Urology Management

Anyone who is still an Olympus rep, has serious psychological issues. What an awful company to work for.

Just reading through all of these poster boards. Management is truly hated across the board at OCA.
Sounds like management is comprised of total douchebag kool aid drinkers. Much like the rest of Wall Street.
Truly pathetic. Olympus is an embarrassment as far as sales organizations go. This place is a ghost town.
I heard they applied for a name change too. The new name will be:



An even better question than statements about others directly would be:

Why when it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no reason to keep certain managers are they not terminated? It makes no sense whatsoever.

This company is riddled with cancerous and insecure buffoon style managers...

Do not apply or interview to work for OCA.
You will be very very regretful if you do.
You were warned, by an 8 yr veteran.
Horrible place to work.

Terminate Sales Ops Dickhead
He has ruined Olympus and the morale.
Everyone is quitting, no one is working.
We are losing accounts everywhere we look. Energy is in shambles, Urology is under siege, and losing market share daily, ENT is dead, half of SE quit, and GI is about a week out from a mass exodus!!! This is accurate and honest!!
Top Brass must be held accountable for this. Terminate all of them...

Just heard we had 5 more resignations in Urology from Friday and this morning.
I'm sure SOD will tell us that they were firings, but the real question is customer service and coverage of those territories. Shouldn't they be worried about not having reps defend those regions? We are under attack daily.
This place is a shit show.

Just heard we had 5 more resignations in Urology from Friday and this morning.
I'm sure SOD will tell us that they were firings, but the real question is customer service and coverage of those territories. Shouldn't they be worried about not having reps defend those regions? We are under attack daily.
This place is a shit show.

If you care about your conscience.

Huge amount of resignations this week at Olympus!
Is there anyone left at Olympus???


Read wrongful death new trial against Olympus


Things are really bad inside Urology/Gynecology these days...
No new products, negative marketshare, incomplete disposable line not on GPO contract (not on dual or sole source contracts like Cook & Boston)
Stryker's ability to bundle and their ease of use platforms are killing our video business... Can anyone form an intelligent answer as to why anyone should stay working for Olympus?
More pressure & bullshit... Its just not worth my time...

Olympus is truly awful. Did everyone read up today about how Olympus sent transcripts to the widow's law firm in Japanese, to try to further collude and confuse during the discovery process? How low will these bastards go? The husband died because of Olympus negligence in Tokyo. Olympus must pay for what they did. I am totally shocked to what lengths this totally criminal organization will go to get away with something so horrible.

What's even more disturbing is how many douchebag AVP's & RVP's will continue to suck compensation from Olympus, knowing full well just how evil the money is that gets deposited into their accounts. Most people know that this place is very similar to the law firm in Devil's Advocate. Just pure evil.

I am resigning and getting the Hell out of here.

Who is leaving this week? We want to hear from you... The resignations continue to pour in.
Any stories or gossip from OCA Corporate?
What a dump.

I find it fascinating that no one in upper management is ever fired or let go. Aftanis is probably the only one who was a surprise, but that was his own fault. Other than that the criminal upper brass never seems to get clipped. Doesn't that baffle most of you on this postboard. They are responsible for the massive failures of this company, yet there are no consequences for them. Unreal.

Fire the bastards NOW!!!