Vegas Meeting


If today's call is any indication of how miserable the entire meeting is going to be next week we're all in trouble. Nothing new, yet they're gonna drag it out the entire week. What was with the 30 minute boring as hell fake detail today. We have too many people in too many leadership roles that all have to have their fingerprints on something and we have to all pay the price. I wish I had an out so bad. Oh well, suck it up and fake it like always.

If today's call is any indication of how miserable the entire meeting is going to be next week we're all in trouble. Nothing new, yet they're gonna drag it out the entire week. What was with the 30 minute boring as hell fake detail today. We have too many people in too many leadership roles that all have to have their fingerprints on something and we have to all pay the price. I wish I had an out so bad. Oh well, suck it up and fake it like always.
Such a waste of time. If I was that” Doc” they were role playing to I would have fallen asleep during their 15 minutes of cover to cover! Get real! Disrupt everyone’s lives to make us go to NSM for that crap! Same Novartis

Such a waste of time. If I was that” Doc” they were role playing to I would have fallen asleep during their 15 minutes of cover to cover! Get real! Disrupt everyone’s lives to make us go to NSM for that crap! Same Novartis
I must be in a different therapeutic area because we didn’t have a call today. Had a quick call with our ABL Monday and an overview of the agenda. She mentioned something about “role playing to a manager who isn’t your manager” but brushed over it. Thinking she didn’t want us all to worry about it. Please share if anyone knows what this workshop is about. I think all of CE will go through something similar

I am wearing my mask the entire meeting and will get vaxxed before I go. I think it should be mandatory to attend. Also bring plenty of hand sanitiser. The planes are germ spreaders as well. Bad enough the meeting will be a waste of time and money but on the back end, half the sales forces will be out on sick leave 2-3 weeks post NSM. Basically, the entire month of January will be time out of the field.

I am wearing my mask the entire meeting and will get vaxxed before I go. I think it should be mandatory to attend. Also bring plenty of hand sanitiser. The planes are germ spreaders as well. Bad enough the meeting will be a waste of time and money but on the back end, half the sales forces will be out on sick leave 2-3 weeks post NSM. Basically, the entire month of January will be time out of the field.
and the wild fires out west are catastrophic so many won’t be in attendance at the meeting. Throw in the winter storm up east and it all adds to the recipe of another disaster for the NSM.

I am wearing my mask the entire meeting and will get vaxxed before I go. I think it should be mandatory to attend. Also bring plenty of hand sanitiser. The planes are germ spreaders as well. Bad enough the meeting will be a waste of time and money but on the back end, half the sales forces will be out on sick leave 2-3 weeks post NSM. Basically, the entire month of January will be time out of the field.
I hear you. I’m keeping my Jimmy hat strapped on!

and the wild fires out west are catastrophic so many won’t be in attendance at the meeting. Throw in the winter storm up east and it all adds to the recipe of another disaster for the NSM.
Fondly remembering Dallas.
The standard bearer for poor planning, shitty venue and 40-50% of people unable to make it.
Nice to see Novartis won't rest on their laurels & they'll keep pushing until they under perform that debacle.

Fondly remembering Dallas.
The standard bearer for poor planning, shitty venue and 40-50% of people unable to make it.
Nice to see Novartis won't rest on their laurels & they'll keep pushing until they under perform that debacle.
well attendance will have very high absentee rate with mother nature and the viruses. Flights will be a disaster as well. Welcome to the Novartis NSM. For those who make it there the cheap buffet meals, cheap wine and role plays will be waiting. POWER theme baby.

Fake news - Dallas meeting was fun and productive.
Hi Duane!
Your bicycle built for two was precious!
The part where there was audible booing while Duane was pouring sweat and incoherently muttering about he didn't kill Leqvio was fun.
The lack of hot water and the thirty minute wait for an elevator was just a bonus, right?

We can't believe some of our reps are complaining about going to Vegas! Many of us in HQ would love to have a free trip, food, drinks and entertainment on Novartis' dime! What is wrong with these whiners!?!