Will the entire current Cardio-Renal team make it to Vegas?

I just want to know when…

Won't happen. Never does. You'll get an e-mail to be on a call. Whole thing takes about 24 hours. You will be treated like a head of cattle, because that is all upper management ever saw you as.
It sucks, and its dehumanizing, but there isn't one person above your ABL who gives a fuck about you or your family.

it really doesn’t matter, assume it’s going to happen next month. What should you be doing to get yourself ready? Do it. That’s what the highest performing people will do and you’ll see some good people leave on their own over the next several months. In the end, no one is really safe, you’ve got to do what is in your own best interest.
What would be in my best interest would be to get a severance package AND a new job. Didn’t they have to give us 60 day notice last time?

What would be in my best interest would be to get a severance package AND a new job. Didn’t they have to give us 60 day notice last time?
Most companies don’t give 60 days notices. Novartis did this last time but definitely doesnt have to. We need to be prepared for the shoe to drop any day now. They are a bunch of liars and we can’t trust anything they say.

Most companies don’t give 60 days notices. Novartis did this last time but definitely doesnt have to. We need to be prepared for the shoe to drop any day now. They are a bunch of liars and we can’t trust anything they say.
Isn’t there a source where layoffs are announced 60 before? Last year someone dropped the info where you can search companies that have planned layoffs. Here’s to hoping for a severance and new job.

Isn’t there a source where layoffs are announced 60 before? Last year someone dropped the info where you can search companies that have planned layoffs. Here’s to hoping for a severance and new job.
It’s call the warm act. All I know is ive seen both Novartis and other companies drop the hammer with zero notice. We need to operate as if this could happen and day now.

Won't happen. Never does. You'll get an e-mail to be on a call. Whole thing takes about 24 hours. You will be treated like a head of cattle, because that is all upper management ever saw you as.
It sucks, and its dehumanizing, but there isn't one person above your ABL who gives a fuck about you or your family.
My ABL doesn’t give a fuck about me either. I’ve made that guy so much money and he truly doesn’t care.

My ABL doesn’t give a fuck about me either. I’ve made that guy so much money and he truly doesn’t care.

My ABL thinks he’s the smartest man who ever lived. Anytime someone on our team makes a comment, he is always trying one-up them. Imagine trying to business plan with him. Can’t wait for the “restructuring”.

My ABL thinks he’s the smartest man who ever lived. Anytime someone on our team makes a comment, he is always trying one-up them. Imagine trying to business plan with him. Can’t wait for the “restructuring”.
The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.