Urology Sales position

How may threads to you have to post on with the same message minutes apart you f'n troll?

As per usual. Eat shit RVP!
If you don't like it, quit and improve the morale at OCA.
Corporate slime like you is why we are protesting and will continue to inform possible candidates about OCA Management, and the ludicrous compensation loss plan and theft that originates with Finance and Todd Fucking Midget Useless!


Hey Nils, quit sucking up to Todd! This company isn’t what it used to be as reps are RESIGNING across ALL divisions! Why? I still work here but not for long. When reps like Mary, Tim, Ryan just in GA/SC leave within a years time and many more all over the country do, SOMETHING is WRONG!!! Randy? Nils? Todd? It’s not the reps, it’s you and most of mgt!!!

Hey Nils, quit sucking up to Todd! This company isn’t what it used to be as reps are RESIGNING across ALL divisions! Why? I still work here but not for long. When reps like Mary, Tim, Ryan just in GA/SC leave within a years time and many more all over the country do, SOMETHING is WRONG!!! Randy? Nils? Todd? It’s not the reps, it’s you and most of mgt!!!

We all will continue to post the truth about the Corrupt OCA!
Fire Todd Usen, Nacho, Randy, Nils to stoodge, SOD, and Peter Crowley. That guy has done less than zero to bring new products to market.

We all will continue to post the truth about the Corrupt OCA!
Fire Todd Usen, Nacho, Randy, Nils to stoodge, SOD, and Peter Crowley. That guy has done less than zero to bring new products to market.

Terminate the criminal SOD (Michael Fleming)
He has stolen millions in commissions from our families. He needs to be fired immediately!

Nils you are fired you total loser!

Olympus is a entry level sales job, and you will be working for a dogshit RVP that knows less about your business than you do. He or she will have less sales acumen than you do as well.
Its time to resign bro, you already know this. Stop allowing fear to rule your life. Walk out and never look back. Olympus is the worst medical device company to work for.


Mick Malone

Manhattan, Los Angeles, and San Diego Urology TM’s just all resigned. OCA Urology reps all over the country are resigning. Olympus is dead in the water. No new product other than a crappy 65 Watt holmium from Quanta. It’s onlt 1100 microsecond pulse width for dusting. Junk. All of the rest of our portfolio is 5 years old or greater. This is what happens when you pay the DOJ & lawsuits totaling $1 billion USD.


How many reps resigned in the past two weeks?
This is unprecedented. Management just sits back and does nothing.
As per usual. Territories remain open and under attack from competitors.
Olympus is no longer a player in the market. I avoided this for a long time, but I am resigning and
beginning the interviewing process. This is awful.

Olympus has completely sunk as a company.
I blame the Japanese for their cheating bullshit, and I blame Todd FUCKING Usen!