Urology Management

Looks like Olympus is yet again doing damage control by ripping down tons of honest and accurate posts about OCA’s extremely poor treatment of the Salesforce. This reporting will never stop! Fuck you Olympus! You are the worst!

There appears to be one or two very bitter Urology reps on here constantly keeping this going. Leave and/or get a life.

Management is really desperate.
They are constantly ripping down accurate posts to engage damage control.
Over 100 open sales positions and growing across the USA here at Olympus.
No company in med device history has achieved 100 open sales rep positions across the USA !!!
Do not apply or interview with Olympus.
You were warned.

Looks like Olympus is yet again doing damage control by ripping down tons of honest and accurate posts about OCA’s extremely poor treatment of the Salesforce. This reporting will never stop! Fuck you Olympus! You are the worst!

100 open sales position at Olympus.
Disgusting! Express your anger publicly at the NSM! Fuck you OCA!

There appears to be one or two very bitter Urology reps on here constantly keeping this going. Leave and/or get a life.

Hilarious that your only defense is that one person is keeping these anti Olympus posts going. You have a ton of sales openings, that OCA can’t fill. That is a huge problem, that was caused by a decade of poor working conditions.

OCA is a terrible place to work.