Vegas meeting

ohhh well they could have thrown in a little lol to let us know they are joking. There are a lot of less tenured people here that haven’t been subject to hundreds of field rides yet so I thought maybe they were serious

Do you need them? Do you want them? Do they help?

I have far too much tenure, and I have always found them useless. I'm interested in the opinion of someone who is new to the industry.

As gross as it is having a manager tag along, now Novartis expects you to drag along FRM's and the ISET team. Just an ugly, profound lack of respect for the docs and their staff.

Do you need them? Do you want them? Do they help?

I have far too much tenure, and I have always found them useless. I'm interested in the opinion of someone who is new to the industry.

As gross as it is having a manager tag along, now Novartis expects you to drag along FRM's and the ISET team. Just an ugly, profound lack of respect for the docs and their staff.
tenured rep. translation for I embrace mediocrity

What’s comical about the manager ride withs, it assumes the Managers have superior selling skills or magical ability that the reps don’t have. It’s just not the case.

Imagine for a minute you are a teacher and the principal sits in to observe (which they do) but it happens every month and after every lesson throughout the day the principal pulls you aside to tell you what you did right or wrong?

Not gonna lie, that part about the principal pulling the teacher's skirt aside got me pretty hot.

I'll take that from the anonymous asshole who thinks his mid-level managers job matters.
15 hours a week. Plenty of extra cash. Fridays and Mondays off. Free ride & full benefits for the family.
If that's mediocrity I'm good with it.

Tenured rep here. I’m with you! Except for I’m the idiot that works a pretty full day Monday - Friday. I’m too chicken shit to not. I did have aspirations of moving ahead at Novartis but once you see people move up to ED or VP level 6/7 years after joining the company you lose motivation. Happy to ride the rep wave for as long as I can

What’s comical about the manager ride withs, it assumes the Managers have superior selling skills or magical ability that the reps don’t have. It’s just not the case.
Agree. I’ve had very few managers who sell as well as I do and none who understood my customers as well as I do. However, managers want to manage and I understand I have to play the game and glow about the value they provide me. It takes a lot of energy to work myself up to those field rides and I am exhausted after. I get a lot more accomplished in any given week without a field ride.

Agree. I’ve had very few managers who sell as well as I do and none who understood my customers as well as I do. However, managers want to manage and I understand I have to play the game and glow about the value they provide me. It takes a lot of energy to work myself up to those field rides and I am exhausted after. I get a lot more accomplished in any given week without a field ride.

I can’t wait for you to write your book on how great you are…May I suggest a title,
“Let Me Tell You About My Greatness”…
As a fellow rep, that’s why I love going to bigger meetings…There’s always a few blowhards around the lunch table talking about “how great they are”

I can’t wait for you to write your book on how great you are…May I suggest a title,
“Let Me Tell You About My Greatness”…
As a fellow rep, that’s why I love going to bigger meetings…There’s always a few blowhards around the lunch table talking about “how great they are”

I'm not the O.P., but I can read. They never claim to be better than other reps, just managers. Hard to believe they aren't telling the truth, because managers have a different job.
If they wanted us to hear meaningful feedback they would pair us with colleagues, not craven yes-men.
And as for your lunches, try making some friends, maybe you'll enjoy your breaks more.

If being mediocre means having a good quality of life then I call guilty. This is just a job and nothing more. Pharma is a joke and anyone who takes this job too seriously is more of a dope than the 3 clowns who run CV.

Spot on. Why work hard when Novartis will just throw you out with the trash. In Neuro President's club winners announced on Thursday. Many fired a week later during the cuts. Blame Novartis for this culture. Every 2 years you are hoping to keep your job.

I can’t wait for you to write your book on how great you are…May I suggest a title,
“Let Me Tell You About My Greatness”…
As a fellow rep, that’s why I love going to bigger meetings…There’s always a few blowhards around the lunch table talking about “how great they are”
I’m actually not that blowhard you are talking about, and I agree, they are so irritating at meetings. No, if I wanted to broadcast my greatness, I would become a manager. I’m good with being a sales rep and I like what I do. I’m just a little amazed at who actually does get promoted to manager, as I’ve had a few with some pretty negligible sales skills. I like them all, just don’t feel like ride alongs are a value add as much as they are an energy drain.

Spot on. Why work hard when Novartis will just throw you out with the trash. In Neuro President's club winners announced on Thursday. Many fired a week later during the cuts. Blame Novartis for this culture. Every 2 years you are hoping to keep your job.

I have had to explain this many times to my non Pharma friends when they always wonder why I’m in fear of losing my job all the time. I’ve worked for several other large companies and never had the fear of constant job loss like I do here. It’s not my business unit but the company in general