Upcoming re-org

The sky is falling!! You all need to chill. Yes, Dynamic Targeting is the worst, yes we could definitely use a realignment, but do you actually think it will happen? My guess, probably not. They would have announced it already! There's no way they will announce this in Oct/Nov/Dec

The sky is falling!! You all need to chill. Yes, Dynamic Targeting is the worst, yes we could definitely use a realignment, but do you actually think it will happen? My guess, probably not. They would have announced it already! There's no way they will announce this in Oct/Nov/Dec
Bullshit. Announce next week with calls in Jan. It’s the Lilly way

Dbu reps always work together. Everyone knows it. Waste of one salary when one person can do that job. Biggest joke here at Lilly other than oncology reps who never see anyone and LVA who sit home and talk to each other all day.
“Waste of one salary”?..A lot of territories have 3 P.C. reps. Imagine having 3 reps showing up together for lunch doing the job of one competent rep?..

I must be honest. I am a rep in the dbu. My territory partner and I share lunches all the time. We both have a mutual understanding to not call each other before 10am and after 1pm. Life is so good. Hopefully it doesn't end soon.

Then you must be a ghost because there isn’t a week that goes by where we do not have some type of call in the mornings, afternoons, mentor calls, project calls, huddles, etc. You and your partner must literally suck ass and/or not have any career aspiration goals.

Then you must be a ghost because there isn’t a week that goes by where we do not have some type of call in the mornings, afternoons, mentor calls, project calls, huddles, etc. You and your partner must literally suck ass and/or not have any career aspiration goals.
I think you missed the sarcasm.

what will time frame be? announced? reps allocated? then implemented? any info on VERP?
Is this total make over of PCP and Spec territories? someone inside share...around the holidays is not "respect for people"