Urology Management

Terminate Todd Usen, Nils Ericson, Randy Clark, Richard Reynolds, and Nacho Bel Abia!
These guys do absolutely nothing, but cheat salespeople out of their pay.
I bet you a million USD that these fucks have been getting increases in pay while the rest of us get fucked up the ass! Tired of the bullshit around this place.

Start Operation Sandbag
Do not sell a thing from now until 4/1/2018. Many TM’s I know are participating in Operation Sandbag and then resigning in April. Leave Olympus dead in the water....

PS). 4 more TM’s resigned in SE.
We should reach 95% turnover by summer.... new pay is $90,000 per year for TM’s... Total fucking hatchet job.

Just took another Urology account from Olympus. They are tired of dealing with all of the negative press, the lies from the reps, and want to head in a new direction. Olympus is much like a huge war ship sitting in the harbor without weapons just getting shellacked with gunfire and starting to sink.
I can't understand why some of these Urology reps just don't man up and start interviewing for a new job. There's a urology rep who used to be an ATM in SE, who is going to continually get beat on Uro Deals in Detroit and just won't leave. I feel sorry for the guy.


Sales Ops Dick just finished his final draft on our new comp plan for 4/1/2018. Heard from my buddy in CV.
Boy is it a dandy! You do all the work, make all the calls, follow up with the hospital administrators, make shit happen.... In the end you get 5% and OCA gets 95% for doing nothing but stealing from you.....
You have to be an absolute moron to stay here working for Olympus. Another massive round of resignations coming very shortly. Gee, I wonder how Nils will ever keep his job when we are like 87% YTD to our Urology #? Same shit every year, Nils misses his number and keeps his fucking job. Sales Ops Dickface trims another point of commission and everyone glady takes it in the rear. You reps are fucking pussies with no self respect.


Sales Ops Dick just finished his final draft on our new comp plan for 4/1/2018. Heard from my buddy in CV.
Boy is it a dandy! You do all the work, make all the calls, follow up with the hospital administrators, make shit happen.... In the end you get 5% and OCA gets 95% for doing nothing but stealing from you.....
You have to be an absolute moron to stay here working for Olympus. Another massive round of resignations coming very shortly. Gee, I wonder how Nils will ever keep his job when we are like 87% YTD to our Urology #? Same shit every year, Nils misses his number and keeps his fucking job. Sales Ops Dickface trims another point of commission and everyone glady takes it in the rear. You reps are fucking pussies with no self respect.


How else do you expect us to pay for the decline in sales the reps are responsible for? Get out there and sell and stop whining on CF, or I'll revise and take more out of your mouth.



I bet you got a raise last year you piece of fucking shit!!! The decline in sales is a direct reflection of wrongful deaths, buying off doctors, DOJ fines & compliance injunctions. Add that to zero R&D, no new products, and a shit ton of criminals in upper management, such as yourself Sales Ops Dickbag. Add all that up and that yields weak sales. This will get worse.
Every sales rep will continue to Sandbag until you pay what is fair and equitable.

Fuck you Michael Fleming Sales Ops Dick!

How else do you expect us to pay for the decline in sales the reps are responsible for? Get out there and sell and stop whining on CF, or I'll revise and take more out of your mouth.



Here's the real kicker. Due to the Trump tax cuts, Olympus will receive a 17% tax break saving the company millions. What do they do? Pay the reps a little more? Nope...they will reduce your commission rate AGAIN! Congratulations!! You work for the worst medical device company bar none.

Did anyone buy Monday's announcement of a "new and exciting endeavor"? Let me help you "manage expectations" so you can quickly understand that you should never have the expectation that Olympus leadership knows how to manage anything. Nothing good will come of this. There has never been ONE Olympus and now we have six. There will be even more internal competition. You will all fight harder against each other. How do they not understand that all these shared products help no one...except the competition. ZERO incentive = ZERO collaboration. Mark. My. Words. We are just a cog. Management never has or will make decisions that will grow business. Their decisions are solely based on creating the perception of growth for investors because perception is reality. And while WE all know that you can't actually grow when you don't have a ureteroscope, or a morcellator that works...or anyone cares about, or a marginal energy device at best that isn't on any contracts...and the list goes on and on.

Olympus seems like a happy and positive place to work. I am super excited in my new job working for Olympus Energy as a TM. My new RVP told me that I will kill it out there, and that Thunderbeat is the best the market has to offer. Thanks so much!

Olympus seems like a happy and positive place to work. I am super excited in my new job working for Olympus Energy as a TM. My new RVP told me that I will kill it out there, and that Thunderbeat is the best the market has to offer. Thanks so much!

I’m 25 years old and can’t believe I can finally live outside my parent’s house, wear scrubs, and tennis shoes, like on TV. Hope I can do this.

I’m 25 years old and can’t believe I can finally live outside my parent’s house, wear scrubs, and tennis shoes, like on TV. Hope I can do this.

What a fucking r*****. Watch what this ass clown says after 90 days on the job and everyone slams the door in his face. Ahahahahahahhahahaaaa deep gut laugh

We are losing accounts left and right in Urology. Bipolar is under fire. Management is doing nothing.
PSS is very motivated and executing quickly on bipolar targets.
How do we fight back against PSS Urology?

We are losing accounts left and right in Urology. Bipolar is under fire. Management is doing nothing.
PSS is very motivated and executing quickly on bipolar targets.
How do we fight back against PSS Urology?

Nils, if you'd stop blowing the dicks of upper management and start managing our business, maybe your whole sales force wouldn't resign. Unfortunately, you have lost a lot of good urology relationships and experience.
You are a complete loser!