Vorapaxar group announces cuts today


So were all sitting at the meeting in dsllas today and the BUG(butcher from upper gynedd) and dervish EN announce future cuts that will take place beginning the first week of December. He said he was announcing it here to increase our trust in him. What a freaking joke! Handraisers options are going to be huge and they announced that we would all get letters announcing such today. The anticipated cut is between 40 and 50% of reps and close to 40% maybe 30% of CTLs

They also announced it could get deeper than that pending the results at AHA next month. Then they expect us to be engaged tomorrow to role-play. What a freaking joke this companiy has become this place sucks ass so bad


I was in the room also and people were pretty stunned. I hues we should have known something was up when Marc and Riad showed us their video on the challenges facing companies todY in the industry. Quick question, where did you come up with the 40 to 50 percent cuts from? I think the cuts will be greater than they told us but I think your numbers are too high.

Actually it was stated that 80% of the people in the room would be with the company next year. However, the room did not include the hospital and women health groups.

I didn't hear any 80% number but he did say we were going to one up territories. What a couple of pricks. Then they want us to do all this planning for next year when half of us arent going to be here. Yeah nice clue jerk off's

Mentaly nobody is here.

Let's get after that 10 x 2 campaign!

Don't think so rod-ass

How do they expect us to role play tomorrow like nothing is wrong? Nice of them to get us down here for such great news. Our whole sales force is on the chopping block if the AHA unveiling doesn't show a benefit with IMPROVEIT trial. The year end shut down may refer to our sales force this year. Great team building exercise slated for tomorrow. Let's beat the hell out of one another and see who can convincingly detail the mock physician to get us one step closer to our 10 x 2 goal. I'm so excited! I think I'll go to the hospital and try to contract the Ebola virus to get out of tomorrow's festivities.

So were all sitting at the meeting in dsllas today and the BUG(butcher from upper gynedd) and dervish EN announce future cuts that will take place beginning the first week of December. He said he was announcing it here to increase our trust in him. What a freaking joke! Handraisers options are going to be huge and they announced that we would all get letters announcing such today. The anticipated cut is between 40 and 50% of reps and close to 40% maybe 30% of CTLs

They also announced it could get deeper than that pending the results at AHA next month. Then they expect us to be engaged tomorrow to role-play. What a freaking joke this companiy has become this place sucks ass so bad

Screw that, I'm sleeping in and when I show up will say "doc please use this overpriced irreversible bloody combo product not covered by insurance" "allow me to show you some smoke n mirrors data". Gusto? Riad the butcher has shed so much Gusto this company represents a horror film. I feel sorry for the maids at this pos hotel, there are a ton of empty booze bottles littering the halls from Merckies pissed off. I saw 4 gals in the lobbying hailing a cab to the airport early. There will be plenty of empty seats tomorrow and many hangovers.

There may be 20 scripts as of today nationwide but our quota is around 40 per territory. The 10x2 is a marketing gimmick that sounds good. How hard can it be to get 10 cardiologists in your territory to write at least 2 scripts? Apparently unachieveable if there are only 20 scripts in the entire nation and the Butcher has casually announced layoffs.

I am not part of this sales force but am part of one of the other 2 being OPTOMIZED -- what blows me away is that merck brought you all to a launch meeting to announce that you would be downsized and then expects you to just --ooohh i know ---- show some grit --- thats what our "leader" said......people face it...this is not the merck of yesteryear,,,,this is a merck lead by people who are not capable of true change.... this company WILL circle the drain.....be flushed...whatever...becuase as we've all heard....if you don't think culture eats strategy every day of the week....well then, buckle up because your culture, merck is about to eat your strategy....treat people like shit, (and if you need a list of how this optimization is being handeled is defined as shit then you really have a problem.... ) and you will get shit in return.

I am not part of this sales force but am part of one of the other 2 being OPTOMIZED -- what blows me away is that merck brought you all to a launch meeting to announce that you would be downsized and then expects you to just --ooohh i know ---- show some grit --- thats what our "leader" said......people face it...this is not the merck of yesteryear,,,,this is a merck lead by people who are not capable of true change.... this company WILL circle the drain.....be flushed...whatever...becuase as we've all heard....if you don't think culture eats strategy every day of the week....well then, buckle up because your culture, merck is about to eat your strategy....treat people like shit, (and if you need a list of how this optimization is being handeled is defined as shit then you really have a problem.... ) and you will get shit in return.

BAM! This is what the truth looks like!

FU Merck!

I am not part of this sales force but am part of one of the other 2 being OPTOMIZED -- what blows me away is that merck brought you all to a launch meeting to announce that you would be downsized and then expects you to just --ooohh i know ---- show some grit --- thats what our "leader" said......people face it...this is not the merck of yesteryear,,,,this is a merck lead by people who are not capable of true change.... this company WILL circle the drain.....be flushed...whatever...becuase as we've all heard....if you don't think culture eats strategy every day of the week....well then, buckle up because your culture, merck is about to eat your strategy....treat people like shit, (and if you need a list of how this optimization is being handeled is defined as shit then you really have a problem.... ) and you will get shit in return.

What are the other 2 sales forces being optimized?

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