Uncle Bronco's MARCH MADNESS MANIA 2013!

I like ASU for football, but not so much for B-Ball. I also dont like the DUcks for B-Ball either. I am more of an east coaster for B-ball. I also like Syracuse.

Syracuse? You pick all the winners, Tink. That's not fair. You should pick a cinderella team too. Like Gonzaga or Butler or Davidson - you know, one of those teams. You pick the sure things. That's no fun. Take a risk! Live on the wild side! :D

Tinker, I just scanned over the MM 2012. I see that I did it round by round but don't think I had a cumulative score for a final winner, did I? It will be better this year. Let's put our heads together about some of the rules and how we want to score it - by percentages or just raw wins, round by round? Okay?

I noticed that Libluvs played. I hope he returns in 2013. I hope NTL plays too. And Breaking News. And if Sheriff Due-Doo and Muff-Muff want to join in ...... well, that's just fine by me! :D

I am an equal opportunity host. All are welcome!!!

Tinker, I just scanned over the MM 2012. I see that I did it round by round but don't think I had a cumulative score for a final winner, did I? It will be better this year. Let's put our heads together about some of the rules and how we want to score it - by percentages or just raw wins, round by round? Okay?

I noticed that Libluvs played. I hope he returns in 2013. I hope NTL plays too. And Breaking News. And if Sheriff Due-Doo and Muff-Muff want to join in ...... well, that's just fine by me! :D

I am an equal opportunity host. All are welcome!!!

I am in, I can't speak for Sheiff Due-Doo, we are are no longer on speaking terms. He cheated on me, and I just don't need that kumbotcha if you know what I mean. But I am down for some hoops.

I am in, I can't speak for Sheiff Due-Doo, we are are no longer on speaking terms. He cheated on me, and I just don't need that kumbotcha if you know what I mean. But I am down for some hoops.

Greetings Muff-Muff, Uncle Bronco here.

First off, I welcome you with open arms to Uncle Bronco's MARCH MADNESS MANIA 2013. I promise you a couple weeks of fun, excitement and entertainment. But I urge you to start studying the NCAA B-ball teams now and don't wait until it's time to make your picks, as it could get very confusing for you at the last minute to try to make sense of which teams are the best.

My fav team is the Gonzaga Bulldogs, Muff-Muff. I call them 'The Zags'. The won again last night but scared me a little. They were ahead of St. Mary's by as much as 20, but St. Mary's came back in the 2nd half and The Zags only won by 5. But that makes The Zags 16-1 now and they will probably move to #8 or lower in the nation. I love my Zags, Muff-Muff.

I am very sorry to hear about your difficulties with Sheriff Due-Doo. I don't know if the Sheriff plans to play MM 2013, but if he does I just want to make sure that your falling out won't disrupt our family affair, as it is intended to be a time of celebration and not a time of strife. So I hope that you and the Sheriff can mend your troubles before MM 2013 starts. I do not want to play the part of relationship counselor or disciplinarian. Please don't put me in that position. Just curious, who did the Sheriff cheat with? It wasn't one of our other players, was it? And, yes, you can name names. I run a clean board with a moral code. I will not tolerate inter-player sexual affairs. I just won't. So please advise me of the Sheriff had an affair with one of our active players. Thank you in advance.

Okay, have a nice day, Muff-Muff. Just remember, dear. There are alot of fish in the ocean and you deserve a nice partner. Don't give up looking. My dad used to tell me "There's not a handful, son. There's a landful." Just be a little more selective next time.

Naturally I have not hear Sheriff Due-Doo's side of the story, so I can not be too judgemental. I will try to keep an open mind here. My dad always told me "Son, there are always 2 sides to a story. Chances are one or both are lying. Be careful in choosing sides."

I always hear Dad's voice when these matter arise.

Bye, Muff-Muff.

Uncle Bronco here.

I see that Corky Muldanado played in last year's MM competition.

I would like to put out an APB (All Points Bulletin) for Corky to see if we can find him and bring him back for 2013. He was a premier player. He came in last place, but he was lots of fun.

Is there any way we can do a search of the penal institutions across the USA?

If anyone knows Corky's whereabouts, please contact him and have him get in touch.

Thank you. Over and out.

Greetings Muff-Muff, Uncle Bronco here.

First off, I welcome you with open arms to Uncle Bronco's MARCH MADNESS MANIA 2013. I promise you a couple weeks of fun, excitement and entertainment. But I urge you to start studying the NCAA B-ball teams now and don't wait until it's time to make your picks, as it could get very confusing for you at the last minute to try to make sense of which teams are the best.

My fav team is the Gonzaga Bulldogs, Muff-Muff. I call them 'The Zags'. The won again last night but scared me a little. They were ahead of St. Mary's by as much as 20, but St. Mary's came back in the 2nd half and The Zags only won by 5. But that makes The Zags 16-1 now and they will probably move to #8 or lower in the nation. I love my Zags, Muff-Muff.

I am very sorry to hear about your difficulties with Sheriff Due-Doo. I don't know if the Sheriff plans to play MM 2013, but if he does I just want to make sure that your falling out won't disrupt our family affair, as it is intended to be a time of celebration and not a time of strife. So I hope that you and the Sheriff can mend your troubles before MM 2013 starts. I do not want to play the part of relationship counselor or disciplinarian. Please don't put me in that position. Just curious, who did the Sheriff cheat with? It wasn't one of our other players, was it? And, yes, you can name names. I run a clean board with a moral code. I will not tolerate inter-player sexual affairs. I just won't. So please advise me of the Sheriff had an affair with one of our active players. Thank you in advance.

Okay, have a nice day, Muff-Muff. Just remember, dear. There are alot of fish in the ocean and you deserve a nice partner. Don't give up looking. My dad used to tell me "There's not a handful, son. There's a landful." Just be a little more selective next time.

Naturally I have not hear Sheriff Due-Doo's side of the story, so I can not be too judgemental. I will try to keep an open mind here. My dad always told me "Son, there are always 2 sides to a story. Chances are one or both are lying. Be careful in choosing sides."

I always hear Dad's voice when these matter arise.

Bye, Muff-Muff.

do you hear these voices inside your head or from the dogs mouth or the microwave or the ice-maker?

Yes, Uncle Bronco = BroncoBoy.

BroncoBoy does not = Sheriff Due-Doo, Muff-Muff or any other character. If they did BroncoBoy would tell you so. BroncoBoy is honest. One of the few honest ones on this board. When are you going to let that sink in between your ears?

Why don't you accuse me of being BroncoFraud too?

Hell, accuse me of being White Trash while you're at it! :D

Btw, are you watching the Gonzaga/St. Mary's game. Halftime. The Zags are up by about 15. Those are my boys. I love the Zags!

The Zags are = to Boise and Oregon for me on the basketball court!

BroncoBoy, I am very concerned. You just referred to yourself in the 3rd person....People who do that are seriously bat shit crazy...

Yes, Uncle Bronco = BroncoBoy.

BroncoBoy does not = Sheriff Due-Doo, Muff-Muff or any other character. If they did BroncoBoy would tell you so. BroncoBoy is honest. One of the few honest ones on this board. When are you going to let that sink in between your ears?

Why don't you accuse me of being BroncoFraud too?

Hell, accuse me of being White Trash while you're at it! :D

Btw, are you watching the Gonzaga/St. Mary's game. Halftime. The Zags are up by about 15. Those are my boys. I love the Zags!

The Zags are = to Boise and Oregon for me on the basketball court!

Thou protesteth too much.

I sense lots of hosility from BamaBoy, Pale and the anon poster.

I recommend that you follow my example. Get your hostility out - then let it go. Act like a hound dog who got his bone taken away by his owner. He growls and snarls and might even bite. Then 5 minutes later he's wagging his tail and wants his owner to throw the tennis ball that he can fetch.

Hound dogs are often smarter than some human beings. Follow the hound dog's example.

March Madness is supposed to be a celebration. Bring your happy face. Leave your sad face and butt-hurt behind.

Otherwise, don't play.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Uncle Bronco.

Gather 'round, players. Uncle Bronco here.

I want my players to stay in tip-top shape inbetween competitions. So I have come up with some mandated physical training requirements for all of you to follow as we head into March Madness competition. These are NOT optional. We want a smart team, and we want a fit team. So please take heed:

(1) Wind sprints to the refrigerator. I want all of you to get a stop watch. On you next trip from the couch to the refrigerator for another beer or a snickers candy bar, I want you to time yourself. In a full-on sprint, most living room couches are within 5 seconds from the fridge. So this is not asking too much. If your couch is downstairs or upstairs all the better. It will push you even harder and that is what we want. Keep a written log. Let's set a goal for you to cut down your time by 20% by March 19 when MM begins. Let's say you're bigscreen is downstairs. And in a trial run it took you 20 secs to make it to the fridge. I want you down to 16 secs (20 secs less 20%) by the start of game day. Ok? I may ask for random checks in the interim to gauge your progress.

(2) If you have children aged 3 to 17 I want you to buy a tennis ball if you don't already have one. Once a day Mon-Fri (preferrably when the sun is out) go out in your front yard. Have your kid(s) throw the tennis ball in your yard (no more than a 15 yard throw) and I want you to scramble on all four to the tennis ball, grab it with your teeth and return it to your kid(s). Do this 3 times each session. If your neighbors come outside and get a kick out of this, all the better. The objective of our team is to not only stay in shape and be smart, but to entertain as well. It will provide you children with some added fun too.

(3) Instead of sitting on your toilets to relieve yourselves I would like you to squat over your toilets so that you are elevated 6" to one foot off the seat. This is a great way to increase stamina and your quads. We had an leg injury or two during NCAA Pick 'Em and I would like to avoid a repeat during MM. I don't think this is asking too much. If you can't hit the hole from 6" to a foot above the seat, then perhaps you should have second thoughts about remaining on the team. We should be better than that. Let's strive for excellence, Ok?

(4) Do you folks own dogs? For those of you who do, this is an excellent drill. Everytime your dog barks I want you to do 15 jumping jacks. So, let's say that you are standing in your front yard having a chat with one of your neighbors. When Fido let's out a yelp - stop the conversation temporarily and knock out 15. If you have a terrier or a dog that barks excessively, so much the better. You will come to MM in great shape and be a fine example to the rest of our players. And, as a side benefit, both your dog and your neighbors will gain great amusement from your antics. Don't forget. One of our objectives is to entertain.

(5) Finally, we must also be emotionally strong since the intense MM competition may test our patience and resolve in the heat of the battle. This drill is great if you have a spouse. But if you have a BF or GF it works well too. If not, solicit the help from a friend or neighbor. Twice a day I want your spouse, significant other, etc... to blurt out "Damn, you're a certified idiot. Get your crap together! You must have the brains of a piss-ant!". When you hear these words spoken you will probably feel your blood pressure rise a bit. That's okay. I want you to use Uncle Bronco's visual relaxation response to overcome your natural reaction. Visualize yourself naked wearing a French bonnet with tassels around your wrists and ankles with the colors representing your fav B-ball team and dancing in front of your boss and fellow workers. You'll be laughing so hard you will forget what your spouse or significant other said to you. This will build your ability to withstand heckles and cat calls during MM competition.

Ok, that's it for today. Thank you for your dedication and perseverance in being the best player that you can be. Uncle Bronco is always available should you have any questions or comments about the foregoing drills.

We are #1!

Uncle Bronco

I will play, but don't worry about my winning on anything but luck. I don't know much about college hoops. Gators to the Sweet 16!

I will play, but don't worry about my winning on anything but luck. I don't know much about college hoops. Gators to the Sweet 16!

Oh, yes. You are welcomed too, Fucktard. I hold no grudges. You are welcomed to join us.

But we will not have any of the shennanigans we experienced in NCAA Pick 'Em. I will be the one moderating and scoring, so everything will be above board and done with impeccable integrity.

No big rules. Just the common ones. No picking after the games start. We will have round by round winners and we will have the ultimate winner (King or Queen, if you will) who has the highest cumulative score (we will just go by raw wins over percentages, unless you want to go with percentages. I can do that too. And I field any suggestions from the players to make it a more enjoyable experience for all.

We will not play the odds. These will be straight picks. Either win or lose. No math involved. Let's keep it simple.

Since it's round by round a player can jump in at any time. Oh, and I was thinking about it. Since we are going with raw win picks - a player can, let's say, enter in the 2nd or 3rd rounds and still win the King or Queen award as long as he or she has the largest cumulative number of wins. But coming in late puts that player at a disadvantage since he or she did not pick all the games and therefore lost the opportunity for the extra wins.

If Pale wants to play he can too. So go tell your friend to join us. Just tell him to behave himself. Uncle Bronco does not tolerate misbehavior.

Ok. Enjoy your day.

I think Gonzaga surprises and ends up in the top 4.

Right now Gonzaga is #3 in the nation @ 26-2. One bad ass team with lots of depth. That 7 ft. forward name Kelly Olynek (sp) is hell on wheels. He moves like he's 6'3. Like a ballerina under the hoop. Nice kid too. No big attitude. I hope he stays on with Gonzaga for his last year but no doubt some pro team will snatch him up with an offer that he can't refuse. His only shortcoming I think is body strength. He needs to put more meat on the bones. He'll likely get shoved around a lot under the boards in the pros. That's why I hope he plays college ball for another year. The coach should hook him up with a hot little canadian girl (he's canadian, btw) to keep him in Spokane. 22 year old boys think with their members. That's what I would do if I were his coach. Hook him up and give the hotty one of my basketball scholarships and let her polish the balls during practice.

I think Gonzaga surprises and ends up in the top 4.

Right now Gonzaga is #3 in the nation @ 26-2. One bad ass team with lots of depth. That 7 ft. forward name Kelly Olynek (sp) is hell on wheels. He moves like he's 6'3. Like a ballerina under the hoop. Nice kid too. No big attitude. I hope he stays on with Gonzaga for his last year but no doubt some pro team will snatch him up with an offer that he can't refuse. His only shortcoming I think is body strength. He needs to put more meat on the bones. He'll likely get shoved around a lot under the boards in the pros. That's why I hope he plays college ball for another year. The coach should hook him up with a hot little canadian girl (he's canadian, btw) to keep him in Spokane. 22 year old boys think with their members. That's what I would do if I were his coach. Hook him up and give the hotty one of my basketball scholarships and let her polish the balls during practice.

Who have they beaten again?