Union East Coast


I am so thrilled to read the previous post that states the union is coming! Maybe us lower level employees can keep our jobs without fear, I am a KAE who is very close to a lot of my phlebs and the fear out there is real. My people are scared of management in the area I work and I try to help them the best i can but I am in fear as well.... Hope they come quick!

Why would anyone put their employees careers ahead of their own? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard! Who are you?....Jesus? Gimme a break.

when your employees do great, the manager looks and does great. As an employee, if you know your manager cares about you and your career, they will run through a wall for you. At labcorp, it's glaringly obvious managers only care about their own careers. I am sure that concept is way over your head and the concept is above your intelligence level, but try to keep up junior.

Your comment is a clear indicator you are ripe for the labcorp management track which is the jayvee level in the medical industry. Good luck junior

when your employees do great, the manager looks and does great. As an employee, if you know your manager cares about you and your career, they will run through a wall for you. At labcorp, it's glaringly obvious managers only care about their own careers. I am sure that concept is way over your head and the concept is above your intelligence level, but try to keep up junior.

Your comment is a clear indicator you are ripe for the labcorp management track which is the jayvee level in the medical industry. Good luck junior

The business world is a tough place. You keep dreaming that anybody ever cared about you and see where that gets you. I know better. I watch my back at every turn. I puy my head down and do my job. I don't need my manager to crash the wall. I do it on my own. You need to understand all employees are numbers at any level. I keep my nose çlean and my eye on the prize.....retirement. Save the management rah rah crap. Shut up and do your damn job. Losers like you who think others need to carry you through the wall make me sick. Pussy!

I am so thrilled to read the previous post that states the union is coming! Maybe us lower level employees can keep our jobs without fear, I am a KAE who is very close to a lot of my phlebs and the fear out there is real. My people are scared of management in the area I work and I try to help them the best i can but I am in fear as well.... Hope they come quick!

It is no surprise that you are nothing more than a low level employee. Enjoy your lot in life. You will never achieve more.

The business world is a tough place. You keep dreaming that anybody ever cared about you and see where that gets you. I know better. I watch my back at every turn. I puy my head down and do my job. I don't need my manager to crash the wall. I do it on my own. You need to understand all employees are numbers at any level. I keep my nose çlean and my eye on the prize.....retirement. Save the management rah rah crap. Shut up and do your damn job. Losers like you who think others need to carry you through the wall make me sick. Pussy!


Nobody needs a manager to help them sell, idiot.... Labcorp has so much red tape and seventeen million forms to get anything done and the truth is you can only do very little on your own. there is very little autonomy or entrepreneurial spirit! Anybody that works for labcorp knows the above article is their current "manager" right now. There are no leaders!