Vegas launch and training delay

To compare slavery in America to Irish Immigrant experience in America is about as ignorant as you can get.

That is your comparison, not mine.

It is different but you really should read up on history. Irish slavery did exist and somewhat predates African slavery. They did not do as well in the West Indies as African slaves and were first even "cross breed" to produce better property. It was eventually abandoned because the Irish were not worth as much. They were more diseased and did not tolerate the climate as well. Therefore, lesser property. Africans were more valuable. The Irish were also exported to Australia. To think that any human being was considered property is unconscionable! Unfortunately, humans have never been very kind to other humans. I.e. Hitler. Japan to the China, Stalin to everyone.

Also, read up on who could own property in the 1800s! Inheritance had nothing to do will selling off children.

It is different but you really should read up on history. Irish slavery did exist and somewhat predates African slavery. They did not do as well in the West Indies as African slaves and were first even "cross breed" to produce better property. It was eventually abandoned because the Irish were not worth as much. They were more diseased and did not tolerate the climate as well. Therefore, lesser property. Africans were more valuable. The Irish were also exported to Australia. To think that any human being was considered property is unconscionable! Unfortunately, humans have never been very kind to other humans. I.e. Hitler. Japan to the China, Stalin to everyone.

Also, read up on who could own property in the 1800s! Inheritance had nothing to do will selling off children.
Wow, you are a fool.

It is different but you really should read up on history. Irish slavery did exist and somewhat predates African slavery. They did not do as well in the West Indies as African slaves and were first even "cross breed" to produce better property. It was eventually abandoned because the Irish were not worth as much. They were more diseased and did not tolerate the climate as well. Therefore, lesser property. Africans were more valuable. The Irish were also exported to Australia. To think that any human being was considered property is unconscionable! Unfortunately, humans have never been very kind to other humans. I.e. Hitler. Japan to the China, Stalin to everyone.

Also, read up on who could own property in the 1800s! Inheritance had nothing to do will selling off children.
I was going to leave this be with just "wow". But I can't help myself. First, no you dumb fuck the Irish were never subjugated for a half millennium and used to bring free profits to a small oligarchy nation. To equate anything to this is beyond the pale of reason. Secondly, the argument was about Irish immigrants experience to a.a. Experience in America. Those experiences were completely and wholly different. Ask a historian if you need further information. But your analogy could feed a cow for a year it has that much straw in it.

You spout off history like because maybe you heard from a friend that the Irish are considered the blacks of UK that they indeed were treated like real blacks in America. Trust me, they were treated even better than the black experience no matter what you think.

You're are a fool.

Hey, I never said that the Irish history was worse than the African experience, but agreed with the above poster that it existed. As a history major from BC you need to read before you call someone a fool.
The poster equivocated this experiences and that is the problem. They are not. No case was being made that either one was worse than the other; the comparison that both are the same is foolish.

I was going to leave this be with just "wow". But I can't help myself. First, no you dumb fuck the Irish were never subjugated for a half millennium and used to bring free profits to a small oligarchy nation. To equate anything to this is beyond the pale of reason. Secondly, the argument was about Irish immigrants experience to a.a. Experience in America. Those experiences were completely and wholly different. Ask a historian if you need further information. But your analogy could feed a cow for a year it has that much straw in it.

You spout off history like because maybe you heard from a friend that the Irish are considered the blacks of UK that they indeed were treated like real blacks in America. Trust me, they were treated even better than the black experience no matter what you think.

You're are a fool.
I don't think this person is a fool. If my Irish forefathers came to the US and gave the ultimate sacrifice during the Civil War for a nation that led the fight to abolish this plight on the history of all nations... then I see their plight as a a shared yoke of burden. (Many Irish were forced to bleed for Lincoln's war vs starving to death.) This great nation ended slavery and it's people, including the Irish, paid the penance in blood.

We all need to move on . Give the black slave his due. Give the Irish immigrant his. We can't live in the past and we have to stop taking from the innocent to try to make reparations for something many of us had nothing to do with.

Freedom provides opportunity. Seize it, or waste your life seeking entitlement. As for me...I would want unencumbered opportunity not reliance on government to act as my parents or my God.

That is why I believe we must limit government and preserve freedom.

You can't redefine a word (freedom in this case) so you can argue a point. Maybe you could use Websters online dictionary for help.
I read the definition and I agree with him, not you.


I don't think this person is a fool. If my Irish forefathers came to the US and gave the ultimate sacrifice during the Civil War for a nation that led the fight to abolish this plight on the history of all nations... then I see their plight as a a shared yoke of burden. (Many Irish were forced to bleed for Lincoln's war vs starving to death.) This great nation ended slavery and it's people, including the Irish, paid the penance in blood.

We all need to move on . Give the black slave his due. Give the Irish immigrant his. We can't live in the past and we have to stop taking from the innocent to try to make reparations for something many of us had nothing to do with.

Freedom provides opportunity. Seize it, or waste your life seeking entitlement. As for me...I would want unencumbered opportunity not reliance on government to act as my parents or my God.

That is why I believe we must limit government and preserve freedom.
God grants you entrance into heaven, if you happen to believe that stuff. He doesn't grant you freedom here on earth. Since you are Irish descent then I know culturally you are a protestant follow of Jesus. Jesus has stated numerous time over and over again that you should not be interested in this earth but only entrance into heaven. So concerning yourself of god given freedoms is a bit on the weird side if you are a follower, in my opinion.

Governments are created to grant you freedoms, no matter how much lip-service they say in the constitution of America. Fact: a limited government sets up exploitation of rancid proportions. Please describe for me, in specifics, where unfettered freedom can demonstrably show a betterment in society?

But I see you rely on unspecified rhetorical soundbites that are meaningless in your posts. America is suffering under too much freedoms in my opinion. Unregulated business transactions, unfettered gun laws, unregulated environmental degradation, overbearing and unjust criminal justice systems are turning America into a cesspool of injustice and inequity. Only government can set laws and to make this right and thereby give us the stage to all of freedoms to be realized.

Still pushing the Irish migrants = African slave arguments is just ludicrous dude. I suggest moving on from that one. I am sure your limited family members buy into that argument, but it's pretty bizarre and I'd pay you 50 bucks to go to inner city Chicago and peddle that. Nah, I already know you wouldn't and you know you wouldn't either.

I read the definition and I agree with him, not you.

Everyone involved with these posts needs to give it a rest. Cafe Pharma it's not the place for your debate.

God grants you entrance into heaven, if you happen to believe that stuff. He doesn't grant you freedom here on earth. Since you are Irish descent then I know culturally you are a protestant follow of Jesus. Jesus has stated numerous time over and over again that you should not be interested in this earth but only entrance into heaven. So concerning yourself of god given freedoms is a bit on the weird side if you are a follower, in my opinion.

Governments are created to grant you freedoms, no matter how much lip-service they say in the constitution of America. Fact: a limited government sets up exploitation of rancid proportions. Please describe for me, in specifics, where unfettered freedom can demonstrably show a betterment in society?

But I see you rely on unspecified rhetorical soundbites that are meaningless in your posts. America is suffering under too much freedoms in my opinion. Unregulated business transactions, unfettered gun laws, unregulated environmental degradation, overbearing and unjust criminal justice systems are turning America into a cesspool of injustice and inequity. Only government can set laws and to make this right and thereby give us the stage to all of freedoms to be realized.

Still pushing the Irish migrants = African slave arguments is just ludicrous dude. I suggest moving on from that one. I am sure your limited family members buy into that argument, but it's pretty bizarre and I'd pay you 50 bucks to go to inner city Chicago and peddle that. Nah, I already know you wouldn't and you know you wouldn't either.
And I welcome you to bring your site to Boston.

I read the definition and I agree with him, not you.

Well I guess you are just as semi-literate. Freedom is NOT redefined as payments of money as per the 2 definitions you even provided here. Good lord, should I be worried about the state of the American educational system?

I read the definition and I agree with him, not you.

Sorry buddy but $ = freedom. --- flat out wrong

1. We don't live under a despotic government.
2. You aren't neither imprisoned nor enslaved, your on CP.

So in trying to show we have less freedoms you defined freedom of having less money. That's the dumbest re-write of a definition I've seen in a long time.

It is different but you really should read up on history. Irish slavery did exist and somewhat predates African slavery. They did not do as well in the West Indies as African slaves and were first even "cross breed" to produce better property. It was eventually abandoned because the Irish were not worth as much. They were more diseased and did not tolerate the climate as well. Therefore, lesser property. Africans were more valuable. The Irish were also exported to Australia. To think that any human being was considered property is unconscionable! Unfortunately, humans have never been very kind to other humans. I.e. Hitler. Japan to the China, Stalin to everyone.

Also, read up on who could own property in the 1800s! Inheritance had nothing to do will selling off children.

Actually, there are way more nice, compassionate, caring people in the world relative to evil scumbags.

I don't think this person is a fool. If my Irish forefathers came to the US and gave the ultimate sacrifice during the Civil War for a nation that led the fight to abolish this plight on the history of all nations... then I see their plight as a a shared yoke of burden. (Many Irish were forced to bleed for Lincoln's war vs starving to death.) This great nation ended slavery and it's people, including the Irish, paid the penance in blood.

We all need to move on . Give the black slave his due. Give the Irish immigrant his. We can't live in the past and we have to stop taking from the innocent to try to make reparations for something many of us had nothing to do with.

Freedom provides opportunity. Seize it, or waste your life seeking entitlement. As for me...I would want unencumbered opportunity not reliance on government to act as my parents or my God.

That is why I believe we must limit government and preserve freedom.

Care to elaborate on "taking from the innocent to make reparations..." comment?

Funny how the CP gestapo removes any posts that may seem slightly tinged with racial talk.

So what was all that chatter about freedom? Yeah right. We're only as 'free' as out govt allows us to be.

The issue with freedom is that it is taken advantage of by those who are not responsible enough to know how to handle it. Govt has to govern to the lowest common denominator. Whether that be white, black, yellow, rainbow, etc.

Funny how the CP gestapo removes any posts that may seem slightly tinged with racial talk.

So what was all that chatter about freedom? Yeah right. We're only as 'free' as out govt allows us to be.

The issue with freedom is that it is taken advantage of by those who are not responsible enough to know how to handle it. Govt has to govern to the lowest common denominator. Whether that be white, black, yellow, rainbow, etc.

Because no one wants to listen to you peddle your racial stereotypes.

You obviously don't understand the concept of free speech clause, which only applies to how the US government treats it's people. A business can infringe all they want on that "right" because the 1st amendment only applies to how the government views what you say. Note: there are also even limits on this - you can't libel or say untrue facts. You can't yell fire in a theater. I suggest you ask Mr. khan to read his Constitution he carries with him, you are wholly lacking an understanding of it.

Because no one wants to listen to you peddle your racial stereotypes.

You obviously don't understand the concept of free speech clause, which only applies to how the US government treats it's people. A business can infringe all they want on that "right" because the 1st amendment only applies to how the government views what you say. Note: there are also even limits on this - you can't libel or say untrue facts. You can't yell fire in a theater. I suggest you ask Mr. khan to read his Constitution he carries with him, you are wholly lacking an understanding of it.

There will NEVER be absolute freedom because there are members of society that are not responsible enough to have that privilege. If we were truly 'free' there would be no need for law enforcement. Laws restrict our freedoms.

The whole concept of freedom is ruined by those members of society that try to take advantage of it. We have limited freedoms.

If you really want freedom, go live on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean.