Vegas launch and training delay

It is frustrating. I'm with you. But really, how is this BIs fault? This happens all the time. It's the federal government. They need more time and want additional info. They are slow beyond belief. How is it exactly BIs mistake?

The vote was 11 to 12 for a reason. Not the FDAs fault if more info is needed to prove efficacy and safety. They are slow, but they have a big job.

The vote was 11 to 12 for a reason. Not the FDAs fault if more info is needed to prove efficacy and safety. They are slow, but they have a big job.

The results of a study are what they are. They want more details and waited 1 month before a decision to figure this out. They are slow and incompetent. 110mg?? Case in point. Everything to do with the federal government is amateur hour.

The results of a study are what they are. They want more details and waited 1 month before a decision to figure this out. They are slow and incompetent. 110mg?? Case in point. Everything to do with the federal government is amateur hour.

It's delayed and more info being requested because it's not "novel" or "groundbreaking". The data isn't strong enough and there is a big question whether it could even be duplicated. This isn't gonna get approved at all, you heard it here first.

What is political about the facts of the ransom to Iran? Oh this a racial thing as well?

The 400m was never a payment from us because it was their money we embargoed. It's like when you buddy holds 20 bucks from you and then gives it back to you 10 days later. Your buddy didn't pay you 20, he just gave back what was originally yours. I get that it seems we dangled giving back that money as a condition of release but to call it a ransom is pretty disingenuous. I bet FOX news has not reported it that was their embargoed money but reputable outlets have. Question: do you ever feel suckered by FOX when they play this game? Does it bother you that you were manipulated by them? I would feel pretty terrible inside, like when I girlfriend says shes preggos to keep you around and then mysteriously miscarried a few weeks later. Just my thoughts and would be curious what your thoughts are on the matter.

Oh, yes the 110mg was a big irrational setback by the FDA who went on to approving lower doses for the other 3 on the market. NO other country has this problem from their reg organization. Maybe the problem is because the other ones pay high profile FDA people like Califf and Granger to do their dirty work but BI doesn't have the money to do this and decides to present it on their own. Seriously, one was approved with probably less efficacy and safety than the 110. Why? Look who is the head of FDA now and then you tell me your thoughts.

The 400m was never a payment from us because it was their money we embargoed. It's like when you buddy holds 20 bucks from you and then gives it back to you 10 days later. Your buddy didn't pay you 20, he just gave back what was originally yours. I get that it seems we dangled giving back that money as a condition of release but to call it a ransom is pretty disingenuous. I bet FOX news has not reported it that was their embargoed money but reputable outlets have. Question: do you ever feel suckered by FOX when they play this game? Does it bother you that you were manipulated by them? I would feel pretty terrible inside, like when I girlfriend says shes preggos to keep you around and then mysteriously miscarried a few weeks later. Just my thoughts and would be curious what your thoughts are on the matter.

Oh, yes the 110mg was a big irrational setback by the FDA who went on to approving lower doses for the other 3 on the market. NO other country has this problem from their reg organization. Maybe the problem is because the other ones pay high profile FDA people like Califf and Granger to do their dirty work but BI doesn't have the money to do this and decides to present it on their own. Seriously, one was approved with probably less efficacy and safety than the 110. Why? Look who is the head of FDA now and then you tell me your thoughts.

The sad thing is that the end result of an organization constantly pushing half-truths and lies as facts is that you end up with a very angry and bitter part of the population that becomes up so fired up and bitter that they'll vote for anyone who taps into their frustration.

The sad thing is that the end result of an organization constantly pushing half-truths and lies as facts is that you end up with a very angry and bitter part of the population that becomes up so fired up and bitter that they'll vote for anyone who taps into their frustration.

Exactly, I became motivated when u heard "they will welcome us as liberators" and "the have weapons of mass destruction" which led to a bogus war which spawned Isis that are killing us in America today. Worst president ever.

It's delayed and more info being requested because it's not "novel" or "groundbreaking". The data isn't strong enough and there is a big question whether it could even be duplicated. This isn't gonna get approved at all, you heard it here first.
This will move up round 2 to march 2017. What a mess.

The sad thing is that the end result of an organization constantly pushing half-truths and lies as facts is that you end up with a very angry and bitter part of the population that becomes up so fired up and bitter that they'll vote for anyone who taps into their frustration.
Hell yes we are bitter! Slowly steal our freedoms, tax us but don't actually represent us, leave our agents, soldiers, and ambassador to die in country, give our sworn enemy millions to make nukes, call Muslim terrorists that kill in the office place disgruntled employees, leave our border open to anyone that would come in illegally, mock me for my faith and God given right to defend myself with a firearm...I'm not just bitter, I'm pissed off.

Granted it is the lesser of two evils - but Trump's evil is that he has a big mouth and an ego from the 1980's - he has competently ran a multi-billion dollar enterprise through good and bad times. He is shrewd and cut throat. Hillary has done nothing of value. She is a proven liar.

Bottom line - I want shrewd and cunning in the white house. No more bowing to kings and princes. Bring back the America that kicks ass.

Hell yes we are bitter! Slowly steal our freedoms, tax us but don't actually represent us, leave our agents, soldiers, and ambassador to die in country, give our sworn enemy millions to make nukes, call Muslim terrorists that kill in the office place disgruntled employees, leave our border open to anyone that would come in illegally, mock me for my faith and God given right to defend myself with a firearm...I'm not just bitter, I'm pissed off.

Granted it is the lesser of two evils - but Trump's evil is that he has a big mouth and an ego from the 1980's - he has competently ran a multi-billion dollar enterprise through good and bad times. He is shrewd and cut throat. Hillary has done nothing of value. She is a proven liar.

Bottom line - I want shrewd and cunning in the white house. No more bowing to kings and princes. Bring back the America that kicks ass.

What "freedoms" have been slowly stolen? Not talking points but actual specifics. If all you have is a a tax penalty for not having health insurance, keep going.q

What "freedoms" have been slowly stolen? Not talking points but actual specifics. If all you have is a a tax penalty for not having health insurance, keep going.q


"Stolen freedoms?" Seriously, the rhetoric is rampant. And btw, I don't remember reading that possession of automatic weapons is a "God given right" in the Bible. No one wants to take your handguns, but a background check to make sure you're not being investigated by the FBI for being a terrorist doesn't seem inappropriate to me.