So let's talk about those TPS reports.
This has been explained.... UPS simply projects an anticipated delivery date based on the method (ground, next day, 2nd day, etc) of shipment the moment a label is printed. Doesn't mean the package is in transit or that UPS even has possession of it yet.Help me understand: Why would you guys receive a package before fridays call? Does anyone in HR know the answer?
Just learned not everyone had a label made that is getting cut at least not the first time around. There will be some surprises on Friday unfortunately.
And how do you know this?
What if I didn't get any packages at all,?
This has been explained.... UPS simply projects an anticipated delivery date based on the method (ground, next day, 2nd day, etc) of shipment the moment a label is printed. Doesn't mean the package is in transit or that UPS even has possession of it yet.
They'll keep amending the expected delivery date until they take possession. THEN one will see the usual tracking info that is normally displayed. It is 100%, definitively, the severance package.
I got both alerts last week, and the other one showed up today. Best of luck to all of you in the same boat.
Wrong it's a emailed delivery confirmation. Time of delivery is today from 12-4pm. You guys are just jealous I get mine today lol. Just means I get a jump on going through the 8lbs of material being sent. I hope you all that get a package get one today. Waiting in mean.
Change Delivery
Request Status Updates
Label Created On:
Scheduled Delivery:
Thursday, 02/06/2014, By End of Day
There you go...
For the final time, non of these UPS packages have been dropped off and processed for delivery. That's why it says: "order processed, ready for UPS. It is not "in transit" therefore it won't be delivered today. Guarantee you see the shipping info updated sometime this morning for delivery tomorrow. I don't know why this has been so hard to understand. Good luck everyone.
I am an ABL & have a mailer coming from Lenexa, Kansas on Wednesday (2/5). Sender is "DC Personal" and it requires a signature. Any one else get one of these?
I got a similar notice from same sender. I called UPS and they are sending it back now. Wonder what it was?
What was inside the package? I just received a UPS InfoNotice yesterday at my door because
I was not home, When I called Ups they said its coming from DC Personal in KS.