Yes, it's another way for the hospital to make extra money off of "another body" they know will go into the OR. But it is also a security precaution for several reasons. Just to name a new: -Should something happen in that OR and the patient (or family) files a lawsuit, and should the court realize you were not "trained" (i.e. "credentials) for the OR then the hospital could be in trouble for letting you in, and you and/or your company as well. -Any joe blow can walk into the OR suite and that can be a liability. In one of my hospitals (in a bad crime area) they have literally had homeless people wander around the hospital and "accidently" walk into the OR suite before.
- Documentation.... if you ever notice on the charts, etc. they write the names of everyone who is in the room, they keep a record who is in the OR suite/rooms (date/time, etc.) at all times. It's a safety precaution plain and simple.
Quit your bitching and decide whether you want to gain business or lose it at that particular facility "charging" you $250. You really think your doc is not going to schedule a case at "X Facility" because you are not credentialed or that your product has not been added to a formulary? No matter how "loyal" he is to you, he will use your competition's product at that facility.....
I've seen fee's range anywhere from $250 to $695 (includes all the online corses you take with HealthStream.) If you're a direct rep, expense it. If you're 1099, talk to your distributor to pay for it as it should be considered an "investment" in growing sales. If they won't, pay for it yourself and write it off at tax season. $250 divided by 52 weeks= $4.81 per week roughly... pretty cheap investment in my opinion to pick up more sales.
You're in medical sales- if you're shying away from a few sales a month because you don't want to pay a fee, then you need to find another career where "agressive" selling is not needed. Pussy's.