's start with how to launch a drug. Why are we "surprised" it got here? Only ignoramuses could pull that one off. And then how about this novel method-give the sales force something that will help them sell the product instead of this legal shit that handcuffs everyone. Is there anything from past TCT meetings that we can use to help us? How about the latest TCT meeting? There was certainly things that were discussed. And don't give me any of that "but it's not approved...." bullshit. That's a major part of the problem. You give us these crap pieces that do nothing. Except talk about a 55% bleeding rate. How about this-is there a patient type where that risk could be mitigated to the point where physicians would feel comfortable using it? I can tell you there is, but the company won't let us talk about anything. How about this one? Is there any information that we could use that discusses the symptomatic effects on PAD? Oh, we can't do that! Yeah, then maybe you should look it up yourself, or maybe you can look at the PIR that addresses that question. Why are the MADS-who have no selling objective-permitted to talk about things that can actually help sell but we cant? Keep in mind that their territories are so large they don't see hardly anyone.

Lets talk pricing. Numb-nuts like you Dervishian-think you have to enter the market at just above the half-way price of competitive agents. We're the most expensive vs. the other anti-platelets. Has a doc ever said to you "if you guys cut the price in half I would use a lot more of your product?" I rest my case. Oh wait, you haven't been in the field so you wouldn't know about that.

How about the idea or preceptorships-with the local Merck reps. Oh no! That's a policy violation and we don't do those anymore. Yeah, right. And when we used to do it we launched drugs very successfully-a lot of them. And what about Dr.'s going to clinics with reps like other companies do-key thought drivers from the best universities. Biotech does it all the time. So do our diabetes competitors. And guess what? It works like a charm!

So don't act like there's nothing to do. I've just listed several, and there are more. The problem now is that we are too late to the game, are too bloated to make change(despite what the company says), and as a result will have our 4th or 5th drug launch failure. I answered your question. Now Marc-or the BUG-or whoever his mouthpiece is on this thread-what will you do about it? My guess is you'll now spell it all out for us-"The FDA doesn't allow.....company policy..." And that's the bullshit that's hindered us. Like it or not, that's the truth. And most of us on here already know that because we've been doing this for a while. What about you Riad? The BUG? Oh that's right, you've never carried the bag either! Is it any wonder what the hell has happened to us and why?

Eat me. There you -another name.

No one ever said that the script volume didn't have anything to do with the reductions, Forest. In fact it has everything to do with it. No selling, no job. Hence, the need to get rid of dead weight representatives who couldn't sell ice to a polar bear.

At the meeting they said flat out "the number of sales at this time didn't have any bearing on our decision." I was there-I heard it. Which leads to another management fix-you guys ever heard of telling the truth? You're a pack of liars that contradict each other all the time.

A few years ago I was in a meeting with the wench Jackie Nielson. She had the balls(and she does have balls)to stand before all of us and announce there will be no restructuring in the sales force in the foreseeable future.

Later that night Kenny Boy Frazier announced sales force reductions. What do you say about that Forest? So the problems are mulch-faceted. They are also compounding in nature.

My beef is that this didn't need to happen. With the proper set of skills necessary to launch a new drug and the piss-poor talent in marketing, this does play with peoples future. I understand the financial situation now-but again, we shouldn't be here. The problem now is that it's too late. Get it Einstein? Or is this Dervishian trying to act like it's now you?

No one ever said that the script volume didn't have anything to do with the reductions, Forest. In fact it has everything to do with it. No selling, no job. Hence, the need to get rid of dead weight representatives who couldn't sell ice to a polar bear.

"...who couldn't sell ice to a polar bear." Interesting. You're inferring that this is an easy sale. Wow. Just wow. Confirms you have no idea what reality is. You must be in management because only a moron would come up with that one. And one from the home office to boot. They are the worst kind of fairy-tale people to take advice from.

One question for you: Would you like your mom or dad on this drug?

'nuff said

Why would a polar bear need ice? Doesn't he already have plenty? Must be a global warming type. Try " sell heat to an Eskimo " selling is usually filling a need, not pushing something everyone already has plenty of. Oh wait this is Merck isn't it?

Run Forest run.

"...who couldn't sell ice to a polar bear." Interesting. You're inferring that this is an easy sale. Wow. Just wow. Confirms you have no idea what reality is. You must be in management because only a moron would come up with that one. And one from the home office to boot. They are the worst kind of fairy-tale people to take advice from.

One question for you: Would you like your mom or dad on this drug?

'nuff said

First, I am not in home office and never will be by choice. Secondly, I never said this product was an easy sell. Not implying, inferring, suggesting or saying it is an easy sell. I am not in management nor will I be by choice.
You seem to make a number of inaccurate assumptions. My comment was a general comment on the effectiveness of the sales organization. Pick a product, with advantaged access to patients, with reasonable out of pocket costs, and you will find competitive representatives out performing Merck. The representatives can always come up with all the whiny reasons why they can't sell. "It's marketing's fault, it's the attorney's fault, it's the product's fault, it's management's fault, it's the doctor's fault, it's the insurance company's fault. The only time the rep is responsible is when the numbers look good compared to a windfall managed care decision or an incorrectly set sales objective. Then, success is all a result of their "selling".

As far as family, I wish they were still living and had the option of being placed on this product or any product ONLY if it were the best choice for their medical situation.

Thanks for your input Marc. You still don't get it. Lack of leadership and it all starts at the top. Windfall? Yeah, that's happened a lot, eh? How about the "bucketing" that took place for Liptruzet? Want to weigh in on that and what a disaster that was?

Oh wait, you probably think it worked, yes? You're a moron and shouldn't be running anything.

As far as parents on zontivity, there must be something wrong with you. Why on earth would you want to put your parents at risk? You must work for merck with that kind of an attitude. And there's apparently a whole lot of cardiologists who think like the rest of us reps-the normal ones that is-because they simply don't want to use it.

By the way, if you think this is similar to the Plavix launch, do some homework. It's not even close. Not by a long shot

First, I am not in home office and never will be by choice. Secondly, I never said this product was an easy sell. Not implying, inferring, suggesting or saying it is an easy sell. I am not in management nor will I be by choice.
You seem to make a number of inaccurate assumptions. My comment was a general comment on the effectiveness of the sales organization. Pick a product, with advantaged access to patients, with reasonable out of pocket costs, and you will find competitive representatives out performing Merck. The representatives can always come up with all the whiny reasons why they can't sell. "It's marketing's fault, it's the attorney's fault, it's the product's fault, it's management's fault, it's the doctor's fault, it's the insurance company's fault. The only time the rep is responsible is when the numbers look good compared to a windfall managed care decision or an incorrectly set sales objective. Then, success is all a result of their "selling".

As far as family, I wish they were still living and had the option of being placed on this product or any product ONLY if it were the best choice for their medical situation.

a sales force is only as good as the product or marketing strategy. no other sales forces are going to outsell merck by much given the same product and strategy. there might be a difference but not much. thats why drug companies will go bankrupt if they dont invent innovative drugs. its not about the sales force. its about the medicine.

a sales force is only as good as the product or marketing strategy. no other sales forces are going to outsell merck by much given the same product and strategy. there might be a difference but not much. thats why drug companies will go bankrupt if they dont invent innovative drugs. its not about the sales force. its about the medicine.

I get it. The old "medicine sells its self". Good rationale to discover great medicine and cut, cut, cut the sales force since it's not about the sales force.

a sales force is only as good as the product or marketing strategy. no other sales forces are going to outsell merck by much given the same product and strategy. there might be a difference but not much. thats why drug companies will go bankrupt if they dont invent innovative drugs. its not about the sales force. its about the medicine.

One of the things that can bankrupt a company is greed. My bet is that Frazier will walk with multi-million dollar bonus this year. All while cutting the sales force because of declining revenue. Nice Ken. Another prickass

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