Vectra 3d Selling on Internet

Summit VetPharm Vectra 3D

Is it possible that all this banter is a deliberate effort to try and distract people from an inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is a superb ectoparasiticide that is setting the new gold standard for efficacy and performance?

Re: Summit VetPharm Vectra 3D

Is it possible that all this banter is a deliberate effort to try and distract people from an inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is a superb ectoparasiticide that is setting the new gold standard for efficacy and performance?

Sure is grabbing the market by storm out here. Permithrin is the gold standard and we are having trouble keeping the supply.

CEO and President of Hartz

Hartz slogan:
"We love our vets, until product goes OTC because it flopped on ethical side"

Re: Summit VetPharm Vectra 3D

Is it possible that all this banter is a deliberate effort to try and distract people from an inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is a superb ectoparasiticide that is setting the new gold standard for efficacy and performance?

I second this. As a veterinarian, Vectra 3D is one of the best products I've seen in my clinic in a while.

Well I am finally glad to see a vet support a product and company that has screwed them over for the last 20 years!! Bravo, you are a true patriot among your peers!! I hope you are not in my territory.

Re: Summit VetPharm Vectra 3D

Is it possible that all this banter is a deliberate effort to try and distract people from an inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is a superb ectoparasiticide that is setting the new gold standard for efficacy and performance?

I think you meant:

An inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is sitting.


An inconvenient truth: Vectra 3D is a ectoparasiticide that is the old standard for efficacy and performance?

These are all your own words! I'm just using them like you do at Sumo or Hartz or know switching them around for my own purpose.

You nin-cum-poop...
Sumitomo (owns Summit Vet Pharma and Hartz), is playing both sides of the field.

oooh, vet, here is a flea and tick product with bloodhound so you can be assured that this is a vet only product.

while....'s a great flea and tick product that you don't have to go and get at a vet.

Talk about a company who wants their cake and eat it too.

You nin-cum-poop...
Sumitomo (owns Summit Vet Pharma and Hartz), is playing both sides of the field.

oooh, vet, here is a flea and tick product with bloodhound so you can be assured that this is a vet only product.

while....'s a great flea and tick product that you don't have to go and get at a vet.

Talk about a company who wants their cake and eat it too.

Sounds like a good business decision to me! It's business. At the end of the day it is about making money, isn't it?

Sounds like a good business decision to me! It's business. At the end of the day it is about making money, isn't it?

Sumitomo is ethical?
What a joke.

Sounds to me like Bayer Animal Health needs to educate Veternarians on how Sumitomo is trying to act one way while still bending them over with Hartz.

That is my job as a Bayer rep. Do not worry.

Dear Hartz ethical division salesperson,
What extremely little you sold will be returned.

 very WRONG!!! You are the type of sales rep who gives the word salesperson a BAD name! Grow up and go sell what you think you have, an old product!

That's great, old medicine, and you are differentiating yourself from K9 how??? You are just jumping on the repellency bandwagon with a me-too product that IS OWNED by the same co. that owns Hartz!!!! Vets know it and they do not like it and I will tell everyone of them so, since you are out there bad mouthing my co as well. Grow up??? You want to go to work for Hartz selling one product that really has nothing new to offer, lie to vets about internet sales and you want to tell us to grow up?? PLease, do us all a giant favor....go away. You don't impress anybody, you don't scare anybody and no one cares what you have to simply annoy us as you do most of your doctors you try to call on.
 very WRONG!!! You are the type of sales rep who gives the word salesperson a BAD name! Grow up and go sell what you think you have, an old product!

Dear German's,

Do not make fun of me.
I am looking for a bridge to jump off.
My job has become ridiculously impossible since this product did not "take over the market, like we believed it would at Hartz".

Summit CEO
aka Hartz ethical recruiter.

Dear German's,

Do not make fun of me.
I am looking for a bridge to jump off.
My job has become ridiculously impossible since this product did not "take over the market, like we believed it would at Hartz".

Summit CEO
aka Hartz ethical recruiter.

My feeling is that the product is not taking off because Bruce Truman is the biggest loser and worst leader in the industry.