Vaccine Retention

It’s definitely rolling the dice. Could turn out really well or extremely bad. If one is okay to take the gamble I guess it’s up to them. GSK is a safer bet. But you’re right. One may not get the chance to make $180K.

Not rolling the dice or a much of a gamble if you do your due diligence first on the opportunity. You are correct, GSK is the safe, boring bet with all the pharma metrics. I’d move more for job satisfaction. It’s exciting to be a good salesperson, get big paydays, get recognized and go on something like a crazy presidents club trip.

For those of you that don’t like it at
Gsk vaccines go elsewhere.. we don’t want u. There is a line of people that would love your job. We don’t have time for this that want me o bitch and not work .. bye bye

For those of you that don’t like it at
Gsk vaccines go elsewhere.. we don’t want u. There is a line of people that would love your job. We don’t have time for this that want me o bitch and not work .. bye bye

Nice English. Don’t worry, the good reps will go elsewhere so even with your poor command of the English language you won’t look like too much of a loser here. And the company will continue to strive for mediocrity.

I think it’s time for some people to evaluate your happiness and what you want out of life. It’s ok if GSK doesn’t seem like the right fit anymore. The hard part is those of us who still enjoy our job having to work and interact with people who are miserable. I feel the level of professionalism and decorum has evaporated and it’s been heightened since Covid. I don’t know if it’s the stress or what, but life is too short to stay in a job that you don’t enjoy anymore. There is nobody stopping you from leaving GSK to find a better employment fit.

lol. Ouch. They’re not going to like that comment. Lol. You’ve got to be fare tho. Michigan has some great reps. Not everyone isn’t doing well. Lol

every team has good and bad. The question is the the reps who are performing poorly give a shit? Are they just there to collect a paycheck and complain about everything else. It’s not endemic to just one state or area. It’s across the country.

I think it’s time for some people to evaluate your happiness and what you want out of life. It’s ok if GSK doesn’t seem like the right fit anymore. The hard part is those of us who still enjoy our job having to work and interact with people who are miserable. I feel the level of professionalism and decorum has evaporated and it’s been heightened since Covid. I don’t know if it’s the stress or what, but life is too short to stay in a job that you don’t enjoy anymore. There is nobody stopping you from leaving GSK to find a better employment fit.

Trust me many of us would leave but we've dug our on grave staying somewhere that does more harm than good on your resume. This is on me, not gsk. I'll admit that.

The VBU is an embarrassment. Kim is a weak leader and the FVPs are spineless. The one out west asks reps to be f2f while at a vacation home..Even from a golf course once on a conference call.

Trust me many of us would leave but we've dug our on grave staying somewhere that does more harm than good on your resume. This is on me, not gsk. I'll admit that.

The VBU is an embarrassment. Kim is a weak leader and the FVPs are spineless. The one out west asks reps to be f2f while at a vacation home..Even from a golf course once on a conference call.

I disagree that the VBU an embarrassment. There are some things that can be improved upon, but by in large GSK has been very good to me. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. If you think it is, and you’re still here, then you are part of the problem.

once we get individual goals, those who are here riding coat tails will be quickly weeded out. Like Kim or not, she has high expectations and she won’t let people hang around who are just consuming oxygen and collecting a check. Honestly, I’m ok with it because I’m tired of working with ungrateful dickheads who bitch about everything!

I disagree that the VBU an embarrassment. There are some things that can be improved upon, but by in large GSK has been very good to me. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. If you think it is, and you’re still here, then you are part of the problem.

once we get individual goals, those who are here riding coat tails will be quickly weeded out. Like Kim or not, she has high expectations and she won’t let people hang around who are just consuming oxygen and collecting a check. Honestly, I’m ok with it because I’m tired of working with ungrateful dickheads who bitch about everything!

Measuring vaccine sales success is not exactly the same as Pharma. Once a vaccine has been on the market, how many eligible patients are left to vaccinate in a particular geographic area? Is it a reps fault, that in smaller rural towns, that maybe most of the eligible patients were already vaccinated in the previous years? Think sh¡ngles. Or in crowded metro areas heavily impacted by retail business, with 6-8 reps in an hours drive of one another. Which lucky zip code did the patient get the immunization? Also I don’t remember a pharmacy asking patients if they’d like to take a particular diabetes med or respiratory inhaler when they go into pharmacy to pick up another random rx! Pharmacies push vaccines, some chains/pharmacists more aggressively than others! How do you accurately tie that rx back to the accurate rep? Rx track is a joke and doesn’t!! Maybe if the company just removed stupid activity shit, really rewarded$ the field, had Flls that helped and supported reps, you would continue to see motivation that will breed beyond one’s individual territory number. I for one don’t feel guilty a second for sales dipping during a freaking global pandemic, while the company continues to take in billions of dollars. The VBU had been the bright shining star of the company for 2-3 years before the pandemic. The only reason it’s down now is because of the pandemic, NOT because large numbers people are just consuming oxygen and collecting a paycheck.

Measuring vaccine sales success is not exactly the same as Pharma. Once a vaccine has been on the market, how many eligible patients are left to vaccinate in a particular geographic area? Is it a reps fault, that in smaller rural towns, that maybe most of the eligible patients were already vaccinated in the previous years? Think sh¡ngles. Or in crowded metro areas heavily impacted by retail business, with 6-8 reps in an hours drive of one another. Which lucky zip code did the patient get the immunization? Also I don’t remember a pharmacy asking patients if they’d like to take a particular diabetes med or respiratory inhaler when they go into pharmacy to pick up another random rx! Pharmacies push vaccines, some chains/pharmacists more aggressively than others! How do you accurately tie that rx back to the accurate rep? Rx track is a joke and doesn’t!! Maybe if the company just removed stupid activity shit, really rewarded$ the field, had Flls that helped and supported reps, you would continue to see motivation that will breed beyond one’s individual territory number. I for one don’t feel guilty a second for sales dipping during a freaking global pandemic, while the company continues to take in billions of dollars. The VBU had been the bright shining star of the company for 2-3 years before the pandemic. The only reason it’s down now is because of the pandemic, NOT because large numbers people are just consuming oxygen and collecting a paycheck.

Many fake calls and collect a check. And many Have been doing it for years. There’s a lot of people who want out but it’s easy money.

Measuring vaccine sales success is not exactly the same as Pharma. Once a vaccine has been on the market, how many eligible patients are left to vaccinate in a particular geographic area? Is it a reps fault, that in smaller rural towns, that maybe most of the eligible patients were already vaccinated in the previous years? Think sh¡ngles. Or in crowded metro areas heavily impacted by retail business, with 6-8 reps in an hours drive of one another. Which lucky zip code did the patient get the immunization? Also I don’t remember a pharmacy asking patients if they’d like to take a particular diabetes med or respiratory inhaler when they go into pharmacy to pick up another random rx! Pharmacies push vaccines, some chains/pharmacists more aggressively than others! How do you accurately tie that rx back to the accurate rep? Rx track is a joke and doesn’t!! Maybe if the company just removed stupid activity shit, really rewarded$ the field, had Flls that helped and supported reps, you would continue to see motivation that will breed beyond one’s individual territory number. I for one don’t feel guilty a second for sales dipping during a freaking global pandemic, while the company continues to take in billions of dollars. The VBU had been the bright shining star of the company for 2-3 years before the pandemic. The only reason it’s down now is because of the pandemic, NOT because large numbers people are just consuming oxygen and collecting a paycheck.

What’s the deal with the west national account manager role?

Measuring vaccine sales success is not exactly the same as Pharma. Once a vaccine has been on the market, how many eligible patients are left to vaccinate in a particular geographic area? Is it a reps fault, that in smaller rural towns, that maybe most of the eligible patients were already vaccinated in the previous years? Think sh¡ngles. Or in crowded metro areas heavily impacted by retail business, with 6-8 reps in an hours drive of one another. Which lucky zip code did the patient get the immunization? Also I don’t remember a pharmacy asking patients if they’d like to take a particular diabetes med or respiratory inhaler when they go into pharmacy to pick up another random rx! Pharmacies push vaccines, some chains/pharmacists more aggressively than others! How do you accurately tie that rx back to the accurate rep? Rx track is a joke and doesn’t!! Maybe if the company just removed stupid activity shit, really rewarded$ the field, had Flls that helped and supported reps, you would continue to see motivation that will breed beyond one’s individual territory number. I for one don’t feel guilty a second for sales dipping during a freaking global pandemic, while the company continues to take in billions of dollars. The VBU had been the bright shining star of the company for 2-3 years before the pandemic. The only reason it’s down now is because of the pandemic, NOT because large numbers people are just consuming oxygen and collecting a paycheck.

What’s the deal with the open west national account manager role?

I'm a private account manager, 2x winners circle in the last 5 years and have applied to new jobs. Can't even get a call back lol...guess I shot myself in the foot staying too long. Oh well

I disagree that the VBU an embarrassment. There are some things that can be improved upon, but by in large GSK has been very good to me. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. If you think it is, and you’re still here, then you are part of the problem.

once we get individual goals, those who are here riding coat tails will be quickly weeded out. Like Kim or not, she has high expectations and she won’t let people hang around who are just consuming oxygen and collecting a check. Honestly, I’m ok with it because I’m tired of working with ungrateful dickheads who bitch about everything!

I don’t think the poster said whether he/she liked Kim or not. Just is a weak leader. Maybe she will grow in the job but I was surprised the company couldn’t find a better candidate. Her knowledge of the business was lacking in her previous role and she played favorites.